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Everything posted by cGd41812

  1. Good question.....I will be thinking of the same thing. I am considering on shipping mine down there before. Maybe if you talk to the wedding coordinator of the resort, they may be able to give you easy shipping instructions. There should be gift shops in the resort so that could be a possibility
  2. yeah i was gonna do plain totes as well until I saw these! Very tropical and goes great with our theme!
  3. I am getting married April 18, 2012 at Iberostar Rose Hall Suites. I was looking into other resorts when an old friend from HS contacted me and said she goes there every year for vaca and Is there actually this week getting married! She said she will not stay at any other resort! I stayed at Iberostar in Punta Cana before and LOVED it! All the reviews I found online and on here were fantastic!! They only do one wedding a day. I really like that, so all the attention is on us! I noticed you said you emailed them for quotes and they didn't get back to you. They are on "island time" down there......they take soooooo long to get back to you. I emailed the wedding coordinator 2 weeks ago with a question and still haven't heard from her. Im not freaking out though because I hear that a lot on here, and everyone had a great experience! I went through a travel agent and got my quotes. I know the weekends in April 2012 are completely booked for weddings. We originally wanted Sunday April 22, 2012 and they were already booked, and that was 4 months ago! So we are getting married on a Wednesday.....fine by me! lol
  4. Since I started planning my wedding, I love Dollar Tree! I saw these totes there but they didn't have enough, looked on line but you have to buy a case of 36 and I only need 25. So I went around to 3 local Dollar Trees and collected all 25! Perfect size for our welcome bags. I got a variety of the solid tropical looking ones. Check it out! http://www.dollartree.com/Summer-Toys/luau-party-supplies-decorations-birthdays-ideas/Luau-Tote-Bags/411c335c335p309786/index.pro?method=search
  5. Very nice!! Different! I like anything other than traditional
  6. I want my beach theme wedding to have BLING!! Love Swarovski Crystals!
  7. ok great thanks again! I use my FH email since he orders business cards so I went on there and just ordered Save the Date postcards for our AHR! Just got 100 of them for free and paid $6.52 for shipping!! I don't think I could have found a better deal!
  8. Thank you so much ladies! I will definately look into that!! I thought I was missing out on some good deals! lol
  9. o ok thats right....I think it is $100 a person if they are staying at another resort besides Iberostar, sorry. yeah it is stressful, but try not to worry urself too much about getting the "perfect" price. People will be there for you if they want to be
  10. I got my prices in Feb so it gave everyone 14 months notice. I told them they have plenty of time to save if they want to go! We haven't looked into flights yet because mine isn't until next April. FYI if you stay at Suites for the wedding, your guests staying at Beach are going to have to purchase day passes to go to Suites for your wedding day. I think they are $100 each, so it may be worth it for them to go to Suites. Good luck!
  11. Ok Ladies, i've been seeing on here how a lot of you received free things from Vistaprints......whats the trick? I get the emails and tried last night for pens, I was able to get 1 free personalized pen but then had to pay almost $5 for shipping!! Please share ways of getting multiples I would probably want about 25 of each! Pens Door Hangers (I saw on here someone got them from Vistaprint but couldn't find them on the website) Anything! Thanks!!
  12. I sent out everything together about 14 months before, because I wanted everyone to have enough time to save. I mailed out STD to hang on their refridgerator, a simple 5x7 invitation and paper that I typed up with the travel agents info and prices. Also I attached a business card with the info for our wedding website, which also includes resort info. I did not add response cards bc i knew who was booking and we kept in touch with everyone.
  13. I was thinking the same thing. We only invited CLOSE friends and family to our DW but we will be be having an AHR for everyone else. I do like the ideas of having the Save the Date on the bridal shower invite, I am going to have to tell my mom to do that. Im just undecided on who to invite to the bridal shower? We invited about 70 people to our DW and we got about 40 booked. But our AHR will be 150-200 guests. I was thinking of just inviting from the original 70. What do u think?
  14. Hey everyone! Thought I would share this website that someone had told me about to purchase travel sized items for OOT bags or for yourself!! I did not compare prices to Sams Club or BJ's yet but they seem like a pretty good deal! Especially Tylenol or Advil!! Check it out! http://www.minimus.biz/default.aspx
  15. Very cute! Everyone has such great ideas on here! I love the door hangers, where did u get them from?
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