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Everything posted by LindseyM

  1. I got married at DRC LAST JULY 20th and it was AMAZING!! My review is somewhere around page 800 in this thread...which does not help, I am sorry! It is also on trip advisor. Below is my video from Mike Cantarell Films and my photos from Adventure Photos. You will NOT regret switching to DRC. It was incredible. http://200712mcmahon.dreamsriveriacancun.adventurephotos.com.mx/
  2. I think we brought a good amount in cash but definitely paid for the whole wedding on a credit card. Have a blast!!!
  3. US Airways will not let you hang it but they gave me an entire compartment for just my dress, which was very nice. The hotel did a great job steaming it so try not to worry too much!
  4. If you don't bring sand ceremony stuff, they will provide it. Sorry, I can't help with the other things!
  5. Just an FYI, I brought my own flowers down from Alexis Grace Designs on Etsy. I only paid $350 for a boatload of flowers and bouts and now they're on display in my living room for me to look at and admire forever. I recommend that!!
  6. Hi girls, I decided since so many of you have questions about the stay at the resort and what to expect to make my albums on facebook public. I am only going to make them public for the weekend because I am very private but if you are curious I have my personal albums and then our professional photos album [has more photos than my slideshow]. Looking at them makes me think of warmer weather since we're about to get a bunch of snow this weekend!! The links are below: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.785113624300.2136246.45901758&type=3 https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.774646405690.2134279.45901758&type=3 https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.774654529410.2134282.45901758&type=3
  7. We booked a honeymoon suite and were upgraded to a master upon arrival. We tipped A LOT and made sure to be super kind to the wedding staff and the night of the rehearsal dinner they surprised us with the presidential suite for the rest of our stay. It could happen! JUST tip a lot and be super nice!
  8. That's great!!! I didn't think we paid much if anything but I had to push for it. He must have developed a relationship with them. They wouldn't use the resort videographer during our ceremony because they said he'd get in Mike's way and vice versa so they videoed my rehearsal dinner and had guests leave messages to us, which is nice to have too!
  9. Aww thank you! It was so so so amazing. I wish we could go back every day. Mike worked with two guys and their names are Jerry Guzman and Alex Gonzalez.
  10. Beautiful pics, Ashley! We got to stay in the presidential suite too!!! Isn't it awesome!? Also did our reception at Seaside Grill. I miss it!
  11. I think it has to be through them and directly over your anniversary. I don't know all the details because my husband wants to go somewhere new! He is crazy haha.
  12. There is but it is part of Excellence Riviera Cancun. I told Anel I wanted photos there and she said yes even though we weren't supposed to use it. Here is a link to my slideshow and video on the pier... http://200712mcmahon.dreamsriveriacancun.adventurephotos.com.mx/
  13. $300?!?! Is that what they're telling you?! NO! They worked something out with Mike because I pushed and pushed and pushed. They said he had to pay them 20% of what I paid him, which is crap. So I am not sure what happened and I'd have to look for my invoice but I don't think I paid anything. We told the resort that I paid Mike less than I did though! I honestly think if we paid anything for him it was the $150... my parents covered the bill though so I am not 100% sure...definitely not $300!! I just know they kept telling me no and I said I would have my wedding somewhere else then and then they said yes, but it was a battle. When the day came, they helped him find my room and there was nothing to worry about, but getting them to agree was annoying. I think since then, other brides have used him with no problem but he told me I was the first one there in a long long time. This is getting rambley but I definitely did not pay $300. That is absurd. That could be a 2013 thing to keep people from using outside vendors. I will say though, knowing how good his work is and how great he is to work with, I would probably pay the $300 if I were getting married today. Sorry if that was confusing!! Let me know if I can help any other way!
  14. Hi Elsa! You should be excited because it will be soooo worth it!! As much as I love our footage, I wish we got the 8 hour. We were eating dinner when Mike and his crew told us the five hours was almost up. We hadn't gotten any dance party footage so quickly everyone got on the dance floor and he got about 15 minutes of dance footage. He still did a fantastic job but if it is in your budget I would go with the 8 hour! I wish we would've done that. Hope I helped!
  15. Hi Emily! I haven't been on here in a while but I really wanted to weigh in on the video thing. I used Mike Cantarell Films, the cinenmatoography company associated with Cancun Wedding Video. It was truly such an amazing experience. I watch my highlight video constantly! The DVD and blu ray they sent us are incredible and I have raw footage from them on an external hard drive. Their quality and professionalism are outstanding. Not only that, I got a rehearsal dinner video from the resort photographer because their services could not be substituted and it is terrible. I know some people had a good experience with them but I wouldn't have traded mine with Mike for anything! Here is another link to our highlight: http://mikecantarellfilms.com/dreamsriviera/lindsey_kevin/
  16. Hi All! It's been a while since I got married at Dreams in July, but I wanted to repost some of my helpful info for those new brides who are experiencing some anxiety. Trust me, everything will turn out wonderful!! I wish I could go back to that trip every single day! Below is a link to my slideshow, review on tripadvisor, tour you tube videos from 2011, and our highlight video from Mike Cantarell. Enjoy!! http://200712mcmahon.dreamsriveriacancun.adventurephotos.com.mx/ http://www.tripadvisor.com/ShowUserReviews-g240327-d1550490-r135736219-Dreams_Riviera_Cancun_Resort_Spa-Puerto_Morelos_Yucatan_Peninsula.html http://www.youtube.com/belcantoragazza
  17. He was $2600 for 5 hours of filming. He brought two other guys will him so they were able to capture everything we wanted. The resort charged us $150 extra for bringing him in but when you look at their video quality in house it was worth EVERY FREAKING PENNY!
  18. We used Mike Cantarell Films. It was an incredible experience. Check them out... our video is on their site... MikeCantarellFilms.com We are Lindsey & Kevin.
  19. I just contacted him from his site... mikecantarellefilms.com He also owns Cancunweddingvideo.com but that is a slightly different style. The first website is more cinematography like. He was very prompt in responding via his website.
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