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Everything posted by Ariane1126

  1. We got married the day before we left at the courthouse. We just thought of it as doing the paperwork before we left lol. We just went in street chothes and didnt make any fuss about it. We also didn't tell any of our guests. Good Luck!
  2. Do the beach the Gazebo is not private at all, its next one of the main walkways to get down to the beach and the beach bar. Also choose North beach not South beach, its way more private and like i said before away from the beach bar.
  3. I made them, thanks for noticing!! i spray painted starfish and put beads in the bottom of the vase. The candles were real, you just have to make sure ur vase is tall enough so the wind cant get to them!
  4. No we chose to do the preferred club, because the rooms have wayyy better views. Well we had an awesome travel agent that got us a reallly good price im not sure what the rates are now they change so often.
  5. With the Love package and the photo package we purchased we got to choose a total of 236 pictures, i think we had 400 or so to choose from, it was really hard to narrow down cuz we loved most of them!!! We almost got all the TTD pics cuz they were my favorite! Yea you choose and get in contact with your photographer and they will let you know if it works with their schedule. No problem, any other questions just ask!
  6. Thanks!! I got it at a place in Dundee Il called shellys bridal. I used the same dress, and my dress is in perfect condition, i just rinsed it off in the shower when we got back to the room. We payed for Anels transportation to the hotel early in the morning so we could do our ttd at sunrise at 6:20 AM!
  7. We bought the photo package for 1400 it includes 6 hours of coverage i think and then your TTD and 200 pics. IT was worth every penny!
  8. Yea they are super quick i had my ceremony on the 22nd, ttd on the 27 and we got to pick out all our pics at the resort on the 29th. We went and had dinner then stopped back in to get our CD with all of our pics! Then she emailed me my slideshow today! They said i should have my photobook in about 6 weeks, im hoping its here for our AHR on June 16th!
  9. Got my slideshow ladies http://220412zaborowski.dreamsriveriacancun.adventurephotos.com.mx/
  10. At first it was pretty windy, but it died down. I recommend for the ceremony wearing it up. Then when you do ur trash the dress wear it down. She positioned me in ttd pics so my hair was blowing away from me so it worked out perfect! during the ceremony you don't have that choice you have to stand in one spot.
  11. Thanks!, i brought chair bows and table overlays and orange napkins, i purchased them at weddinglinensdirect.com they are really cheap and looked amazing. I loved the jacuzzi for cocktail hour. The gazebo isnt really in a good location in my opinion, its rite next to the main walk way to get down to the beach....people were respectful that a wedding was taking place, but just wanted to let you know. no we couldnt do a buffet we didnt have enough people we had a plated dinner. If you have any other questions let me know. If you go on the dreams web page you can see a live web cam of the pool area and gazebo, it will give you an idea of the location and whats around it.
  12. Ladies i thought of one more thing if you qualify for the romantic dinner on the beach make sure you schedule it with the concierge, it was absolutely amazing!!! They set up a table under the Chuppah where we got married at on the beach, it was so romantic! Also don't forget to schedule your couples massage it was amazing!
  13. Thnaks! We actually brought down with us small speakers that have an ipod plug in. He had been wanting them for a long time so i let him get them cuz i could use them for the wedding lol there audio engine 5 speakers. They have a sound system you can rent tho i think its around 180 or so. We used there sound system for the ceremony and ours for the reception. I definitely recommend using there's for the ceremony cuz they have a technician that fades in between the songs for you. You just give them a CD with the song number and when it should be played.
  14. hmmm do you have a facebook account? cuz you have to click on the link then sign into your facebook then it should show you them, i think lol im not very computer savvy lol
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