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About Dallas16

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  1. Hi I would love to see the maracas and center pieces and chair sashes could you send me picks of them I'm getting married in Mexico nov. 2013 and doing oink and orange as well . Thanks email is [email protected] def. interested in the maracas for sre
  2. I also wanted a private reception but we only have 35 people as well. We are planning on doing the semi private dinner and then bonfire. The WC said we can have the DJ for the bonfire.
  3. Hello, I'm interested in a few items. I sent you a private message. Thanks Kim
  4. Hello, I live in central jersey so it will probably be easier to ship them. Can you send me a message at my email. [email protected] so I can give your my address. This site will not allow me to send anymore private messages for the day. Thanks Kim
  5. Hi, I live central jersey so it will probably be easier to ship them. Can you send me a personal message at [email protected] and I will give my address. The site will not allow me to send anymore private messages for the day. Thanks Kim
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