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Everything posted by FutureRN2011

  1. Stefn1218- Our ceremony was at 1pm-1:30pm Pictures 1:30-2:30pm Lunch in Carabeno with cake cutting- 2:30pm-5pm Break and time to go back to room to refresh makeup- 5pm-6:15pm Cocktail hour which we tweaked into a reception with added on ipod speaker set-up for music and dancing- 6:30-8:30pm (we paid for an extra hour on to the cocktail hour but they allowed it to go longer....til approximately 9:30-10pm. The sun sets around 7:30pm.....thats how we were able to have some pics with the sun coming down...it was so pretty....i love the sky as the sun is coming down....it looks fake, thats how beautiful it is!
  2. Nsg4729....I actually just created a welcome letter that I put in with my OOT bags, but I wouldn't spend too much time on a welcome packet as Moon Palace gives everyone tons of brochures on everything included at the resort upon arrival. Maybe just include an itinerary for your wedding day to give the guests a heads up on a potential time schedule but other than that, MP seriously hooks everyone up with tons of info upon arrival. I can look at all the brochures they gave me and send them to you if you want.
  3. Sorry I can't help there Debra.....I actually had my dress pressed before I left and was able to lay my dress flat in an overhead bin in the plane so never had to get it redone while I was at MP.
  4. AWESOME!! That must've been so exciting being surprised with a shower! Those 49 days are going to fly by! You will be a Mrs. before you know it;) And you also have a super awesome wedding date as that is also my birthday, lol!
  5. I had my meal at at the Caribeno restaurant......we ended up doing a lunch instead of a dinner because my ceremony was at 1pm....and we didn't want a huge gap in the time schedule before we did drinks with music and dancing. The wedding coordinator there will pretty much ask you what YOU WANT and make it happen. There really isn't much they will say no to...if YOU WANT IT, THEY WILL DO IT;) After all, you are the most important guest they have there and want to do everything in there power to make you happy. We chose to just do cutting the cake at the restaurant and saved our first dance, dances with parents and speeches from best man and maid of honor for the cocktail hour that I kinda tweaked into a reception. I added extra time onto my slot and added the ipod system setup so we could incorporate the dances. They provided us with a microphone and allowed someone to introduce us as Mr. and Mrs, introduce our dances and you can also do your tossing of the garter and flowers there as well. I paid for two hours but they went well over the two hour limit.....not sure if it was because we tipped or because they were ok with allowing us to have more time. Either way, they will allow extra time if you need. But like I said, my coordinator wanted us to have a wonderful day and did everything in her power to make that happen. They will do the same for you, just tell them what you want and you will get it;)
  6. Those were just a few of the millions of pics I have from our wedding;)
  7. Does anyone know how to download the livestreaming video that they record for you? I have the link to my ceremony video and am trying to see if I can save it to my computer since I didn't purchase a wedding DVD. I saw a few livestreaming videos on YouTube from palace resorts but am not sure how they posted them on there. Any suggestions would be awesome........
  8. I recently got married at Moon Palace in which we had a civil ceremony. I was just wondering if there were other brides out there that had the same type of ceremony that knew how long it took for them to receive your marriage license?
  9. We had our dinner part of our reception in this restaurant and it was very good. We had picked shrimp cocktail for appetizer, mixed salad, soup of the day which was cream of zucchini (tasted very good, very creamy), main dish you pick two.....we had chicken in pineapple sauce and mahi mahi fish and assorted ice cream for dessert. I thought everything was very good!
  10. We also never got sick! They show you they are pouring bottled water in the restaurants plus there is a window where the water filter system is at so you can see it. One of my guests pointed that out to me. They figured it was their way to prove to you that they filter there water. And I even tested it out.......one morning I wasn't thinking and filled my coffee maker with the water from the faucet and drank the coffee and I was fine. But yeah, like Coconoir has said, they provide you with bottled water in the rooms and also have them at the bars that you can ask for if you want one by the pools.
  11. Your guests can wear anything including shorts and sandals. If you do dinner in a restaurant, you just have to pick the restaurants that don't have a dress code. There are two that I remember for sure that are dressy restaurants, the rest are casual dress codes. Bambu and La Trattoria are both located on the golf course and require long slacks for the men and they ask for closed toe shoes. We did a dinner at Bambu one night and it was very nice! I loved everything there but they are strict on the dress code.....we had two guests that were meeting us there after coming back from a tour they took during the day, and one had on kahki shorts and they wouldn't let him in....I was a little bummed but the guest felt bad for wearing shorts. It worked out though as they allowed them to wait for us in the patio/bar. I would recommend Bambu as a rehearsal dinner or welcome dinner but just be careful everyone has pants to wear.
  12. It is 3 days prior for a legal/civil ceremony and 2 days for a symbolic. I had a civil/legal ceremony and had to arrive 3 days prior, got blood drawn the day after we arrived (they had a very good tech that drew my blood without making a mark on my arm) and filled out the forms showing we had 4 witnesses that arrived 2 days prior to the wedding. There wasn't any other paperwork for the legal/civil ceremony. The sand unity is part of the symbolic ceremony, however since I wanted that as part of my ceremony, I just had picked one of our guests to stand up with us and read off the script. The justice of the peace can only say the speech for the symbolic ceremony but people with a civil/legal ceremony can still do it if they have someone to read the script.
