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Everything posted by Sherio9090

  1. Also just watched the video of Brooke's wedding at the Jellyfish on Facebook. Looked like a beautiful wedding an awesome day and a wonderful crowd to help you celebrate! With such a big crowd did you do an open buffett or did you select one of the menu options for everyone? Congratulations Brooke!
  2. Thank you Liz and Vav! This is really helpful. So many little logistics that you don't think about until you suddenly realize that your 2 year old nephew probably doesn't want to hang out till midnight with a bunch of intoxicated, dancing fiends.
  3. Jlaruda (hi again) & Liz, I am also getting married at the Jellyfish and staying at the Majestic Elegance in February of next year. If you happen across any make up artists let me know. My bridesmaids are my sisters and we're all sporty Vermonter's who didn't realize that makeup existed until college. I might need to ask one of my guests to help out instead of chancing it with the salon as well. Do you either of you know how far it is from the Majestic to the Jellyfish? We have some kiddos and elderly guests and I am not sure if they will make it the whole night at the Jellyfish, so I need to see if I can get an early pick up for those guest. Hope all is going well with your planning. Sheri
  4. MoBayBride, thanks so much for sharing this. Once you have the coupon, where do you go to buy your Johnson and Johnson kits? I see the packs everywhere, but not sure who carries the J&J brand? Thanks again for the info. Sheri
  5. Really nice job on your OOT bag. You're wonderful for sharing the website for Pashmina's. I've been looking all over for whole sale prices and this is first time I've seen something in a decent price range. Thanks for sharing.
  6. Your welcome books are awesome! I am a huge procrastinator so thanks for the movtivation to get going on this stuff. Thanks for sharing.
  7. Love your colors and loved your dress! Your wedding looked like so much fun, I am hoping to have that really chill atmosphere as well. Glad you got to take a dip in the ocean on your wedding day. We are in a toss up between the Melia and the Majestic Elegance, now I might just need to flip a coin. Congruatulations and thanks for the brilliant review.
  8. Megan, Your wedding pictures and video are absolutely beautiful. Thank you so much for taking the time to post your review of the Jellyfish, it makes the rest of us realize what a wonderful decision we are making. A few quick questions if you don't mind. 1) How much was it to do drinks and dinner a la carte? I was just at a wedding that did buffet style and it just seems so much easier and convenient for everyone. Is this what you did? 2) Did you dance inside, in the sand or did you arrange to have a dance floor. Dancing is what my guest will most likely enjoy the most and I want to make sure that they can do that. 3) Did you bring the beautiful white lanterns with you or Mayte set those up? Thank you again for all your info and advise. Sheri
  9. Megan, I can't wait to see pictures and hear about the day. So happy to hear about another successful Jellyfish wedding. Picking the Jellyfish is hopefully one of the best decisions I have made so far. Did you use a DJ and if so was it the one that Mayte recommends or another? Also, who did you use for your photographer? Thanks and congratulations! Sheri
  10. These are absolutly beautiful! I was starting to get frustrated with pricing and quality as well, but hadn't looked on Etsy. Hoping mine will come out as well as yours did. Thanks so much for sharing!
  11. CampbellSoup, Hope you have a wonderful time and that your day is perfect! Can't wait to hear how it all goes and so looking forward to seeing pictures.
  12. DD/MM/YYYY Jessica & Steven ~ 12/11/2011 Digado ~ 19/11/2011 Melissa & Bruce ~ 27/11/2011 PJ & Jen ~ 07/01/2012 SheriO & John ~ 02/20/2012
  13. Your bags were sso cute, I'm so sorry that they were such a pain to make, but people will love them regardless because you made them. Congratulations on your beautiful wedding!
  14. Celeste, you did an outstanding job! I can only hope that my DIY stuff comes out half as well as yours did. I can't believe you found those bags at the Dollar Store, and to think I was going to pay $17 each for something similar. I have to ask, because I have a halo type ring as well, did you get two bands to go on both sides of your e-ring?
  15. Thank you so much for sharing with such detail. You have just confirmed that I do want a friend to be our officiant, it will definitely make it so much more personal. Really helpful planning thread and congratulations on a beautiful wedding.
  16. I loved your colors and can't believe how much you did on your own. Congratulations!
  17. These are absolutely the perfect price! I had been looking at these from Etsy for those in my wedding party http://www.etsy.com/listing/74606507/passport-cover-cream-elephants-on-gray But the Passports to love would be perfect for giving to all the guests. Thanks for sharing!
  18. I love the bags and everything that goes with them. You did an incredibly job and I am getting so excited to put my own OOT bag together. My FI doesn't really understand why we need to give bags and isn't so keen on the idea or helping create them. He wants to make a t-shirt to give to the guests and thinks that will suffice. Any suggestions on how to get the FI on board with this? Again, beautiful job, your guests are going to be so thrilled!
  19. You did an awesome job and congrats on the chicken pot pie as well Did you use a template to make these? I love the concept of a different page for each subject. Thanks!
  20. Thank you Brenners! I really appreciate someone pointing me in the right direction. I'm finally starting figure everything out, I contacted TA Patty via PM and she responded right away. This site is amazing, thank goodness it exists, I would be even more lost than I already am. Wish I was one of those girls who has been planning my wedding since I was 5, certainly could have used the jump start
  21. Hi Everyone, I'm still trying to figure this website out, but am so greatful that it exists, don't think I would have even gotten to this point without it. However, I'm getting to the stage of needing to get in touch with a TA (our date is 2/20/12 in Punta Cana) and I am not sure to how to contact a TA on this site. I saw a couple of you mentioned a banner, but I don't see it. I know Patty is supposed to be the DR contact, just not sure how to go about getting in touch with her. Thanks for any help you all might be able to offer.
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