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About Kmarch85

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  1. Hey Everyone - I haven't been on here in a while, but for the newbies here is a link to my wedding blog I created. Email me with questions I would be happy to help. [email protected] http://thetravelingbridedrc.blogspot.com/ - Wedding Blog
  2. Hey! I have been working hard on my blog! - http://thetravelingbridedrc.blogspot.com Check it out - Hopefully this answers some of your questions This week I will be adding more pictures of some details, make up, locations, closer shots of items at the wedding, that I was able to source from my guests cameras. Keep spreading the blog for other brides if they have questions too. Thanks!
  3. To be honest the whole week we were there the wind was just perfect that night - just a slight breeze so there was no bugs. The other nights it was crazy windy. Now... just to let you know, it was a changing of the seasons the last 2 weeks which means all this rain comes in and wind, which pushes more warm air in. They said it is how they know "spring" is here. In that case I would see if other brides who had weddings around your date have had less windy weather. Yeah The candles didn't stay lit even with the breeze coming in - I would recommend flameless either way. The Carribean buffet is 1 of the 3 choices in the Ultimate package if your party is over 40 people - Tonight I will update my blog with the other options for dinners. http://thetravelingbridedrc.blogspot.com/2012/03/buffet-dinner-menus.html - STAY TUNED
  4. I was just married at DRC on March 18th, 2012 - I also created a blog to help other brides planning their weddings. I was inspired by Janine's posts. Check my blog here - http://thetravelingbridedrc.blogspot.com/ I am still adding more and more information! Questions - you can also email me at [email protected]
  5. We had our reception on the Pool Deck - its the drop off side of the infinity pool between the pool and the beach.
  6. I think everyone just put them in their luggage wrapped in tissue - They were so easy to fluff up - on the way home I just threw it in the suite case and it was perfect just needed to adjust the wires so the flowers spread out - they weren't super huge and didn't take up a ton of room - so even those who used boxes didn't have space issue.
  7. I did my own hair and make up for the trash the dress, my hair was just scrunched and pinned up and I did my normal make up that day. + waterproof mascara and eyeliner So excited you changed your mind to do it. Best thing we did! plus you are more calm and relaxed as you can tell from my photos www.facebook.com/kmarchewka - for others wanting to look
  8. I divided up the flowers between my bridesmaids and they carried theirs on in a box in their luggage - My now husband carried mine on in his carry on and all the bouts and moms wrist corsages fit in a tiny box that I was able to stick in my suite case - they fluffed up perfect at the hotel with a little tweeking. Don't stress to much over it as long as you have a little protection you are good to go.
  9. On my lunch break I was able to start a new blog. http://thetravelingbridedrc.blogspot.com/ I am continuing to add today - Thanks for emailing questions I am making sure to get to them in my blog! FYI those concerned about Buffet. The Caribbean Buffet was AMAZING! people are still talking about it.
  10. Thanks! actually it is a tattoo with his initials. More reviews coming tonight - writing up a long review on the wedding package and extras and substitutions.
  11. Hey Everyone tonight I am starting my review - I will be starting to post here on my blog - http://thetravelingbridedrc.blogspot.com/ Please ask any questions so I can make sure to add - I will try to be very detailed in each blog I write. You can email me at [email protected] too. Thanks
  12. also brides worried about hair and make up - hands down they are amazing!!! I am a stylist myself and my bridesmaids who have been in many weddings where sooooo happy. Everyone kept asking who did all of their hair - they were also surprised by the spa and salon. ahhh I want to say so much more but will elaborate very soon - hopefully tomorrow! xo
  13. Hey Everyone - We just got back home today from our amazing wedding in Mexico! ohhh my gosh. Everything was more then I could have hoped for. I am loading pictures right now to my face book... and if you had concerns about upgrading to the trash the dress - DO IT! it was the most amazing thing ever! plus my dress is cleaner then the night of the wedding. I will write up a big review here soon.. but ask away if you have any questions. Also congrats to the bride who was married the same day as us! http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10150705376613846.425725.503008845&type=3 http://www.facebook.com/kmarchewka
  14. I did a boudoir photo shoot and am placing all the photos in an album. I asked the photographer to take a picture of his reaction. lol
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