I been so busy lately, I will try to get the review up by later next week. I did bring down my own decor, and Elizabeth (my WC) didn't charge me a cent to put it all together. If you have her, you will have nothing to worry about. All I heard from her are 'Okay' and 'Yes', I don't think I've ever heard her say the two dreaded word 'but' or 'no'. For my food option, I did 2 appetizer (soup and salad), and entree (choice of fish and beef), I asked them to serve the wedding cake as dessert. If you opt for the 2 entree option, you will have to come up with a plan to to distinguish which guest is having what, so that the waiter know what to serve and to whom. I came up with these plastic shooter glass filled with sand, the pink ones = beef, and I had blue ones = fish. Let me know if you have any more questions.