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Everything posted by RyGuysBride

  1. Thanks for the info! $32/ person is actually not too bad considering it's $800 to rent a private restaurant! Definitely something to consider! If it happens to rain, will they allow you to move the dinner into a restaurant?
  2. Hi Girls, I'm also trying to decide on a florist... Tai Flora is the florist the hotel uses but they get such mixed reviews!
  3. I ended up getting the girls dresses in turquoise. I'll also being using orange and fuchsia as accents. I want to get some pink in there!
  4. I guess not! haha What are the odds of having 2 red heads!?! They're not even related!
  5. I really like this! It's formal looking but not so over the top that it will be uncomfy on the beach! Great choice!
  6. Hey ladies! After a few weeks hiatus, I'm motivated to get back on track. My first goal is to lose 5 pounds in 3 weeks. Has anyone tried "myfitnesspal"? I've been using it to track food and workouts and it's awesome! I think twice about what I'm eating when I have to enter it into the log! I hope everyone is doing well!
  7. Thanks for the info! It seems a bit outrageous that they're charging us twice for the same thing! I'm going to email the resort about the florist before I even research different vendors. If it's that much extra in fees, that money would probably go a long way in additional flowers from Tai Flora.
  8. Hey! We are also considering doing some kind of dinner and reception on the beach. Would you mind letting me know what they charge for this?
  9. This sounds like a lot... I hired an outside photographer, can you confirm I have to pay the vendor fee and the day pass fee? ($175 in total). I was under the impression that it was jsut the vendor fee. How does this work for for florists?
  10. It seems like quite a few people are doing this combination! I think it looks great! Happy planning!
  11. Thanks! I would not have thought to look there for this... I'm not sure if it was in this thread or not but someone else also mentioned they have dress shirts in a huge variety of colors too!
  12. Love it! This is what we finally decided on too! I ordered the bridesmaids dresses in aqua and plan on incorporating the fuchsia and orange into decorations and flowers... I would have loved fuchsia for the girls dresses but I have 2 red heads that were not too excited about wearing bright pink!
  13. Thanks for writing this! I dropped a bit and now I'm stuck and ready to give up! You just reminded me that consistency pays off in the end! I'm at 158 now... I'm determined to get into the 140's!
  14. Wow! You're way ahead of me! I've booked Misha Earle for photography and purchased my gown but that's about it so far! I'm going to start looking into florists next! Floral Fantasies seems to be popular so I think I'm going to check them out!
  15. Congrats! Our wedding is at the Suites. There is another bride in the forum getting married on the 18th as well at the Beach. Where are you getting married?
  16. That is crazy! What are the chances!?! I'm excited to be sharing the date with another Ottawa bride! And anything to save money... I'm in! lol
  17. Beautiful! Congrats! Did you send a list of photos you wanted to Misha ahead of time or did you just let her run with it?
  18. For those of you going with the bird cage veil, how are you wearing your hair? I'm really torn on the whole thing!
  19. Awesome! Thanks for posting this!
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