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Everything posted by AM2012

  1. I leave in 8 days!! I am soo excited! I have 4 checked bags with just wedding stuff..thank goodness my family and my fiances are flying down with us to help carry all that. The thing that takes up the most space is definitely the OOT bags. I am also making a detailed set up list with photos to make sure that everything looks the way i want it to. I will post my review when we get back!!! YAY
  2. I did 23 total...i did individuals for the singles and couple bags. To distinguish which is which I used different color ribbon to tie the handles together Blue for boys, Pink for girls and a Multi-color for couples. I hope the resort gets them to the right people. I am really nervous about that...i might just write everyone's name on a tag and stick on it just to be safe.
  3. I put earplugs in them. I asked my guests if they could think of anything they forget when traveling and earplugs came up a lot! So it is supposed to say : "don't lose your ZZZ's use these!" My mom came up with the rhyme!
  4. Kelly -- yes they do add up! I would definitely recommend waiting until the end of the season or after x-mas for the sales. I accumulated everything over time as well so it didn't seem like it was that much but after adding it all up it was around $850 total for everything!
  5. I found all of this really cool beachy stuff from Michael's for 1/2 off! Here is an example of what I want my table to look like.
  6. OK after a couple weeks of hard work and a lot of help from my amazing mom and bridesmaids we have finally finished our OOT bags. Thank you to everyone who has posted ideas, photos and suggestions! I could not have done this without you! OK so here is the breakdown. I hope you all like them! And if you have any questions Please feel free to ask! Bags: I was able to get these for FREE from my TA because the resort was giving them as promotional items. I was a little nervous when she was telling me about these bags but they turned out to be really nice. They do have the resort logo on the other side but it was not a big deal to me...especially since I am saving a ton of money! I also designed a patch that my mom and I ironed onto the bags the iron on paper totaled around $15.00 and then we bought a t-shirt material that was $10.00 Contents: Manicure Kits -$.50 each at Walmart on sale after x-mas Men's Manicure Kits -$.50 each at Walmart on sale after x-mas Travel Size Brush - $.50 each at Walmart on sale after x-mas Change purse- $.50 each at Walmart on sale after x-mas Bath Salts - $.50 for a pack of 4 Lanyards - $6.00 per pack of 10 at OfficeMax Badge/ID holders - $5.00 per pack of 10 at OfficeMax Hand Sanitizers - $.38 each at Bath and Body Works on sale Hand Sanitizer holders - $.17 each on clearance at Bath and Body Works Razors - I just went to Target and got a couple packs of the cheapest disposable for both men and women Silly Straws - $2.00 per pack of 10 at Hobby Lobby Gum - $2.00 for a pack of 3 on clearance at Target Journals - $.50 each at Michael's - they had a bunch of designs available Ear Plugs - $3.00 for a box of 10 Pairs at King Soopers Lolly Pop's - I found a huge bag of these on clearance for $3.00 so I put 10 in each bag Pens - $7.00 for a pack of 20 at Sams's Club Aloe - $1.00 each at Target Wisps - $5.00 for a pack of 16 Chewy Bar snack size - 48 in a bucket on sale for $10 at Target Aspirin - Pack of 48 individually wrapped from OfficeMax Sunscreen -$1.00 each at Target Lotion -$.68 each at Bath and Body Works Emergen-c - a package of 90 for $19.49 at Sam's Club Alkaseltzer - Pack of 48 individually wrapped at Sam's Club ( I cannot find my receipt for this! sorry!) Activity Books - I made them on my computer and I had these printed and bound at OfficeMax and would NOT recommend it. They did not give us a price quote and with the bindings they ended being $12 each! We definitely learned our lesson with that one. Looking back it would have been just as nice to print and bind them at home.
  7. Ok i just placed my order for my fiances suit. He and the dad's are going to wear full suits and then the groomsmen are going to wear the vest with linen pants in the tropical light beige. I am soo nervous! it is so scary making a big purchase like this over the internet but with all the feedback it seems worth the price. Once we get it I will post pictures for everyone!
