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Everything posted by Sherio9090

  1. Meg, I love love loved looking at your photos. Everyone looks like they are having so much fun. So i'm thinking perhaps we should meet for drinks or something in Boston, I have so many questions and you have been so wonderfully helpful I would love to meet you in person. Anyone else in the area that might be able to join? SheriO.
  2. Megan, Thanks for the recommendation. I definitely plan on meeting with Mayte before the wedding, if not just for an excuse to sit and relax on that beach before the wedding. I'm getting more and more nervous about travel prices, they don't seem to be going down much so I think I just need to bite the bullet and pay $800+ for tickets froM BOS. Unfortunately, my parents are school teachers and we had to pick a school vacation week in Massachusetts and the prices for travel that week are just insane. Booh :-( MNtoMX I am also booked at the Majestic Elegance. Congrats on getting all that stuff done. Doesn't it seem like the list never ends even though I thought a destination wedding would be easier. Sheri
  3. Hey Meg, and those of you who have already had your ceremony at the Jellyfish. What did you do about a rehersal for the ceremony? Did you actually go to the Jellyfish, not sure it's even an option? If you didn't go to the Jellyfish, what did you do? Thanks ladies! Sheri
  4. Thank you for the info on your deposit Astef! We sent ours in last Thursday and I received an email from Mayte on Saturday saying she had received it. It's annoying that it cost $30 to wire the money over, but I guess it's worth it to know that your confirmed. Anyone having trouble with flight costs currently. I've been to the DR twice previously and never spent more than $500 per RT flight. Currently looking at over $700. OUCH!
  5. I am a candy-aholic and a candy "bar" is a must have for me. My biggest question is if Mayte has jars or bowls to put all the candy in or if I need to bring those myself. I love the look of the big apothecary glass jars, but doubt those would make it on a flight over, so I've been looking at all sorts of plastic bowls. I can't imagine not having some candy to snack on while dancing the night away.
  6. I was the other bride and Vav, I'm so sorry to hear that you're no longer looking at the Jellyfish, but glad to hear that the Kukua Beach Club is making you just as happy. I too received an email from Mayte earlier this week asking for a deposit in order to confirm my reservation at the Jellyfish. It sounds like others on this site may not have put down a deposit, but with the confusion about dates I feel like a deposit might be the best way to make sure your date is confirmed. She also indicated to me that the deposit will cover the reservation and that I can pay for everything else day of. Does anyone know how much I should send for a deposit, she did not indicate that in the email and when I emailed her back and asked, she just said to send whatever. Has anyone sent a deposit to hold their date before and if so how much did you send? I am glad that the confusion with the possible double booking has been cleared up, but it is too bad that it happened in the first place. Vav, I wish you all the best with your wedding planning and keep us posted on how everything is going for you at the beautiful Kukua.
  7. Looks like you guys had a great time! Thanks for all the details, especially the website for the grooms ring. Glad to hear nobody woke you up after all that planning and hard work I'm sure you guys needed the sleep.
  8. Thanks for posting! I need to constantly remind myself that I need to wait. Figure out what I really need, make sure I know the exact number etc. I just get so excited and want to buy things to get a jump start, but in the end I don't need 75 extra travel mugs just cause I want to order them now :-) Thanks again!
  9. Thanks Liz! He is the type that will fall asleep best if everyone is around so that might be a good option and that way my sister can stay longer. Thanks for the reminder. Sheri
  10. Jen, Thank you for calming the nerves. We are indeed having our ceremony there so perhaps this is the case. I hope we can all fit too :-) Sorta funny, cause I reserved the space back in April, but had this funny feeling that I should confirm again. A woman's intuition is never wrong.
  11. Vav, My heart just dropped. I am attaching the confirmation I received from Mayte for that date. If you have one as well, we should probably reach out to her together and figure out what to do :-( Let me know if you want to connect privately via email to figure this out. Fingers crossed there's a happy ending to this. From: JELLYFISH <[email protected]> To: Sheri Olivet Sent: Fri, July 1, 2011 9:59:00 PM Subject: Re: Jellyfish Wedding Hopefulls Hi Sheri, Your date is close for you Feb 20th, 2012 is yours!! Yes we can arrange all this details in our meeting before the wedding, no problem. Keep writing me with every thing you need. Un abrazo Mayte
  12. Hi Melba, Thank you for posting the actual letter and not just the attachment, it feels like I'm never going to get access to the attachments. Nice work on the letter!
  13. Thanks for posting all your DIY lists. It's been huge to take your lists and work them down into my list. Keeping me on my toes, I knew I had left a few a things off my own list.
  14. Hi Teira, Not sure if Jblancas got to this before me. I was thinking I wanted to add extensions to my hair for my wedding and love your BD pics and your hair in them. I also noticed that we have very similar engagement rings did you end up needing to get a wedding band that went around the halo? Thanks for your time. Sheri
  15. Digado & Jellyfishers, Thanks so much for your helpful thoughts and suggestions. Our wedding date is scheduled for 2/20/12 and we booking at the Majestic Elegance. After looking at the most recent wedding pics posted on the Jellyfish FB page I have started getting so excited about seeing what Mayte does for our wedding decor. She clearly is amazing at what she does! I concure on hiring Mayte's DJ, and am sure that everyone will be dancing all night long even if I had only an ipod playing so having a DJ is just icing on the cake. I loved the outdoor lounge idea, but wondering if the indoor dance floor is possible if you have a big group attending the wedding? I kind of invisioned that space would be where people would be sitting to eat. Anyone know if that's the case or is the indoor dance floor seperate from the dining area? Can't wait and am getting so excited to see more pics of all our weddings as well!
  16. Digado, I love the idea of the photo booth and my friend just did the same with the cute mustaches from Etsy and it was adorable. As far as decorations go, did you just send Mayte some pictures of what you are looking for? Just curious what the best way is to get her the decoration details and or requests. 3 months is still plenty of time at least you've got your photographer booked and have started your OOT bags. Are you going with Mayte's DJ or doing something else? We still haven't seemed to nail down an opinion on Mayte's DJ. Good luck with the packing ;-) Sheri
  17. Love the bag! All your DIY look so creative and fun! Nice job.
  18. Awesome job! I was thinking I wanted to do this and put our passport wedding invitation into them so everyone would have them when they received their invitations. How to mail them will be the challenge, but I guess even just putting them into an envelope could work. Thank you so much for the instructions. My mom is probably the one who will end up helping me with these as she actually has a sewing machine, and I'm sure I would end up throwing it all out and buying them if I was left to it :-)
  19. These came out really well! I wasn't sure how I wanted to present this info to my guests but I think this might just be the perfect way. It's small enough to carry around the resort even in a guys back pocket or a small clutch. Brilliant!
  20. Really nice job on those. I love the concept of the linen pocket. How will you send these, will they go in another envelope for postage?
  21. Really nice job on these. Thank you for sharing, I hope mine come out as well as yours :-)
  22. Absolutly love your goodies and their tags. I love yogurt covered pretzels so I might need to add a little "tied the knot" baggie to my OOT bags. Looks great and excellent idea on the water bottles they look good for both water and or adult beverages ;-)
  23. Tori, Thank you so much for sharing your OOT bags. It's so much fun to see all the creative ideas that people have and all the colors. I really want to use the Bubba mugs, they're just so nice looking and I'm sure our guests would actually utilize them again once back home. Definitely worth the extra cost. Really nice job, your guests will be thrilled!
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