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Everything posted by tamandrob

  1. I wasn't planning on having a dinner rehearsal either, I think I will say we can meet at the buffet and who ever comes, comes. But I think I remember reading somewhere not to sure where that you call three weeks ahead and make a reservation it didn't say anything about having to pay the $2500.
  2. You must be so exctied three weeks will come fast! I think it's a nice idea to have the dinner before and if your MIL wants to host thats great but if it's going to be around 45 people thats almost like having an AHR, just my thought! I think I would just have a small intimate dinner if you are going to have one. I haven't even thought of having a dinner before the AHR.
  3. Janet I'm so sorry to hear that. You still have time it will work out!
  4. Hello Ladies I am getting married Feb 12 2012 at Gran Bahia Principe Jamaica! Happy Planning!
  5. I agree completely I am having an AHR because my grandparents are not able to travel and would like to celebrate with us as well as others that aren't able to attend. It has nothing to do with gifts! I am very offended by Etiquette's remarks!
  6. That's awesome! I am looking into photographers now just trying to find someone who is within our budget! Are you going with his classic package? Aand are you going to do TTD session?
  7. Thanks for the website. Drinks sounds great!!!!
  8. Yay!!!! Can't wait to meet up ladies!
  9. Janet, I love your FI outfit it looks great and the colours are awesome! I will make sure to go to Le Chateau thanks for the good advice and poting the pics! I never thougt of the groomsmen wearing shorts but I like that too! and I think the guys would love it! I am still not to sure what I am going to do for flowers but I would love to see a picture of yours when they come in if you don't mind! I will check out angels accents. Thanks for all the great ideas!!!
  10. Yes an AHR is a reception. Would you mind sending me the link to the website for the linen pants? Thanks
  11. Hey, We are getting married at the GBP in Jamaica on the 28th of Feb so I am sure we will be seeing each other!!!
  12. Hey I would love it if you could share some creavtive ideas! How many people are you having?
  13. The shop in North Gower is called All that glitters its a mother/daughter run store and they are excellent! I went to Moose Creek as well and they were great there too! I haven't really thought of the style that I want my bridesmaids to wear yet but I wouldn't mind if they were different, I will check out Le Chateau for sure! Thanks! Did you make your own bouquets too?
  14. Hey, I ordered my dress today I am so excited!!!! They said it will take 4 months to come in, once I get it I will post pics! I got it from a place in North Gower. My colour is blue, I am going shopping in July with the bridal party to get their dresses, I think we are just going to check out some places in Ottawa. I haven't really thought of decorations but I don't want to be bringing a lot of stuff down with us so if I do it won't be much also I was thinking the bouquets could be put on the tables as decoration? Not to sure yet. I can't wait either!!!!!! Are you having an AHR?
  15. 7 weeks that's so exciting!!! Your flower choices are beautiful, I still haven't figured out what I want to do yet. Was Jan's flowers cheaper than tai flora? Also I was wondering if your pre trip packages are what you are giving out instead of OOT bags? I am still undecided of what I want to do and I was thinking if I did oot bags I would like to give them out before we go because I am thinking that it would be way to much stuff to bring with us. Still not sure what to do.
  16. This may be a stupid question but I am having a hard time with vistaprint I can't seem to get all these free products everyone is talking about? Could someone please let me know what I am doing wrong? Thanks so much ladies!
  17. I haven't sent any forms in yet I am going to wait till the deposit date ends too! I haven't contacted tai flora yet but I have been looking on there website and there are so many flowers so choose from. I have went dress shopping but I haven't picked yet I am going this Saturday and I have it narrowed down to 2, I am so excited!! Have you got yours? What are your colours?
  18. Leigh Your invitations are awesome!!! They look great and you can tell you have put so much work into them!
  19. Heatherd You get there the day after my wedding but we don't fly out till the 10th so I will be there for yours! We should meet up at the resort and I can let you know how mine went. The gazebo looks amazing I am so excited!!! Have you sent in your forms yet?
  20. Thanks for sharing! I love the clips I will have to look into that.
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