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Selina Newman

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Everything posted by Selina Newman

  1. 3 weeks tomorrow now until I get married can't believe how quickly it has come around :-) Nicole - I have booked 3pm for our wedding not sure if that was a bit early though.... x
  2. Hi Marls, I have been sent pricing informaiton if you let me know your email address I will forward on what they have sent to me. They have not given me the prices for the flowers though as it appears they are priced individually so once you have selected the ones you would like they will price them up for you. x
  3. Think the Steakhouse is off the list now. I am down to the Italian and Mexican now drama. x
  4. Hi MJKH, That you for your reply :-) There are 16 of us in the group and we have narrowed it down to the Steakhouse, Italian or Mexican, Just not sure which one had the nicer food? We would love the Japanese but were concerned people are seated in 12, so decided not to go for that one. xx
  5. Hello ladies, I was wondering what restaurant you are all going for? Araceli has sent my all the forms to finalise the last few bits as only a few months to go. Selina x
  6. Hi Foreighnbride, I have booked the holiday with Thomas Cook and then the wedding direct with the hotel. The communication I have had with the hotel has been great. All I've been told we need for documents is our passports. Good luck. Selina
  7. Hello I wondering if anybody has any costings for the presidential suite, cold fireworks costings and DJ? Thank you Selina
  8. Hi Kerry, The dimensions of TC's hand luggage is really small. It works out about the size of a kids trunkie if you have seen one of those. My dress will definately not fit it one, I am in a bit of a panic about putting my dress in the hold but I have tried everything with them but they are not budging :-(. I went to a wedding in Cuba last year and my friend put her dress in the hold and was fine but still a bit scary letting the dress out of your sight. How big is your dress? No not been to Mexico before have you?
  9. Hi Kerry, Who have you booked with? I have booked with Thomas Cook and then won't allow you to take your dress on as hand luggage :-( So if it's not TC maybe worth giving them a call. x
  10. Wow your pictures looking amazing. Glad everything went well :-) Everytime I read the reviews and see the photo's it makes me more exited. xx
  11. Hi Jo I have only been told that we need our passports, tourist cards and blood tests too. I was quite worried about it as TC were saying one thing and the hotel wedding co-ordinators something different. I have decided to go with what the wedding co-ordinators advised me as I have spoken to some other brides and that was all the docs they needed. Selina x
  12. Wow I am quite nervous now about going to GS. I have a lot of females in my party.
  13. I have bookde for 3pm as I had no idea what time was best just hoping there will be a breeze as I have not got a destination wedding dress either. I went to London yesterday and have bought my wedding band just cant wait till I can wear it now. Hope everyones plans are coming on well :-)
  14. Hi Kerry I am wearing a veil, I originally was not going too until I tried one on and liked it. Selina
  15. I have been told I only need passports and visa which you get upon arrival. Selina
  16. Wow you are dedicated :-) I want to loose 1/2 stone before I get married I am starting with the Wii fit to see how I get on. It was a Danny who responded to my email. Owwww not long until you will be a wifey how exciting. xx
  17. Hi Carrie keep me posted on how it goes taking your dress on board with you as your wedding is not far away now :-) I was suprised Thomas Cook said I could have the extra luggage allowance as I have not booked my wedding with them either. I am going to save the email they have sent me too. Jenna I am about to order my wedding dress today so 13 months in advance planning to get my bridesmaid dresses early next year as one of my bridesmaids is pregnant at the mo. xx
  18. Hi Carrie Thomas Cook have said I can have the extra luggage allowance but need to wait 90 days before we are due to travel to add it to our itinerary how did you get on with it? They have told me that there Terms and Conditions state that you cant carry your dress on as hand luggage either. My dress is quite big and dont think i will fit it in a box with the dimensions of there hand luggage as they are soooooo small. Ordering my dress tomorrow so excited. Glad I am not the only one ordering a non destion wedding dress as one shop really had me worrying about it. They told me if I didnt buy a destionation wedding dress I would not look happy in my wedding photos as I would be to hot the cheek. xx
  19. I am getting married on 12th October 2012 at the Grand Sirenis what about you Carrie? Hows your plans coming along? I have booked a few things such as my reception over here and photographer in Mexico. Ordering my dress next Saturday sooooo excited as I went to a wedding yesterday and it made me even more excited. I have not gone for a destination wedding dress though so a bit worried about getting hot.... decided I would go for the dress I wanted and sweat one out ha! What about you? Owwwwww very exciting Kerry I bet you cant wait now :-) xx
  20. No I have not booked my wedding through TC either :-( But my group booking is classed as a wedding booking so hoping I can blag it that way. I'll keep you posted how I get on. I have also emailed them about taking my dress on as hand luggage so will let you know what there responce is. xx
  21. Hi Carrie I found on the TC website that if you email [email protected] before you travel they will give you an additional 20kg hold luggage just for wedding attire only. I have emailed them this morning so fingers crossed. I have got a standard 25kg to fly with them woo :-) 
  22. Hello I was wondering if anybody is travelling with Thomas Cook and how you are taking your wedding dress? TC have told me that my dress needs to go in the hold but I really want to take it in my hand luggage and get one of those travel boxs for my dress but am not sure if they will allow me. Thank you Selina
  23. Hello Ladies If you check with your hotel you may not require you birth certificate to be translated. It varies from state to state all I require is our passports and visa. I have booked direct with the hotel and confirmed twice that was all the documents we need. I know if we booked the wedding through Thomas Cook they ask for everything to be translated when the hotel doesnt require it. Hope this helps. Selina
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