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Everything posted by Shahlo

  1. Such a great thread, you ladies have so many great ideas! Thank you for sharing them
  2. Hey ladies, we are thinking of going with collapsible cups as we also don't want to fill up a suitcase with travel mugs. I read in a few threads that mugs were a huge hit so we decided to do collapsible cups, they won't take up too much room and they are kind of cute too
  3. Hi RyGuysBride, I am sorry to hear that you are having difficulties finding the one. I went to about 10 stores searching for the dress and felt the same way. I would like one, take pictures of it but at home I just didn't like something about it. Actually, taking pictures of the dresses (if they allow you) is really helpful to decide. I finally figured out what I liked (the mermaid shape) so I started looking online for mermaid styles. Then I went back and tried out a few mermaid styles and they looked really good and I fell in love with ruffles. I couldn't find anything that I liked in the stores so I ordered mine online. The mermaid style looked really good and I liked it so I was comfortable ordering online. There are so many more choices online. I really hope I will like my dress when it's here. Good luck!
  4. Thanks for the review Lisa and so happy that you are satisfied with them! Can't wait to see the pictures
  5. Hey Selina, My sister's friends got back from GS yesterday and they absolutely loved it. The resorts was amazing and there are various shows every night. They absolutely loved it and are going back there again next year. They are well-travelled girls, so if they liked it I am sure it's a great place.
  6. I've never heard of this, but it sounds interesting.
  7. Hey Canadian Girl, what e-bay store are you getting your cups from? I've never bought anything from e-bay, but a lot of the brides here buy stuff them e-bay. I guess, I am going to star now too
  8. Thanks for this info. I didn't even think of consulting the pharmacist.
  9. I'm sorry to hear that you are a little bit disappointed with them. But at least they are not awful, sounds like they are still pretty good. But thank you for your review that helped me a lot. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
  10. Congratulations Selina! We are getting married at the GS on January 18th, 2012 very excited about it as well. This is an amazing site, you are going to find so many wonderful ideas for your wedding and it's gonna become even more exciting. Check out everything that fabulous ladies on this site have done!
  11. Thank you for sharing. Have an amazing time and enjoy your wedding!
  12. I am obsessed with them as well, as soon as I get the email I have an urge to get the free stuff
  13. I read on one of the threads here that people didn't really use them and the bride ended up with whole bunch of flip flops. So I decided not to get them after reading it. And I am with JayKay on saving precious room in our suitcases too. I think our OOTs will take up quite a bit of room
  14. Thanks for sharing your amazingly detailed review!
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