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Everything posted by MCree

  1. I know. I can't believe we are all a month a way! Woohoo, how is everyone's planning coming? I am trying to tie uo loose ends so I am not going absolutely crazy in two weeks, lol.
  2. Oooh, I like your thinking! So you are not going to have anything with ceremony info, parents names on it? Just want to make sure Im not missing something before i scratch this off my checklist reallll quick! lol.
  3. Thank you soooo much for these and the tips, I appreciate it so much! I will reach out to her today! A MARRIAGE OF 2.doc COMMENTS BEFORE STARTING THE CEREMONY.doc SAND CEREMONY.doc The keyS to love.doc The keyS to love.doc MARRIAGE VOWS 3.doc
  4. Could someone pretty please attach the ceremony script from Linda? Trying to make programs since my date is getting so close, and I seem to have misplaced this. Thank you so much in advance!
  5. Time flew this past year! Can't believe how close we all are! Youre doing awesome Speckles. I still have a lot of loose ends to tie up . . . make menus, make wedding day iteneraries, send out brochures and luggage tags, find sand ceremony kit, buy guest book, write vows, make tags for favors and oot bags, pick out ceremony and reception songs, etc. Hopefully next time i get on here, ill have some of these caught up! How is all the rest of you girl's planning coming?
  6. I didnt even think of using the rack cards for menus before . . . love the way they turned out though! Its official, I love vista print, lol!
  7. Awesome idea, thanks for sharing!!
  8. Wow, I love all your stuff Speckles . . . especially your menus. How and on what did you make the menus on vista print? Is that buffet? I love them!!
  9. From what I understand, its not actually free rooms that you receive with the 3g promo, but a dollar amount that you receive back on each 6th room. So for instance, if the majority of your group books tropical view dbl occupancy, you(the bride and groom) would simply receive the price amount on this to put towards your room/wedding ONCE you arrive at the resort. So, if you have 6 rooms booked, you get the price of the 6th room back in cash once you arrive and same is true if you hit 12 rooms. With the 3g, you also get a free upgrade depending on resort occupancy at the time for your 10th room! Rereading my mouthful above (lol), i just hope i didnt confuse you more!
  10. First picture is my first aid kit. The kit was a dollar from dollar tree, and then I made/printed my design on full sheet clear labels from office depot and cut it out/stuck it on. Second picture is welcome letter (its poster paper i believe) that I got when they advertised this was FREE (i love that word) from vista print. Found wording on this website for the letter. Next to it is my welcome folder. I made my monogram in word, and again printed it on clear full sheet labels, cut it out, and stuck it on. Third picture is of "the works!" Personalized Playing cards with "two of a kind" label found on this website, first aid kit, my chapstick, monogram for welcome folder of info, and Wedding week survival kit(i havent cut it out yet). Fourth pic is just my Oh Sh*t Kit up close. Fifth pic is my do not disturb sign (sorry its horizontal). Made on vista print when they advertised rack cards for free. Then bought a 2 inch hole puncher from JoAnns and finished her off. Last pic is a pic of my key card/ tip lanyards. Again, found wording off this website, and just peronalized it with some cute beach setting picture i found and again, printed on clear label sheets and cut and attached to pink and yellow cardstock from Michaels and cut out. Lanyards were bought off of ebay. I can look it up if anyone needs name! Still have a lot more to add! Let me know if you have any questions on anything and good luck DIYing ladies!
  11. Upon quickly finding out the destination weddings are not so cheap after all, I quickly decided that invites would be a project i would DIY as so many brides on this forum to save a little money and get creative. Thanks to soo many wonderful templates and ideas, it wasnt too expensive after all. I too did passport invites(a little over 20 invites sent out) for in between $50-$75 in all. Saved a fortune though!
  12. Last picture is of our personalized postage stamps i made on zazzle.com(highly recommend) and personalized stickers i got for free from Vista Print during one of their deals! This was by far the biggest pain in the butt project I ddi of them all but a huge money saver at the end of the day!!!! I will try to take photos of rest projects so that I can post them, but if there is anything specific you want to see/any questions, let me know and Ill try to post ASAP!
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