Ladies, Can I just say I am so glad that I found this section of the forum. I knew others have dealt with/or were going through what I am dealing with. I like many of you have said from the beginning knew that by having a DW that many of the people we would be inviting would not be able to attend, but I figured that we could do a little BBQ a couple of weeks after we get back. I am truly OK with someone telling me that they can not come due to cost. But I do a problem when you tell me you can not come, then turn around and make me feel like I am terrible person for wanting to have my wedding somewhere other then then the state we live in. We chose destination mainly for cost and also because we had not gone on vacation in sometime. I was super, super excited about having a DW in Turks and Caicos but after the craziness started ramping up I have lost a little bit of my zing. For us it is my FI family, my FI mood was changing so I knew the family was on his case about something but didn't know what. I was also getting the little hints with comments such as " is this place expensive?" Then last week it finally came out that they would not be coming. Soo like others WE got into it because I was immediately asked with allot of attitude " why did you pick a place so expensive?" and " is it too late to change now?" Now on the defensive I wasn't really sure how to fire back on these allegations with out being super angry and nasty. I told everyone from the get go we would be paying for his mom to come so please do not worry about her cost, but now I feel like there is this extremely weird vibe between them and me. They were originally talking to me about it then switched to just talking to him. I guess I should have said from the beginning every since we moved into our house there has been non-stop comments about what I don't have, this isn't good enough, why don't I do this, you paid too much for that so in some ways I should have expected this from them but is still doesn't make me feel any better and my FI really doesn't stand up to them either. I am at the stage now where I do not want to even do the BBQ afterward, I am just so angry more with myself that I have allowed them to make me feel so bad to the point where I was starting to think maybe I should see if I could move it to a different location.