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Everything posted by CMinDC

  1. Hi, regarding your question about how to put people at ease who are worried about traveling to MX for a wedding, due to crime. Last time I looked, most the real bad violent crime was in the upper 2/3 of the country, not in the Mexican Riviera. I had a relative that said they could not go to MX due to the crime, this was a sibling who I really want to have there with me. So... I offered to look up and send them the comparison of crime rates in their town in northern central California and those in sleepy beach-side Tulum. They did not take me up on it to look up the comparison... but I must have had a good point becausew the next email they sent said they'd be happy to come.
  2. I have the exact same question - anyone? I'm trying to find a link to his music. My wedding planner said he does "trova" style flamenco guitar. He plays live at a bar in Akumel every week, but I can't find any links to his music. I sent him an email just now, asking if he has a link to send me. I'm willing to share it if he replies. I'm at [email protected]
  3. Hi, we're getting married at La Zebra in May 2012. Anyone else in this Forum getting or have gotten married there? And, does anyone have recommendations for nearby hotels to book since we will be filling up the 16 rooms at La Zebra for three nights? I'm looking for something similar in quality and very near so everyone can hang out together on the beach. Also, does anyone have any advice for getting a discount for guests at the 2nd or 3rd hotel we book, without having to take a big financial risk if a designated block does not fill up? I've found the hotel bookers to be a bit low on their discounts unless you can guarantee a minimum 3 nights stay for multiple guests.
  4. Call me no fun, but I see it as really wasteful. There are many brides who couldn't afford to buy some of the dresses you have ruined. I do like the photography in natural settings with the dress - the bride sitting in the window sill, and the one by the tree. But, why not think about donating that dress to someone who can't afford to buy such a beautiful garment?
  5. Tulum, May 19, 2012. Hi Everyone! I'm new to this site, too. But have already found it really useful. We are getting married at La Zebra in Tulum on May 19, 2012 and it's getting really exciting. I thought we were pretty far ahead in planning, but not from the look of it. Some of you are WAY on top of your planning. Congratulations. We are just now working on the web site and save-the-date but most have received news of the location and date by word of mouth. We plan on about 50 people, mostly friends as we have pretty small families and many family members who don't travel much. But many close friends who travel all the time. Any tips you all have for hair, makeup, florists, etc. are very much appreciated. I think I found a good and affordable florist, Marvin from Cancun, on this site yesterday. The Tulum brides 2010 had a lot of good info posted, hopefully it still applies. Would love to hear from you who also will be married in Tulum in 2012.
  6. Do what makes you happy - one person who says they can't travel to X location will be balanced out with another person who says they can't travel to Y location. We have small families that do not travel overseas, except for one family that vacations in the Caribbean. But, we live in Washington DC, and for my parents and friends from younger days to travel from the West Coast to DC and stay in a hotel here would actually cost more than if they travel to Mexico where we will be married in Tulum. And, our friends in DC - the majority of our guests - travel overseas all the time due to their jobs and vacation preferences. Destination weddings are common among our friends. So, while I do feel a bit guilty that my dad, in particular, is likely not able to travel to our wedding in MX, my mom had told me that all along he'd said he was not sure if he would travel anywhere to a wedding if I did not do it near home. I'm not willing to ask all my friends and fiance's family to travel from the East Coast to a town they have never even considered visiting in the West (inland, not a coastal city, so also very expensive to travel to from here). And, I was married briefly before - did the whole church and buttermint wedding in my home town. Just don't need to do that again. My fiance wants a beach wedding, and he's never been married before. So, we will have a beach wedding. I know we will have some disappointments along the way since some will not be able to attend, but in the end, it will be where we both want it. Also, cost is a big factor for us - we have to save for over a year to afford a wedding, and urban cities in the US cost around twice as much for the same type of wedding as if you do it overseas. Even if we had it near our home in DC, we still could not afford to invite and have more people to attend.
  7. I'm getting marrie in Tulum in May 2012 and I'm trying to find out what to expect for florist prices for orchids - not sure if they grow there or not. I will check out Marvin's site from Cancun if he has one, but does anyone have tips? Thanks!
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