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Posts posted by pacificgirl

  1. Well ladies, DH (eep!) and I just got home from the coast and I cannot even believe how perfect the weekend was! Anyone who has ever been to the Oregon Coast knows that it's usually dreary and rainy, or at least doesn't exceed 60 degrees when it is sunny. Well, my FIL passed away last November and we are both convinced that he was watching over us this weekend.


    Not only was it warm and clear skies, we set record temperatures and I had NEVER seen the ocean here in Oregon the colors that it was. DH and I had no words, it really was totally perfect. 


    And now, onto the recap!


    It's Today, It's Today! 


    I woke up around 4am in total anticipation, and in true addict fashion I logged onto Pinterest to do some last minute inspiration photos for our photographer and my hair and makeup artist. DH wound up waking around 8 or so, so I had lots of time to myself to kind of think things over and go over in my head how things were going to work out with timing, vendors arriving, etc. 


    At 9 we took the puppy over to DH's best friend's house who was watching her for the weekend, and I'll admit it-I cried. We had never left her alone for more than a few hours, so like a mother with her baby, I was freaking out. I knew for sure that she would be well taken care of as this guy is a total animal person, but still. 


    We then headed directly to the dollar tree and Walmart to get some last minute things that I somehow had managed to forget even though I had so many lists that DH thought I was flat out of my dang mind. 


    When all of the shopping was done and everything was packed up, it was time to load up the car! Once everything was arranged and secured in place for the 3 hour car ride to Lincoln City, we headed into Old Town St Helens to pick up my gown! I hadn't seen it steamed, ever, so seeing how sparkly the belt was on the gown after all of that totally floored me. NOW it was becoming real! I'm getting married!


    10am rolled around, and it was time to get out of town and head into Portland for my hair and makeup appointment. If you have kept up with me, I had a major issue last week with my original MUA and had to switch last minute. So this was a no-trial artist, and even though I know she's incredible, I was still nervous. 


    When I got to her salon, the feeling of overwhelming excitement hit me. I'm getting my hair and makeup done, TO GET MARRIED! I just couldn't even believe it!


    As soon as the artist came out, I knew I had made the right decision in choosing someone I had to totally trust. I told her what I wanted, and boy did she deliver! I felt like a princess! 


    (Pic from the salon)





    When I climbed into the car with DH, he was totally speechless. He started to tear up (Shh, don't tell him I said anything) and couldn't quit looking at me the entire car ride down. I felt so amazing and lucky. 








    Arriving at the Hotel and Getting Ready


    We got to Lincoln City at 3:30pm after a 3 hour car ride, and let me tell you...we were READY! All of our vendors were set to meet us at 4, but our officiant actually stayed at the next hotel over and came early to help me do some last minute prep. Next came the baker with our cake (which was GORGEOUS..see photo) and then our photographer! Once everyone was there and ready to go, I headed into the room that the hotel owner was letting us use to get ready in while DH stayed in our reserved room and got dressed. 


    I know Leanne (the photographer) got tons of amazing pictures, and our wonderful officiant helped me get into my gown thank goodness. I don't know what I would have done without her!





    After she got all of the pictures she wanted, Leanne headed downstairs to our hotel room where DH was to get a few pictures of him and the rings and cake as well.  


    About 20 minutes after she had headed down to the room, I got a phone call from Leanne saying that her and DH were heading to the beach access stairs where we would do our first look. I was so excited, I was essentially running to head downstairs to go and meet with DH and get married!


    The first look was magical, to say the least. The beach was windy as heck (7mph wind, my butt, thanks weather.com), but my stylist did such a fantastic job that my hair wasn't phased at all. The ceremony went perfect, and FI didn't stop smiling the whole time. We both teared up, but he claimed the wind was making his eyes water...not sure that I totally believe him.


    After the ceremony we headed back up to the hotel room, and signed the marriage certificate. From there, it was just me, DH, and the photographer on the beach for an hour! We got some incredible pictures, and I can't WAIT to see them! We did get two teasers so far, and I promise I'll share the rest later!







    Eloping was the best choice we made during the whole wedding process. While it isn't for everyone, I do recommend it to anyone! Don't be afraid of how people will react, all that matters is how YOU two feel about it! 

    *Bonus* We got these adorable little guys in our hotel room! I cannot even STAND how cute they are!



    Read more: http://boards.weddingbee.com/topic/my-53-beach-elopement-pic-heavylong#ixzz2ScVevjcq

  2. It may help to actually put the script, eh?

    *Holding hands for whole ceremony*




    Marriage is an affirmation of life, an undying commitment, a spiritual, emotional, and intellectual bond between two people. It is created from the purest of friendship, respect, and love. The institution of marriage should not be entered into lightly, as it is true commitment on every level. Together you will continue to meet the challenges and obstacles of life head-on.

    For you, Joshua, and you, Halsey, this day does not mark the beginning of a new relationship; rather, it is an acknowledgement and celebration of a relationship that has been flourishing since the moment you met.

    Before the two of you met, your lives were on separate roads ... each going in different directions and seemingly leading to different destinations. But somewhere along the way (through some twist of fate) you did meet, and you fell in love. Today, you find yourselves standing here together at the threshold of a new path, and have promised to forever join your once separate journeys into one.


    *Traditional Irish Blessing in lieu of couple's prayer*
    May the road rise to meet you,
    May the wind be always at your back.
    May the sun shine warm upon your face,
    The rains fall soft upon your fields.
    And until we meet again,
    May God hold you in the palm of his hand.

    May God be with you and bless you;
    May you see your children's children.
    May you be poor in misfortune,
    Rich in blessings,
    May you know nothing but happiness
    From this day forward.

