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Everything posted by Nikadawn

  1. We are getting upgraded one room category. This was an offer from our tour operator negotiated by our travel agent. Basically every tour op has an allotment of rooms at the resort and the more of their rooms you fill with gueststhe more rewards they offer you, ie. with more than 10 rooms booked we got our upgrade, with more than 20 rooms we might get a free excursion, etc. From what I've heard from previous brides I know if you are booking independantly rather than with a tour operator like sunquest, etc. then you are in a better position to negotiate with the hotel themselves. It's easy for them to say no in an email, when you arrive to check in they know exactly how many empty rooms they have to offer the pretty little bride standing infront of them
  2. Hi Ladies! Just wondering if any other brides here are fitness/figure competitors? I'm very torn as to exactly where I want my physique to be come wedding day in January. My next competition isn't until April so I should be nearing the end of my build cycle and preparing to start cutting down a few weeks after the wedding. While this may sound ideal as it basically means I can eat whatever I want while we're in Jamaica, I also find that I'm a bit on the puffy side at this phase in my training. I think I look my best about half-way through my leaning out phase, not too ripped and not puffy anymore, however we all know what happens when you go on vacation during a cutting phase, you can't handle your booze and eating anything heavy makes you sick. I'm thinking start my leaning out a month before the wedding and eat like a normal person for one week before we leave. Anyone with some experience on this?
  3. This is adorable! I tried to check them out yesterday but Etsy was down. Fingers crossed that they are up and running again today.
  4. Aww Tracy that sucks! It would have been super cute too. I like the blue undies idea though. I have no shortage of blue as turquoise is my signature colour. If only you were in Ottawa I would totally have you covered. I'm so excited for you that you leave this weekend! If this is the biggest thing to go wrong then you will have a FANTASTIC wedding.
  5. Your pictures are fantastic! Thank you so much for sharing them with us! The glamour shots of the shoes were my favorite
  6. Have you asked about the bonfire yet? Or has anyone here read a review by someone who did it for a welcome party? Just curious cause with the one wedding per day policy I'm wondering if it's possible to book a bonfire if somebody else is getting married that night and wants a bonfire for their reception.
  7. Shipping will cost extra but she gave me a rough estimate based on her last shipment to Ontario, around $65, not cheap but that's insured as well. She releases a limited number of shipping dates every 6 months and I snapped up her last available date in November. However check out her ready-to-ship items as well, they are premade bouquets and bouts that are ready to go at any time.
  8. I did look at the site, they were already booked beyond my wedding date.
  9. Yay, now the fun stuff can begin! Congrats on picking your resort!
  10. My profile pic here is of me in my clip in extensions with my bangs pulled back. My hair is almost shoulder length and very thin and fine. I got the extensions at Trade Secrets for around $60. These ones are not real hair but you can dye, curl or straighten them as desired. I went back and bought the same brand but made of real hair for my wedding day.They look a little better every time you put them in as you get better at placing the clips so they don't make any bumps. The ones I use for the wedding I will bring to my hairstylist to trim to just below my shoulders and put in a nice beachy wave as I will be wearing my hair down. Then on the big day all I need to do is put my hair in big fat rollers and then clip in my pre styled extensions!
  11. Sharan! What an amazing job you did! It must have taken so much planning to pull all of that together. But obviously it was worth it. Those few pictures I saw spoke volumes of who the two of you are and came together in such a unique and beautiful way.
  12. Wow, girl you ARE having a rough week. I can't believe someone you are close enough with to have as a MOH would do that to you. Congrats on getting your dress though!
  13. Hey J and G! I think with your schedule the best thing to do would be to ditch the traditional cardio and weight circuits every day. Set up 5 resistance exersizes that work as many muscle groups as possible, use enough weight that you can't complete more than 15 or 16 reps. Then go through all 5 of them as quickly as you can with good form, doing 12 reps each. Rest after the 5th but only for 30-60 seconds, as soon as your breathing starts to slow down you need to get moving again, this way you burn more calories than old-school cardio and you build a little lean muscle mass to speed up your metabolism. Ex.: Squats with a shoulder press - pushup and row - front lunge with a bicep curl - hamstring curls on a stability ball - lat pulldown
  14. No prob! If you can cut out all simple carbs (bread, rice, pasta, cereal, sugar) for 5 weeks and only eat fruit in the am, you can eat unlimited amounts of protein and vegetables and still lose weight. Have a very small serving of healthy fats at every meal too. But make sure you go back to eating normally about 4 or 5 days before the wedding. This will ensure you aren't foggy headed from the lack of carbs and you won't get stomache cramps from overindulging down south.
  15. I'm a personal trainer and I have done P90X just for fun and it is a really great workout if you stick with it. Following the nutrition program that comes with it will help big time. If you want to lose weight more than you want to tone up then my recommendation would be to do more legs. It doesn't have a huge amount of leg work in it and as a trainer (and someone who has lost over 140 lbs.) I always do TONS of leg exersizes with ppl looking for weight loss. This is because your legs hold the biggest muscles in your body so working them alot burns the most calories possible in every workout. You can throw in 20-30 min of legs every other day and should see much faster results that way. Good luck!
  16. Bit of an update. I found a lady in California who specializes in real touch frangipani flowers, which is the type I've had such a hard time locating. Not only does she ship to Canada, she is custom making my bouquet, 2 bridesmaids bouquets, 3 bouts and a floral cake topper all for $270. Total! Super excited to have this done now.
  17. This is why I ordered fake flowers to bring with me. Beside the ridiculous prices I just can't stand giving control over such an important part of my wedding to ppl who can't even communicate.
  18. That's absurd! It's not like you want them to chop the whole dress to bits! How much of a change are you making? Maybe if you find a good independant seamstress and pay her well you'll have better luck?
  19. Yeah their prices have gone up big time recently. I decided to order bouquets from a florist who uses real touch flowers. Almost half the price and they last forever! And I'm trying to figure out some ideas for non-flower centerpieces.
  20. Yay! Congrats and welcome to your newest addiction, lol.
  21. That's a great idea. Try it on and see if you still love it after all this time, if so then go for it! With your hair and makeup all done it will still look wedding-y.
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