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Everything posted by takelly

  1. Hi Samantha, Sounds like you have things well under control and quite frankly it is stressing me out . You are so much further ahead then me! I have just completed a residential move and job change so the planning for the wedding has fallen a bit behind (oh my!). My dress just arrived but I still need a fitting and our daughters just completed their fittings for the bridesmaid dresses. Everyone is getting very excited as the date gets closer and closer but just yesterday I realized that I haven't even thought of shoes! Lucky for me I this weekend free to get organized! I thought destination weddings were suppose to be less work????
  2. Thanks for the feedback JenWhitt! I am still waiting on pricing details from the wedding coordinator but the Chill Out Club does sound lovely. Did you happen to notice any great spots for a group to meet there (perhaps a pool, bar, etc.)? Our group is staying in the Platnium suites on the Sunset side but I have never been there before. Booking a pre-trip sounds like a great idea. Wish I had thought of it!!
  3. Does anyone have any information on a semi private reception at the Chill Out Restaurant (aka Thai Beach Club)? We originally thought of going with one of the A la Cartes but I really like the look of the Club. Previous posts have mention a cost of $45 / person but I am not sure what it included. Advice/Comments are appreciated!
  4. Thanks for the feedback Leanne! I have another question for anyone who has experience with the resort. We are having a group of 40 people and we are all staying in the Platinum Suites on the Grand Sunset Princess side. We were thinking of having a welcome dinner or cocktail hour and wanted to know if anyone knew of any great meeting places within the resort for a small group get together such as this. We are doing an Al a Carte dinner or the reception and I am not sure whether or not we would be permitted to have two group dinners without incurring extra charges. I am hoping to avoid having to pay additional fees but I do need to ensure we have a large enough area to accomodate us. Any advice is greatly appreciated!
  5. Hi Samantha, I had the same concern but I specifically asked Sabrina about whether the birth certificates or divorce decree were required and she said they were not. I am a little surprised but I don't know where to double check the requirement. Perhaps one of those who were recently married could provide some insight on this?
  6. We have just finalized all of the bookings...looks like 38 in total!! Next week we start shopping for dresses. How are thing going on your end?
  7. Hi Samantha, I haven't heard who my new wedding coordinator is from the resort but I have heard from Sabrina. She does look after the legal paperwork and set up the appointment for the bloodwork for me. Her turn around time for responses has been pretty quick!
  8. Love it! I saw some pictures with the same colour dress and it really did pop. Hope all goes well for you.
  9. Many thanks for the detailed review. It is a little scary but you just decribed the wedding I am in the process of planning...right down to the timeline! Would you be able to elaborate on why you would choose a different Al a carte for the dinner?
  10. I knew that would make your happy The travel arrangements are coming along nicely. So far most everyone has booked and we are just working on the individuals that are outside of the group travel booking. I still haven't heard from the wedding coordinator but this site really has been a great resource for working through some of the questions I have. How are your plans coming along?
  11. Thanks for the advice! This certainly does make me feel better. I have been waiting for someone from the resort to contact me about the wedding details but nothing yet! Fortunately my TA is a great help and if it becomes critical, she helps me out by contacting them directly.
  12. Great news for those that were interested in the Gazebo. My TA just received confirmation that the Riviera Gazebo opened two weeks ago. The resort now wants confirmation on which gazebo I prefer - Riviera vs Chill Out. I assume this means that they are keeping both!
  13. I'm not sure. I got the email from Claudia a Sales Manager but it was from the same email address that Aléjandra contacted me from. I asked for an update this week and she said that a new coordinator is currently being trained and I would be contacted next week. I am hopeful that the new person is experienced!
  14. Yes, Kelsey was kind enough to send me some information. Would you like me to email it to you?
  15. Did anyone else get an email to notify them that Aléjandra is no longer working there?
  16. I received and email from the resort yesterday letting me know that Aléjandra is not working there any longer. They stated that another WC would be in contact with me shortly and the Sales Manager left her contact details if I had any questions. Have you received a similar email? We are still in the early stages of planning but have decided on a gazebo wedding and semi private reception. We haven't chosen the restaurant yet.
  17. I have read great reviews on Blue Lens and agree that they work looks amazing. Your pictures will be wonderful!! We are a smaller group (approx 30) and we are opting for the semi-private reception so I don't think I will need the centerpeices. I just read in another forum that a bride went the semi-private route and arranged for the beach party from 8-10 pm. Excluding the dinner was less expensive. I love this option and will investigate further. It sounds like your planning is coming along nicely!
  18. Mookie, thank you so much for the review and for the idea of a a beach dance party from 8-10pm!! I didn't even know that was a possiblity. Are you able to share any of the details of the cost and what was included? If you prefer to send this privately, my email is [email protected]. Thanks in advance and congratulations on your wedding.
  19. Thanks for the feedback! We are getting married on October 21, 2011. Only six more weeks for you....how wonderful! How have you found the experience of planning a destination wedding?
  20. Thanks for the review Kelsey! Would you be willing to share your intinerary? I am trying to pull something together for our guests but I am struggling a little!!
  21. Finally confirmed for 3pm....thank you so much Samantha. You made my day!!!!
  22. Exactly the same! The gazebo is wonderful and I love the look of the resort and the rooms. I was able to locate several pictures of weddings that had taken place there and could easily imagine our special day. I only hope the gazebo is open in October!! Have you heard any updates on it? The last I heard was June 2011.
  23. That's great Samantha! I have sent two email and still no reply but I will let you know as soon as I do connect.
  24. Does anyone have any feedback or advice for working with the wedding coordinator(s) at Grand Sunset Princess? Would love any tips that you can offer!
  25. Congratulations ladies! I found the hardest part was to pick the resort I ended up going with the Grand Sunset Princess. My TA arranged a great deal for 30 people and my guests are definately working within a budget. Everyone is so exicted and feedback on the resort pictures has been great. Now if only October would hurry up and get here
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