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Everything posted by babe81501

  1. my dress is the sottero and midgley adeorae. anybody else wearing this gown? if so what shoes and accessories???
  2. Congrats! i actually just got a new coordinator the other day waiting to hear back from her.
  3. just curious if anyone has used the photographers from beaches?
  4. Welcome to the group! I can't wait to bear how your planning goes! I am calling renee this week to start to book things!
  5. thats great that you finally talked to your consultant..i cant call mine till next week shes on vacation..dont drive yourself crazy with the dresses if you think its the one! i didnt cry or any of that! i just felt like ive never felt before..your lucky that ur fsil didnt want to be in it!
  6. good luck with the dress search..did you ever get a hold of your consultant? i hate to hurt other peoples feelings or to be on someones bad side in particular my fsil. im sending my save the dates out today!
  7. Yeah. They say that they will reply within 48 hrs. I ordered my save the dates and my dress that's about it on my end. Right now I'm stressing out on who should be bridesmaides. I already told my moh. I originally liked seaside serenade but it's crazy the price for the tables.
  8. thats crazy i would try to call again and say you need to schedule your appointment with her. have you started to do any planning yet?
  9. so i had my first talk with renee..it seemed to go well lasted about 30 mins...she asked me what i wanted and explained how things goes. and less than 10 mins later i got an email with an estimated price.
  10. I am thinking about starting the 17 day diet. Did you find it easy to follow
  11. i am in maple shade. it does kind of suck that they have limited hours available to talk to people.
  12. mine is reene. she works from 9-5 mon-friday. i am scheduled to speak with her on monday. i have to speak with her by myself since my fiancee is working a 9-5 job as well. i work 3 shifts a week as an rn. so i work 7a-7p. i see your from pa..where about im from nj!
  13. yeah its hard basing it off what someone is telling you on the other end of the phone line! which package are you picking? im probably going to keep it with the basic one bb.
  14. has anybody talked to the coordinator yet? what do i expect??? and does anybody know anyone who used the photographer from there? melissa
  15. i would like to lose like 20 lbs. its hard for me as well because i work from 7a-730p. so by the time i get home im usually exhausted...whats some good quick videos to do? melissa 6/23/12 bride
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