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Everything posted by canadiangirl

  1. AWWWWWW sharon, that sucks!!!!!!! dont stress to much....did you book your photographer yet? are they through the resort? or are they outside vendors? what I would do is take your deposit and RUN, there are a ton of photographers through this site that have great reviews for mexico Just remember hun, in the end it will all work out! and it will be beautiful. youll get your mojo back I ALWAYS DO LOL
  2. I know our TA is holding 33 rooms for us...up until 2 months before the wedding APRIL 2012 i would think that if you only need 8 rooms that there shouldnt be a problem for them to hold them for you....i would look into this a little more. let us know what happends
  3. Well although i cant post pics of my stuff right now, but i will once i get back home. This is what i got, with a breakdown of the costs for you as well as the location for each item OOT tote bags...... $ 6.00 for 12 9 oriental trading Star Fish 30 assorted sizes (for name tags)...... $ 6.00 oriental trading Tropical Notepads....$6.00 (25 books) oriental trading tropical tissue (with shells and star fish on it)..... $4.00 for 10 packs oriental trading luggage tags......... $4.00 for 12 oriental trading coloured coils....... $3.00 for 12 oriental trading star fish charms....$6.00 for 25 ....these will go on my luggage tags oriental trading peacock feathers.....$10.00 for 24 pieces (these will go in my TTD flowers that i will be making) oriental trading Paper lanterns-Dark Turquoise......$14.50 for 12 oriental trading Paper lanterns-Periwinkle.....$14.50 for 12 oriental trading Paper lanterns-Multi colour....$14.50 for 12 oriental trading Paper lanterns- Dark purple....$25.00 for 6 (these ones are big) oriental trading Table runner-Damask theme.....$3.99 dimension is (12 x 108) table clothes factory I have gotten more stuff as well from oriental trading but not all is for decorations....the rest of the stuff was for our OOT bags.... I highly recommend oriental trading my mom got the stuff on the weekend, and she said it is all great qulity, ill let you know and will post pics when i get back home. hope this helps hun, if you need more i have it lol
  4. I would love to say yes, but no i got it from her i think....i dont know anymore as i have got so many of these things now lol....if you would like more let me know hun and i will share with you
  5. were getting married next april too at the GPLH.... here is the pic of the blue lagoon, this is where were doing our reception. hope this helps...if you need anything else give me a yell lol
  6. I dont know, but will be talking to my TA on tuesday when im back from Banff...ill let u know
  7. these are great finds hun... we gatta go shopping when i get back, serious you find great deals! i luv the soap idea...but really wouldnt bother with laundry soap, the resort will have laundry facilities they can use, plus it saves space!
  8. lol at least i got it up lol not sure how i did lol
  9. here hun....this should help you omg i dont know if that worked...i dont know what i did lol Copy of Template-Destination Wedding Clothing & Accessories Planning Sheet-1.xls
  10. lmao so funny thats what i was thinking too lol your friends and mine sound the same lol lol as long as their all sober for my wedding ooppss i mean our wedding hehehehehe
  11. Oh, forgot to mention, but my shipment came in from OT...I will get pics up asap including all my vistaprint buys and reception/TTD dresses
  12. Glad to hear...always better safe than sorry ... where r u getting married? and when?
  13. I wouldnt order them yet....as they do annual books...the one im getting is the one published in NOVEMBER PAST, i would hold off a little while
  14. I cant wait to see pics of the ring...my GF has black diamonds in hers it looks amazing!!! good choice 3500 is more than my wedding ceremony is costing us.....and this includes our flowers for it all, if you need help...ive got some great finds for CHEAP CHEAP like you I have little mouths to feed lol it needs to be affordable, while still looking stunning! hahaha
  15. alright I promise this will be the last sheet I post, but keep in mind I have more lol lol Martha Stewart wedding workbook.txt
  16. GOT IT thanx hun....my computer died on me and i lost everything, so thank you so much
  17. GOOD>>cause I lost mine hehehehehe dont hate me lol [email protected]
  18. alright I found another one....This one is my second fav, I am sending it to eveyone in our one month newsletter Copy of Packing List.xlsx
  19. lol i just posted some sheets for you ...and all the ladies, i have more too
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