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Everything posted by tamandrob

  1. I have only had to pair the one so far most of the singles are booking with another person so that has worked out in our favor. I would go about it the same way interest/personalities. You also have to remember that they won't be spending much time in the room I know when I am on c=vacation I am just in the room to sleep. I wouldn't stress to much about it!
  2. Thanks for the input ladies! I have made up my mind 1 bag for couples and 1 for singles even if they are dharing a room! I was leaning towards this but it is always nice to see what others are doing!
  3. Tori, I am on the Canadian oot and I thought I remembered seeing it but forgot where oops! Anyways thanks for your thought I was thinking along the lines of what your doing just wanted some input. I think I will give them each a bag, your right how would they divide it and I wouldn't want them to have too! Thanks for you thoughts! Thanks for your input! I am going to do the same, like I said to Tori the more I think about it I don't want to have to make them share with someone who isn't their partner! Thanks ladies!
  4. Hey ladies I was wondering what your thoughts are and what you are doing for your OOT bags, I have a few guest who are just friends sharing a room for the week; would you give them an oot bag to share or would you count them as a single? To cut cost I am giving one bag per couple but not to sure what to do? I am leaning towards individual bags for them but would like to know what everyone else is doing/thoughts?
  5. Espejo2be: I am so sorry to hear that and only 24hrs before you leave but at the same time you need to focus on the positive. You are going to Jamaica to marry the man of your dreams and it is your special day!!!! I really hope you don't let this get you too down I know it sucks but you have to just go with it. You must be so excited that your leaving tonight!!!!!! I can't wait to hear all about it when you return as a Mrs!!! Congrats!!!
  6. This dress is so gorgeous!!!! That would look so good and you would be nice and cool in it! The lady that did the dresses was from Ottawa so I don't think that is much help to you. You could always try to order it and if you don't like it or if something is wrong you have plenty of time to send it back and get another one or potentially still get it made.
  7. I was thinking about the same thing but for different reason. I wasn't going to change into a reception dress but the more I think about it I just might have to go buy another dress lol. I want to wear my wedding dress at the AHR for a bit to take some pictures with my grandparents and I am worried that if I wear it all night it could get dirty and be very warm as well. I went to a wedding in Cuba 2 yrs ago and the bride changed into a reception dress and it looked very pretty and you could still tell that she was the bride if that is something you are worried about. As for dress makers one of my friends had our bridesmaid dresses made by this lady and it turned out great! What area of Ontario are you in?
  8. Mekanabr: Congrats on being a Mrs!!!!! You looked gorgeous and your dress is so beautiful, Thanks for your great review! I can't wait to see your pro pictures!
  9. Tori, I love your inspiration board!! I too originally wanted calla Lillie's but FI doesn't like so I am still trying to find the perfect flower. Are you making your own bouquet or are you getting them made for you?
  10. I just sent you a PM I am interested in your other 25!
  11. I think if your adding hair elastics too I would just add both to the survival kit! I think hair elastics would be weird in the first aid kit lol!!!!
  12. I love the new finds!!! I don't think it would be weird to add laundry detergent, it's something I have never thought of but it would be nice to wash swim suits or if you spill something on a shirt that you would like to wear again. Plus it's not that expensive to add and you already have the containers. I would add them to the first aid kit it's too bad it doesn't fit in the sewing kit.
  13. Two weeks to go you must be so excited!!! Congrats and I hope your day is everything you want it to be! Please let us know how everything goes when you get back!
  14. Your ring sounds gorgeous I can't wait to see pictures!!! I am only bringing down candles and some starfish for the reception tables my FI and I are pretty lad back and don't want to stress about packing and setting up. I was told that if you give your decor to the WC they will set it up for you, you should ask at your resort. I couldn't imagine spending 3500 on decor that seems really high in price.
  15. I love it!! It is so fun and cute!
  16. Thanks for starting this thread you are always on the ball!!! Great idea!
  17. The only trouble I think you could run into is if you have any liquids over 150ml, or if you have a sewing lit or nail kit they will take the scissors but other than that I think you would be okay. I am going to hand them out at the welcome dinner!
  18. Thanks they look so good on the girls and they all have very different bdy types! Tori is right I got them at the dressbarn in Watertown NY and they were $39.99! They aren't convertible.
  19. I haven't ordered yet but I contacted a florist that the resort recommended and they emailed me a book with lots of examples! I think I have a pretty good idea of what I want!
  20. I live just outside of Ottawa, in Kemptville and I went to the state July 6th and found alot of great stuff! I went to Watertown it's about an hour and half from my place, I would suggest to take the 416 to the 401 and cross over at 1000 islands if you cross over in Ogdensburg/Prescott you have to take the back way and it's alot longer. They have a Walmart, Target, Bit Lots, Dollar Tree and a mall. I actually got my bridesmaid dresses there too! Hope this helps!
  21. Sounds like it will be great for the beach! I get mine in September so I will be sure to post pics then!
  22. Congrats on the planning ladies!!! And for the others I think everyone gets in a slump, I just got over mine and I am looking at photographers right now! Wish me luck it seems alot harder than I thought it was going to be. Beachbum21 I didn't see flowers on your list have you ordered any or are you ordering any?
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