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Everything posted by JulieRose

  1. I need 4 MAILABLE plastic bottles for MIB thank yous. I want the ones that you can just put a sticker on and mail as opposed to the ones that would have to be boxed for mailing. If you also have any extra sand and/or seashells, I would be interested in that too. Tell me how much you want for them! Thanks!
  2. Thanks everybody. It's been about 2 weeks since this post and I'm pretty well over it. My fh really stepped up and started getting more involved. He's agreed to help with invite assembly and even making those dreaded calls to people who can't be bothered to RSVP. He went from very "yes dear" to actually voicing his opinions which is good. (He even made the final decision on the invite and it's perfect!) As for the MOH- she's respected my wishes and not tried to contact me. I still don't think she understands that it wasn't the backing out that bothered me as much as it was the tactless way she did it. A mutual friend tried to explain it to her but who knows if it got through. Either way, I'm done with her and it's been less stress ever since.
  3. Hey, I'm Julie. I've actually been lurking on and off for some time now but never posted before. I already see a few names I know from some other forums so you may already know me. My FI and I are getting married at sea somewhere in the western carribean aboard Princess Cruise Line's Crown Princess on April 15, 2012. For awhile it seemed like I was getting enough information from just reading the posts of others and not getting involved but recently there's been a lot of drama surrounding our wedding and it will be good to have a new sounding board for ideas. My mother lives 1000 miles away I was recently told that there will not be a wedding party (no, I did not decide this. The girl who was supposed to be my MOH did) so I'm feeling like I'm doing it all pretty much by myself with the occasional "I like that one" from the fiance when I hold up 2 invitations or a few favors for him to choose from. (He's so easy going I could plan whatever I wanted and he would be happy.) I'm not looking forward to going makeup shopping and to dress fittings and whatever other girly stuff will come up between now and then on my own but maybe having a bunch of ladies who are in similar positions to talk to will make it feel less lonely. wow... That was a downer, huh? lol. Anyway, "Hi!" (sorry, couldn't resist the dancing bunny...)
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