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About EugenElza

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  1. After a lot of speculations about our wedding, we have come to decision making this event very remembered and unique. It means something unusual and unforgettable, unlike all the rest! We have screened the internet proposals of wedding destinations and stopped on Mexico. Several words about which countries we considered: Maldives is a super islands, but except of amazing beaches and various fishes - anything are not present, Dominican republic - beaches and ? (no differences to Egypt), Thailand - it is well-known be famous but not for the wedding ceremonies... , here India and Sri lanka - looked adequately, but we weren't there, therefore can not tell anything about. Altogether, we have stopped on Mexico. As I have Russian citizenship and my husband has German one, we decided to make it easier and to organize the official part in Denmark and symbolical ceremony in Mexico. The official wedding passed in Denmark terribly boring, after 10 minutes everything was over. In 2 days after Denmark we have taken off for Mexico. In one week after arrival the Mayan symbolic wedding was planned. If someone watched a film “Apocalypto†of Mel Gibson, please don't think that Maya are well-known for the cruelty only! They were highly educated people in astronomy, mathematics, physic and etc. They left us amazing pyramids, astronomical calendar and others interesting artefacts. By the way, we will not die all in 2012 as tells their calendar... Why? Travel to Mexico and get all answers directly from Maya! So, we spent some time searching for the wedding coordinator. Certainly, each hotel has the wedding coordinator, but their in general take much for service and it is absolutely not clear for what else. Besides, many people do not believe to people outside of the hotel in another's country. But we have risked and haven't regretted about it!!! We found in the Internet Yasmin de La Mora website (www.yazmindelamora.com) and have written to them. Actually they provide official and non-official weddings. They promised to take care about all documents for the official wedding, but as I said before, we have different citizenships that make troubles. Yazmin is Mexican and her husband is German. It was really good because he spoke with my husband in German. Yazmin is very pleasant woman and what’s the most important thing, that there were no feeling that you will be deceived or their try to tear off more money. After all formalities, the money were easily transmited and we have begun prepares for departure. By the way, the photographer also has been advised us by Yazmin. The photographer was simply magic! All details about our photosession both underground and underwater in other forum! It would be desirable to notice that all prices were cheaper, than offered us various hotels. On the next day after our arrival to Mexico, we have met with Yazmin, her husband (Arwed), and also the photographer. Everything has been discussed: a transfer to cenote, a ceremony, bride hare flowers, a buttonhole for the groom, a bouquet for the bride, the photosession beginning etc. In the wedding day the beautiful hair-style with orchids has been made and at 9.30 everything started. They picked us up from the hotel and our first stop for the photosession was on the beautiful Caribbean beach. Immediately after it, we have gone in cenote where the wedding has been planned. I wanted to notice that we saw some weddings on a beach in our hotel, and we were not delighted with: it is very hot and many people having a rest in bathing suits, drinking cocktails and continuously watching the process We very much recommend inviting to symbolical ceremony Mayan dancers. They add the flavour by dancing, beating in drum and making prewedding show! The sensation was simply fantastic! In the middle of jungle, torches, Mayan dancers and the shaman which uses an ocean shell for the music. The ceremony takes about 45 minutes, including dance. All ceremony was spent on ancient Mayan language. Yazmin was the interpreter between us and the shaman. During all wedding time - there was a photosession which has proceeded and after ceremony. The culmination of everything was our jump in the cenote water and simultaneously underwater video and photoshooting. We still have unforgettable impressions!!!!! Yazmin has organized all much better our expectations!!! It is a memory for whole life and moments that matters! Thank you Yazmin and Arwed!!! P.S. Sorry for the long story
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