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Jr. Member
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Everything posted by Jnadair

  1. No bouquet or garter toss...we will only have 1 single guy & 1 single girl and don't really want them to feel uncomfortable...still wearing a garter tho...which can be removed that night AFTER the reception back at the honeymoon suite
  2. Congrats & Welcome to the forum...good luck!
  3. Everything looks fantastic...i'm sure your guests had a great time and appreciated your hard work!
  4. I just got those same bags as well. Was thinking about getting something put on them, but then decided against it in case my guests want to use them for something else, ie groceries, etc then they might not want to if our names or date are all over the front. Do love OTC though!
  5. Wow you're very talented! Not sure I could pull that off, but I'm sure your guests just loved them and all the effort you put in!
  6. Everything looks really great! Thanks for sharing. I'm sure your guests loved everything!
  7. They look fantastic! I can only hope mine will turn out even half as good as that.
  8. Everything looks great! I love the idea about the bubba kegs, but it seems like such a hassle to have to pack them and get them to the destination!
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