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Amber 5678

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Everything posted by Amber 5678

  1. For me it was about a month before I had heard back from the resort- if you are on a time constraint then you should call them. As for the cake, I highly recommend that you read through the previous posts (which I think is really helpful for anyone on here- its a pain, but you learn SO much starting from page 1) previous brides have posted pictures of their cakes and talk about the flavors they have liked!
  2. I am having a cocktail hour as well (its included with our package though). From what I heard, right after the ceremony is over they try to move your wedding party right along to the next thing. At least the cocktail hour will keep guests occupied while we take some pictures, and then we join them when we are done.
  3. I don't know if you guys noticed or not, but the 2012 prices are up on the DPC website. UGH!
  4. Thanks Raq! Yeah there are definitely a lot of pros to having a legal ceremony at home! I asked my FI about it and he doesn't care, which makes it even more difficult to decide. My dad thinks it would be great...so we'll see. So your legal ceremony will be on 11/11/11? That is so awesome!!!
  5. Hello everyone!! My name is Amber and I am getting married at DPC November 10, 2012. I have been booked for a while now. I started planning a local wedding, but after my FI realized how expensive it was he put the guilt on me saying "that's as much as a downpayment on a house!" Complaining from family members about the fact it was going to be in the evening and that they were already planning on leaving early really irked me. I finally just said to my FI- why are we even doing this?? So we decided on a destination wedding instead. A girl on The Knot suggested DPC and I fell in love right away, which I was so relieved about since I was emotionally drained from doing so much planning here locally (and having my heart already set on a great location and to have it slip away- I didn't think I could ever love anything else as much). I just recently found this forum- I was dissapointed that no one on the knot was really talking about Dreams. Thankfully an internet search led me here! I just spent the last week and a half reading through every single page here and I would recommend it for anyone new. I already booked Portofino Terrace for the reception (the pictures on here looked amazing) and the gazebo for the ceremony. And I just sent an email to Michael Weiler to book him as our photographer!!! Thanks to all of the previous brides for all of the recommendations and good advice, you are all so amazing! The only thing I can't decide on is how I want to handle the ceremony. I keep going back and forth on this one, and I hope one day it will just hit me and I will know what to do. I am torn between a home ceremony and civil at DPC without anyone knowing, or a ceremony by Pastor Rick York and sneak away for the legal one when the judge gets there. I think it would be nice to just get married in one day so that the real wedding day is the one that I originally picked, but then it would be great to avoid all of the red tape of the documents. I am not a fan of the WC doing the ceremony, on youtube videos they seem too rehearsed and does not seem too heartfelt or personalized to the couple. Is there anyone on here currently that has used Pastor Rick York? Did he meet with you ahead of time?
  6. Anyone here know if there is any availability of a string trio or quartet in DR??
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