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Everything posted by MandiCaudle

  1. Hey all! I'm aiming for 7/12/2012 at the moon palace right now so thought I would drop in to say hi! I think I'm in the same situation as Bojanglesgirl, I requested 7/12/2012 about a week ago and haven't been emailed since. I called them real quick and was told that they we're just waiting to hear back from the minister, but they said they would email in another day or two. I am kinda hoping they email tomorrow, since tomorrow is 7/12/2011 and I kinda want to feel secure in thinking that its one year til the wedding
  2. Hey all! I'm Mandi and am planning a wedding at Moon Palace for July 2012. Hopefully picking the exact date on Sunday!!! I'm very excited to visit this forum and get to know you guys!
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