We have 44 coming and we're doing out of town bags. My fiance is in the business world so he has quite a few connections. We're getting all of the couples a canvas beach tote that has their last name embroidered on it. The single guys will get a book bag with their last name on it too. Inside will be a beach towel for each person. We got these wholesale online - I am not sure how much as my parents paid for them. A pair of sunglasses, again a wholesale purchase. They come in various colors. I like them a lot. Mini tissues, mentos, a little survival kit with bandaids, medicines, aloe, and a biodegradable sunscreen tube. The sunscreen is required to snorkel down there. We bought a big tub of it and filled little bottles that say "Lindsey & Kevin's Magic Biodegradable Sunscreen." We put it in for the catamaran trip. We also had fancy Do Not Disturb signs made and water bottle labels, so there will be water for each person. We will include an itinerary and welcome letter too. Hope this helps!