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brit canuck

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Everything posted by brit canuck

  1. I used babyonline to make a champagne coloured dress and while the dress is very pretty, the colour is more a peachy colour, it actually looks like the colour of the pinker fresh water pearls, lovely but not really what I'd consider champagne. They also make one dress for me that was supposed to be chiffon and they made it in organza despite me saying 'exactly like the picture' then made me pay an extra $45 to have it remade in the right material, not much money I know but annoying when it wasn't what I'd asked for. They did do a good job but the lace applique which was supposed to be over my hip was actually placed directly over my groin in a bizarre 'Adam and Eve' highlighting kind of way and the same for the hip gathers, which were in the centre of the dress. The dresses I got were still beautiful and the lace work amazing but the sizes were way huge. Specify EXACTLY what you want. I have just used a different seller for the bridesmaid dresses (yourdresses) and I think they did an awesome job if the pictures are anything to go by (we'll see when they arrive). Their communication is excellent as well and prices great. Also found this cute site today http://wedzu.com/ for interesting wedding doodads.
  2. Good morning ladies. I've just found this site and thought it was a great resource for unusual wedding items so thought I'd share it. Of course now it has given me more ideas of things to make with the time I don't have! http://wedzu.com/
  3. Hi: I bought from this site www.idearibbon.com and got 270 ft of tulle for $57 total inc shipping to Canada. I'm tulling up a storm!
  4. Knowing how half the ATVing trips end here when dudes are involved, I'd give it a swerve. Golf? Suduko? Strippers?
  5. Sorry if anyone has already answered this but here's a link to the Government of Canada website with suggested info http://www.voyage.gc.ca/preparation_information/consent-letter_lettre-consentement-eng.asp
  6. Too funny, you and me both. I knew last week I had to stop and grab a bit of focus as I have a room full of wedding projects started and then began to pick out paint colours to repaint the house. I am spinning somewhat but have taken a couple of days to focus and will begin again, one job at a time (I'll also spend the weekend filling myself up with margaritas).
  7. I use the chat option on the dhgate website. Just pick a random picture of theirs if you can't find the one you want and just explain what you want. I've found Sunny very helpful and she has quite a good understanding of English (although trying to explain what I meant by an oyster colour was a little difficult and referencing mushrooms just made it spiral out of control!)
  8. I've used Babyonline. They made 1 of my dresses really quickly and got it to me within 2 weeks but that was because they'd made the initial dress out of the wrong material. The last of my 4 dresses (indecisive much?) was supposed to be ready on 14th July but got sent on 25th, saying that, it appears that it will arrive later today (27th). I'd suggest saying to them that you need it by 18th of next month latest and can they do that, that will then give you a couple of weeks wiggle room. By the way, me and all of my friends are really impressed with the quality of the dresses although you have to be very (and I cannot stress this enough) specific, ie same material, crystals wherever, exact length, and don't be surprised if it arrives a tad large. Good luck.
  9. Hi there! Popeye's Canada apparently has it http://www.popeyescanada.com/pro_emergen-c.php or I believe my sister has bought it at Walmart before. j
  10. I know you can get maracas at www.amols.com they seem very helpful and get back to you quickly. Where did you get the coozies? I'd worry about the flutes getting broken in transit but I'm sure if you pack them in styrofoam they'd be fine. I'd go with giving out the gift bags at check in as you'll have to pay an extra $$ to have them delivered to their rooms (better in our pockets than theirs). j
  11. Glad to hear that the Petit Gourmet was well received, was it filling enough for an evening meal (our wedding is at 5) and do you think fussy kids would like it? Mind you saying that, they're fussy whatever they get given so it really doesn't matter!
  12. For the three dresses I ordered that came to Ontario, I had to pay $45 import duty and fakey handling fees, which was annoying but not so bad. Apparently if you ask them to label your dress 'sample' it avoids these (could be an urban legend though).
  13. Hi: I've just got three dresses back from Babyonline and have to say overall, I'm impressed with the quality. A few points I would say is that I asked for a photo of the dresses and they sent them, which was good as they had forgotten to do a few things and one dress they had made in completely the wrong material (organza instead of chiffon) so it was a bit stiff but they remade it (after I had to pay an extra $40). So here are my pointers: 1. Insist on photo before they send it 2. Specify material 3. Tell them exactly where you want the details as even though mine had pleats on the left side of the dress, they did gathers in the middle on one 4. Make sure you mention embellishments 5. Remember to ask for bustle if you want it 6. It seems a foregone conclusion that your dresses are going to arrive in a larger size than you want but better that than small 7. Make sure they include petticoat if the dress is supposed to be big 8. The long and short of it is walk them through every details, which I did not like doing as it seemed kind of rude as they're the dress makers but had to in the end The quality of the material on the dresses I got is great, the lace is beautiful and the beading lovely. I'll get round to adding photos! Good luck.
  14. Love these, sorry if you've already answered but where did you get them from?
  15. Not sure if they'll be there now but as soon as I opened this page there were two pairs of bright yellow shoes shown. http://ninashoes.com/Default.aspx
  16. I have resigned myself to getting photos and a video that look like an amateur has taken them as I requested Santos from Caribe Photo through my wedding coordinator and she was told that I cannot make a specific request and they rotate. I haven't got the energy to organize an outside vendor and to be honest I don't trust the hotel not to tack on an extra 'extra' fee. Annoying when the photographer is not that cheap that you can't pick the one you want.
  17. These dresses are not plain, they are classic, there is a difference. Sometimes less is more and sometimes more is just bloody more. You will look stunning in either of these and I also think when you look back at your photos in 10 or 20 years time, you will not cringe as they are timeless. Saying that, everyone is entitled to an opinion.
  18. Oooo can I come? If so, 22nd would be good. Thanks
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