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Everything posted by arnriv0070612

  1. Excellindy - beautiful pictures - thanks for sharing!!! I'm getting married next Saturday at Hummingbird Hall - I can't wait!!!
  2. Hello All - has anyone used the DJ at Hummingbird Hall? What do you guys think of him? I just want to make sure we have a great dj. Let me know. Thanks.
  3. Hello All - I'm new to this thread - My FI and I are getting married at HH in July. We are actually just about to sign the contract. The only hold up for us at this point is getting a photography we like. We are currently booking the Hall for July 6, 2012 because we wanted Stacey Clarke and she's not available on our preferred date of July 7th. I'm looking for additional photographers at this point that might be available on July 7th - any suggestions? I know we can change the date up to two months from when we sign the original contract but would love to have this nailed down before signing. Thank you all and I love reading your posts - very helpful!!!
  4. HMM & Jacki - thank you so much. This is great information and it does quite down my concerns. I'm most likely selecting MDC and will be booking by the end of this week.
  5. Are no more posting being made to this thread?
  6. Hello All - I'm considering having my wedding at MDC in July of next year and really enjoyed reading all your posts. I'm torn between MDC and Beaches - I know, very different resorts. I'm considering Beaches because alot of my guests include small children and teenagers, however, I personally love the idea of a one of a kind wedding that is focused just on my FI and me. I've been told that this is my day and to do what will make me happy but I'm the type of person that think about others before myself. I'm concern about the cliffs and the small children (between the age of 5 and 8). Do any of you have small children at your wedding or plan to have small children at your wedding? Do you have any concerns about safety and the cliffs? Another hesitation is that the resort is not on the beach. For those of you who have been to the resort, did you miss not being on the beach? I know there's a shuttle to the beach, but does the shuttle take you to MDV, the sister location? Is there a cost for that? It just doesn't seem right not to be on the beach in beautiful Negril. Thanks much.
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