Congrats!! Not sure if this is your same situation, but a quick FYI to you and any other who may encounter the same situation - I recently got my date booked/ card charged as well, and it showed a total of $6392.80 when she sent me my receipt. Anyways, I was only expecting a $500 charge to be seen as a down payment for our ultimate wedding package but because the package is $2999 I figured that maybe I had gotten charged twice?! So anyways, I huffed and puffed until I was able to get a hold of them. Come to find out, the $6392.80 was in pesos . . . i was only charged $500, but the receipt had no conversion or currency symbol shown except $ which apparently stands for pesos as well as USD. Silly mistake on my part I guess, but figured I would share to spare someone else from the same misunderstanding.