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Everything posted by celticgirl

  1. I really like these! I did boarding passes for my STD, I love being able to DIY!
  2. Wonderful job! I was wondering if you happen to have a pic of the bags you got from zellers for your OOT?
  3. This thread was SO helpful to me! I was having trouble figuring out what people would actually use!
  4. What did you search to find these? I am having a little bit of dificulty finding them on Amazon..
  5. You may have already posted this, sorry if you did.. but where did you get your beach bags??
  6. So I saw on another thread that a Bride had emailed the Jamaican Tourist Board and asked for a tour guide! So, I did the same, for each couple... I asked them if they would mind sending 37 copies of their tour guides and anything they had with information on Jamaica, they mailed them via Fedex, and they will be arriving next week! I thought this would be a great thing to put in my OOT bags, and the best part were, they are FREE! For those not going to Jamaica, you should search for the tourist board for where you are visiting and ask them if you can have the same, or contact the hotel and ask what they carry for magazines, the one magazine company I emailed said they can have enough waiting at the hotel for me specifically when I arrive!
  7. For some reason, I got my government cheques in the mail today!!! I think that when you order from Oriental trading that it will come from UPS or purolator, I could be wrong but I dont think they use canada post because they are american arent they?
  8. I love this!!! I cant find mini first aid kits anywhere, so I may be stealing this idea.
  9. well at least theres a light at the end of the tunnel, that sounds like something that would happen to me!
  10. Great Idea, did you figure something out for yourself?
  11. Do you remember what you typed into the search for the bags?? I cant seem to find them, but I love them!! Great work on everything, it turned out great
  12. Thanks for asking this question, I was wondering the same thing!!! And thanks to everyone for posting these vendors!
  13. This was very unique! Would you mind sharing how you did this?? I am very interested in having this for my FI, we cant come to a decision on flowers so this would work great!!
  14. Loved this!! I would love to get the templates off you if you wouldnt mind!
  15. I too was wondering this!!! I think I like the having the reception by the pool idea!
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