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Everything posted by nmwedding

  1. Does anyone know if the Moon Palace will allow this vendor to bring decorations and flowers? There was another thread that said outside flower vendors were not allowed?
  2. It is customary to tip a DJ, or weddingcoordinator here in the States,so if they do an exceptional job, I would say to tip them. We visitd the Now on a site inspection last weekend and it is absolutely gorgeous. We did not choose it due to the pricing for a larger group and we hope to have a larger group. Otherwise, it would have been a shoe in based on location, service, beach, food quality, amazing rooms, etc. Also the coordinator we met there was the most responsive, helpful coordinator we met with.
  3. I was in Cabo in Fenruary 2011 and we rode the local bus, visited the local shops and markets and even went out one evening. We used common sense and we were just fine, I never felt like I was in any danger. I was in the Mayan riviera this past weekend and it ws very safe there as well. we had appointments to visit a few resorts and we rented a car and drove to and from the resorts. the area was safe and there was no dangerours or concerning behavior during our stay. Our police and sfety system here in the United States can't keep drugs out of our prisons here, so I think people have a unrealstic sense of safety here in the States.We are facing the same issue with guests scared to come. I guess each person must make thier own decision and you will just have to enjoy your day without them.
  4. Shay12 Was that pricing provided to you by Vacations4less.com? Are there any couples planning March 2012 weddings? Thanks!
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