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Everything posted by vickib

  1. Thanks for this great site. I am trying really hard to get to my 150 posts so I can download or even open attachements!
  2. I wondered the same thing (I pack very heavy)! I have decided to hold a Mexican Fiesta before we all go on our wedding trip! This is a great opportunity to hand out the bags, have my guests personalize their mugs (with glitter or fancy markers), get to meet each other and enjoy a margarita or two!
  3. How about having each person personalize themselves with some goodies from a craft store like Michaels. I am hoping to find a sparkle marker or glitter sticks!
  4. Ladies, another good place to check out is the TLC stores!
  5. THANKS MonicaK! You looked awesome! AND your were right, the colour turned out perfect in your pictures! v
  6. I like your ideas! I hope to stick with tropical colours. Tan looks nice too but not alot of fun!
  7. And one more......Keeper of the Stars by Tracey Bird There is also a nice selection from Vitamin String Quartet
  8. My FI is portuguese so we will be fitting in a song called "The Wedding Song" by Demis Rousso (I have to admit that I actually like it!
  9. A couple of nice ones.....Butterfly Waltz and A Walk in the Forest
  10. Help! Looking for coordinating colours with Davids Bridal GUAVA! Any suggestions?
  11. Thanks for the review....looking forward to Feb 2012!!!
  12. HELP!! I am looking for matching/coordinating colours for Davids Bridal Guava! Any suggestions?
  13. When they said they could create your custom bouquets, did they give you a price?
  14. We were there Feb of 2010 and didnt really have a mosquito problem. My FI is allergic to mosquito bites and although we go prepared, he was fine! I have been reading Tripadvisor and right now I understand that the mosquitos are really bad. Guess its the time of year.
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