    May the road rise to meet you
    May the wind be always at your back
    May the warm rays of sun fall upon your home
    And may the hand of a friend always be near.

    May green be the grass you walk on,
    May blue be the skies above you,
    May pure be the joys that surround you,
    May true be the hearts that love you.



    Ring Exchange:

    At this time, I ask for the rings.
    The wedding ring, traditionally, is a symbol of the unbroken circle of love as it has neither a beginning nor an end.  These rings mark the beginning of a long journey together, wear them proudly, as they are symbols which speak of love that you have for each other. Joshua I ask that you now look into Halsey's eyes and into her heart. Please take this ring, place it on Halsey's finger and repeat after me:

    I, Joshua, take you, Halsey, to be my wife
    my partner in life and my one true love.

    I will cherish our friendship
    and love you today, tomorrow, and forever.

    I will trust you and respect you,
    I will laugh with you and cry with you.

    I will love you faithfully and unconditionally
    through the best and the worst, the difficult and the easy.

    Whatever may come, I promise I will always be there for you.

    Halsey, if you accept please say I do…

    Halsey, I now ask that you look into Joshua's eyes and into his heart. Please take this ring, place it on Joshua's finger and repeat after me:

    I, Halsey, take you, Josh, to be my Husband
    my partner in life and my one true love.

    I will cherish our friendship
    and love you today, tomorrow, and forever.

    I will trust you and respect you,
    I will laugh with you and cry with you.

    I will love you faithfully and unconditionally
    through the best and the worst, the difficult and the easy.

    Whatever may come, I promise I will always be there for you.

    Josh, if you accept please say I do…

    In the bible Paul addressed Corinth in a letter. He wrote the book of love and in 1corinthians chapter 13 verses 4-13 he speaks of love, true love. How the meaning of love is long, enduring, patient, kind and above all things is the greatest gift God gave us and we can give to each other. Let us model our love after this. Josh and Halsey your love is the best gift you can share together and with others.





    Joshua and Halsey, remember to treat each other with respect, and remind yourselves often of what brought you together. Give the highest priority to the tenderness, gentleness and kindness that your connection deserves. When frustration, difficulty or fear assail your relationship – as they threatened all relationships at one time or another – remember to focus on what is right between you.

    Give to one another new experiences of joy. Challenge one another so that you may grow. May the love you hold for each other, now sealed in marriage, continue to mature with the passing years. May you never take each other for granted, but always experience the wonder of your union. Remember the journey that brought you to each day of your lives together.

    By the vows you have made today to one another on this beautiful beach, I now pronounce you “Husband and Wife.†


    You may now kiss your bride!

  3. Originally Posted by Laura2013 View Post


    So I just got home from Walmart of all places, and they had sandals very similar to these but the straps were white and the bottoms were a different shade brown but the straps and . They are really cute and I am pretty sure they were under $15. I just ordered some flip flops from Etsy for my dress but I bought these too! Got a lot of other stuff for Jamaica too-looks like they just put out their summer stuff. (I live in Maryland)


    Yay for great finds and saving money!

  4. YAY! Productive Sunday (well, it's my Sunday anyway, haha)! I got our save the dates in the mail today, I think I scared the hell out of the UPS guy when he handed me the box. I was SO excited! Also, I did all of the calligraphy on the envelopes! My best friend designed the actual post cards for me, and I did the magnets. A designer having someone else design her stuff, haha. But hey, it saved me time ;)

    Our return address labels will be here on Monday, and then I get to mail all of them off next week. I definitely had one of those "OMG, I'm getting married!" moments allll day. :) SO excited!

    I was really happy when I thought I was all done with the calligraphy, but then we realized that FI forgot about 12 people off of the guest list. Thanks babe.


    Our Save the Dates are DONE! : wedding IMAG0063
  5. I absolutely LOVE the Sottero and Midgley! I don't blame you at all, I've been through a few gowns myself. What I would suggest is that you go back in and try on the Sottero and Midgley gown and see how you feel in it. Can you see yourself getting married in it? 

    I had the same problem as you, and it's just due to my indecisive nature, personally. I never had that "AHA!" moment that so many brides get, but when I had the dress on I looked at myself on the stage in the salon under all of the lights, closed my eyes, and could really see myself walking down the aisle to my fiance. 


    Last November, I had begun to pay off a Lazaro sample, changed my mind. I bought a Maggie for $1k at a sale, changed my mind again, and took FI's aunt and cousin with me the last time and that really made me feel good about my decision was having that reassurance. 

    If you can't see that, then it may be worth it to try for another dress. If it comes to that, consider trying on some other styles, even if you think you don't want them. You never know what you really will wind up loving! I wanted a big, flowy ballgown and ended up with a fitted mermaid that is very simple. 


    Good luck, girl! Keep us posted on what happens!

  6. I voted for the 1-2k range. I originally was going to order a replica for $150 off of DHGate, but when I went to try on dresses (to see what I wanted to order) I wound up with a dress that was the polar opposite of what I wanted. It's a Paloma Blanca, and the original price was $3100, but I got a sample discount and am only paying $1152. I HIGHLY suggest asking if you can get the sample if it fits you at the salon. I'm also paying about $80 for alterations. My dress fits like a glove already! Love it!

  7. We aren't using a TA, personally. We're going to Puerto Vallarta for our honeymoon and needed a flight from Portland and wanted to do a package, obviously. I had about 4 TAs tell me that it wasn't possible to do 6 days and 5 nights with RT airfare and hotel for under $1500 (our budget). 

    I opened up Orbitz and found a 4 star resort for $632 per person with hotel and air included. So much for that. So I will be planning it on my own! :)

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