  8. I really like the custom maps!
  9. I wonder if you can write the program on the back of these fans or adhere it in some way i have seen program fans but most look a little tacky but the shape of these fans would work well I wonder about the material? Any thoughts?
  10. Those fans are really the prettiest that I have seen online I will have to check them out. Beautiful!!
  11. That is so cute! I bought a bunch of flip flops on sale and was stumped on what to do with them! This is perfect!
  12. Thanks for all of your input guys! I think we are going to stick with the honeymoon suite!
  13. YAY! The list is great to see who will be there at the same time! Question for you guys...what room type are you booking? My TA is trying to get us to book a Presidential suite but it is so much more than the honeymoon suite i just want to make sure it is worth it. Any input would help
  14. 2/24/2012 (Bud and Jackie) 2/25/2012 (Mariah and Jens) 3/3/2012 farnaz (Farnaz & Alex) 3/4/2012 busterandsheri (Sheri & Buster) 3/4/2012 faeriesxist83 (shelly and Jim) 3/18/2012 (William and Kate) 3/24/2012 (Eric and Tracie) 3/26/2012 MarryMeMexico (Jenny & Aaron) 4/21/2012 Ankswt03 (Amanda and Jeremy) 4/22/2012 SweetMelissa (Melissa & Nick) 4/22/2012 Ariane1126 (Tessa and Ryan) 4/24/2012 (Amer & Charlotte) 5/10/2012 WPGBride (Chelsea and Mike) 5/12/2012 Dimplesandsuga 5/13/2012 Day_rog (Dana and Damien) 5/16/2012 Corio342 (Corey and Andrew) 5/18/2012 Sarah80 (Sarah and Luke) 5/21/2012 CKNMVS 5/23/2012 Aimeelaco28 5/24/2012 weddingprincess (Shannon & Brad) 6/3/2012 Mrskatieperry (Katie and PJ) 6/6/2012 Tiny6812 (Destiny and Jalon) 6/9/2012 Ssapper 6/14/2012 torilvv12 (Victoria & Yura) 6/18/2012 juliej84 (Julie and Ash) 6/22/2012 blondgoddesstif (Tif and Tony) 6/24/2012 AM2012 (Ashley and Marshall) 6/30/2012 rachallen18 (Rachel & Allen) 7/20/2012 LindseyM (Lindsey & Kevin) 7/26/2012 JulyDrcBride (Sophie & Rafael) 7/28/2012 Mnunez 8/4/2012 RollerBride (Kip and Kate) 8/7/2012 Nj2012 (Nikki & Joe) 8/10/12 (Annie & Jon) 8/24/2012 Sarah-Jane (Sarah and James) 9/1/2012 Cbandemer (Colleen & Brian) 9/2/2012 Ktcblue2012 (Kariane & Nathan) 10/27/2012 Tkb08 (Taren&Collin) 11/8/2012 ahall5665 (Ashley & Ethan) 11/19/2012 melinmontana (Melissa and Kael) 12/01/12 mcree (Christy and Brian) 12/17/2012 Savs1027 (Savanah and John) 2013 Weddings 1/19/2013 marilili (Maritza and Sal) 4/19/2013Dominique161 4/20/13 Christina and Jeremy 4/27/2013 Vika Yakovleva (Vika & Anthony) 5/3/2013 Kthorpe 5/4/2012 Marines and Trent 5/18/2013 Eyeball17 (Aislinn & Bob) 5/25/2013 Robynkelly (Robyn & James)
  15. Awesome! Thanks for the prop link that will save a lot of money!
  16. I am doing the instant camera idea that I saw at on a different thread for my actual wedding but I think we will hire a professional photo booth for our at home reception since there will be lots more people there.
  17. I found this cake online and I really want a design like this for my at home receiption
  18. I never even thought of vow cards! what a great idea! I am going to make them and then we can frame them at home!
  19. Can you email that to me? I don't have quiet enough posts yet! [email protected] thank you in advance!
  20. Wow this is awesome! I am going to try this but I am doing so many projects my Fiance thinks I am going crazy! My response...how many times am I going to get married lol!
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