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Everything posted by funinsun

  1. We are getting married May 19 as well! Our wedding is at 4:30pm what time is yours at? I can't believe how fast it came!
  2. I love your photos! I especially love your shoes! We are looking into having Sascha be our photographer, did you have to pay an outside photographer fee? Or can you just book him a room for a night and get out of the fee? Any helpful advise on this whole photographer fee thing would be appreciated. Thanks!
  3. My name is Stacy and we finally set the date for May 19, 2012! There will be about 30 of us and are all staying at the palace. I received confirmation for the date but still haven't picked our wedding and reception sites. We are doing the strawberry passion package and very excited to have everything on the beach. Any recommendations for wedding or reception sites?
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