Everyone has such great ideas, thoughts and opinions. A long time ago, my first husband told me it was over about 6 months before the wedding. I lost it!!!! Then 3 months after that I found out I was going to have a baby!!! Well, it was not a very good time in my life as I was not over him calling it off then facing the uncertain future with a baby by myself. I had great family that stood by me. We did eventually get married. I honestly think it was more to prove a point with me but I am glad I did marry him. It taught me not to do anything for anyone or anythign else but for yourself. If you give both of you time to heal from his stupid statement and still want to be together great but do it because you love him. Do not worry about what others think, say or do. I am sure they have let someone back in their lives that hurt them or have done soemthing that everyone thought they were out of their minds for doing. If you go back be happy but don't live a life proving you will stay together just because you let him back into your life. If you go your separate ways be thankful you found out now and not later before any more time and effort is invested. Good luck me dear!!!