  13. Smoylan, You are in very good hands with Kalena! She is the sweetest person I have ever met.....she always has the warmest smile on her face and if there are any issues or questions you have, she is very open and wants to make your day the way you envisioned it. She couldn't believe the misunderstandings I had with getting a new Miami coordinator and apologized a million times. She said she didn't contact me because she was told that I was all set. And when I told her Miami told me I couldn't have a private reception due to having 12 guests, she was blown away!! She said that is not true and that I could have whatever I wanted. She did a wonderful job on offering me suggestions and how to create a schedule for the wedding day to fit our needs. She also did a great job on creating me a reception on such short notice! Absolutely LOVE HER!! I can't say enough about her and I would do it all over again in a heartbeat if I could!! DON'T WORRY ONE BIT.....SHE MAKES YOUR WEDDING A DAY YOU WILL NEVER FORGET!!!
  14. We are back!!! I'm sad it had to come to an end but so happy with the whole experience. I am happy to answer any questions you ladies may have. As you all may remember, I never heard from my on-site coordinator before we left but come to find out it was because of miscommunication with the Miami office. Kalena was my on-site coordinator and she was amazing!!! She even gave me a special gift on my wedding day to make up for any miscommunication that I experienced with the Miami office. I was beyond happy as she didn't have to give me anything. I was told to keep it a secret because she could get in trouble but lets just say......it was a gift that made me feel like a princess;) AND LIKE OTHERS HAVE SAID AND I WILL SAY THE SAME.......MOON PALACE IS AMAZING AND THEY MADE MY WEDDING A DAY THAT I WILL NEVER FORGET!!! THEY MADE IT BEAUTIFUL AND IT TURNED OUT A MILLION TIMES BETTER THAN I EXPECTED! DEFINITELY WILL BE GOING BACK FOR OUR ANNIVERSARY!!!!! Please send me any questions and I can start answering them for you. I will work on my review and post pics as I find time! ~Sarah~
  15. Stefn1218.....you can use other peoples credits if the person giving away their credits calls the reservation number to tell them they are paying for it. For example, we had a guest who gave away his spa credits and he just called to make the reservation for the guests he was giving them to and said he wanted to pay with his credits. There were no questions asked.
  16. I agree with Coco...definitely love the Nizuc area. We are here now and its beautiful! Everyone is beyond nice! I like the calmness of this area! We definitely partied in the sunrise yesterday as it is more action packed....but its nice to come back to relax in the quiter section.
  17. Ok ladies, the time has come......I am leaving tomorrow morning to go to MP!!! I am excited and nervous all at the same time!! I never did hear from my on-site coordinator so I will be curious how this plays out upon check-in. I know that my on-site coordinator received all the emails that were sent between Joannis and I to confirm everything so maybe thats why she never contacted me, knowing that its all confirmed between the three of us. Oh well, I have confidence that MP will make my experience great! I'm sure I will be up all night with excitement! Oh and going to the airport with all my luggage should be interesting......that has been the worst part of this all....trying to jam everything into the luggage without overstuffing the luggage. Oh well, we might need help with all the bags and that was just with me bringing the minimum. I'm sure I will post once we get there to show you all how beautiful it is!!
  18. I just received info from Jorge who is the contact for the cuncrawl. It is $59.99 per person and provide own transportation or $69.99 per person if you want to add transportation to pick you up from the hotel and take you back. He said pick up is usually 9:40p and they bring you back at 3:30am. That price includes going to 3 of the top bars in cancun, unlimited drinks at each bar, VIP entrance and the driver stays with your group to ensure everyone is getting VIP service and for safety.
  19. You would be better off going out to a bar and getting a rented out VIP section with unlimited drinks for music and dancing for that kind of money. My wedding is next week and there are only 12 of us going so.....a private reception was not an option for us....so, I looked into going out afterwards after the dinner and the prices were $69.99 per person.....thats for 6 hours of open bar with VIP section in 3 major bars in Cancun, including transportation with someone to stay with your group to ensure you are getting the VIP service. How many people are going to your wedding to where u need 5 mics and 2 speakers?
  20. CONGRATS Coconoir and Emily!!! I can't believe in just 7 days, it will be me getting ready to take the leap.....ahhh, I'm getting nervous just thinking about it! Have a wonderful day!!!
  21. Thanks Soon2bMrsT! I have Kalena for my on-site which I only know because her name was in the "cc" section of one of the emails that was sent from my Miami coordinator. I'm just wondering why she hasn't contacted me. I just want to make sure everything is on track and ask if its ok to add something to the ceremony. I bought a sand unity set and want to make sure we can incorporate that into our ceremony. And then my other thing is still about what to do for after the dinner. Whether we should stick around the resort and hope theres a place for music and fun or take the hit and dish out the money to get a VIP section rented out at of the local bars in Cancun. I know it will work out in the end but its just so frustrating not getting direct answers from MP. Ahhhh....I'm so ready for my vacation, lol!
  22. Does anyone what kinds of bars are at MP? Are there any places that play dance music? I was looking into leaving the resort to go to a local bar since I didn't qualify for a reception at the resort but the prices are so high to do that and I of course would want to pay for everyone and not leave that up to them since its not their fault I can't have a reception. I'm just wondering if there is a place at the resort we can dance since I am not sure if the disco has re-opened yet. Still don't know why I can't have a private function without the dinner at the resort. Unless, my WC is telling me false information. Still haven't heard from the on-site coordinator and I leave in 6 days:/ I am trying to remain calm......breathe in......breathe out......I know its going to work out in the end but hard not having it all planned out by now.
  23. Just a quick question......did any of you that have gone to MP already have to pay for your photo package prior to your arrival? I thought that was charged to the room but according to Joannis in a email I received today, it is due prior to my arrival in two weeks. Just curious if anyone else had to do this because I also haven't been charged for my decorations that I picked out through Zuniga. So, I wrote Joannis asking her when that is due. I also received an email from Gretal saying she will have my on-site coordinator contact me. Glad things seem to be moving forward!
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