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Lindy S

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Everything posted by Lindy S

  1. I am currently working on getting our contract to state that outside vendors are allowed. They have already agreed to put in the contract that outside photography will be allow, but now I am working on the DJ. I really want a DJ, but I don't want to spend tons of money on one. Has anyone had any luck also having an outside florist be allowed? I'm thinking about just going to pick the flowers up from the florist the day of. Let me know! Any info helps.
  2. Has anyone had any luck getting an outside DJ approved at the Palace Resorts? Please let me know. Thanks!
  3. Lindy S


    Happy planning
  4. Does anyone know if you have to pay a vendor fee on top of a guest pass fee? Please reply.
  5. Does anyone have any pics or more info about Cancun Palace? Please post if you do! Thanks.
  6. As of today...I am a February 2012 Bride! 2/24/12 Cancun Palace!
  7. We just had our date at Cancun Palace confirmed today! Febraury 24, 2012...Let the planning begin!
  8. Thanks for the info!
  9. I'm wondering what guests paid to stay at Cancun Palace. Please reply if you have the info. Thanks!
  10. I'm waiting to hear back from Cancun Palace for our February 2012 wedding!
  11. Does anyone on here know the designer of this dress? I found a few knockoff versions of the dress, but I haven't been able to find the name of the original designer. If you could help me out I'd greatly appreciate it! Thanks ladies!
  12. Hi just wondering if there are any Fiesta Americana Condesa Cancun Brides out there!? If so please post here.
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