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Everything posted by Alysia85

  1. Hey lindsay .. wow thats great! im actually in the process of making my programs in the form of a fan ... i just hope they dont look tacky... but i like them so far so hopefully it will work!!! Thanks for that!!! For some reason I thought i read somewhere that they dont allow any outside accessories ... because the packages are pre-set. Not that i really have anything else i'd want to add ... but maybe thats good to keep in mind. Thanks!
  2. Thanks so much for the info ...and sorry to keep bugging... BUT lol Which package did you go with??? i'm curious about the place settings .... in the waves of love package on the palladium weddings website... it shows a place setting picture of 3 squared vases with shells and floating candles. Now... is this centerpiece included for ALL tables set up ????? So do you get 5 if you have 5 guest tables??? I'm just not sure if i should bring my own centerpieces to add ... or if those will be enough ?????????? Also.. i heard you cant ADD any outside items to the packages .... like you cant add a personalized fan on each chair for the ceremony.. unless u buy it through the resort (at $5 a fan) If this is true (?????) ... i was going to make "fan style" programs to get around that ... but are we allowed to do this ???????????
  3. Hey Michelle, I just sent you a private message... lots of info to share!!!
  4. This is actually a great idea! We were talking about doing this the other day... we're gonna wait and see how the Stag & Doe goes before making a decision tho!!!
  5. Hey JLC, That was a huge concern for us... not wanting anyone to miss out on our wedding by having to take pictures... or having to sacrifice their whole day.... but after figuring things out we've decided to jsut go with that and not hire an outside photographer. We've come up with a list of pictures we would like to get throughout the day so it wont be stressful for them to worry if they missed a certain shot or something. that was a great compromise because now we can be confident that we'll get certain pictures taken and they can be comfortable shooting throughout the day knowing what we're expecting (not that we have big expactations!). We chose the palladium because first of all its beautiful!!!!! and second... the gazebo! It's a private garden gazebo overlooking the ocean... PERFECT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We're going with the Waves of Love package since our colors are blue/brown and it just fits so perfect. Although I think I am going to get a silk flower bouquet made in mango colors cala lilies ... and give the included bouquet to my maid of honor.
  6. Wow .. thank you everyone for the helpful advice! I really appreciate it. I've decided that I'm definitely going to do them because as you al lhave said .. its just a really nice gesture and nice way to say thank you to all of our guests for travelling with us. I think I'm going to do them in small gift bags with an ID holder, tums, aloe, deck of cards, a tenative itinerary of any events/excursions we plan for the week, a timeline for the wedding day.. and of course a welcome/thank you letter. Maybe throw one or two moe things in depending on what i can find for the price but we'll see. I think we'll hand them out at the resort as well.. but we won't be seeing most of the guests before we travel so giving them out here isnt' really an option. I think we'll just have them set up at everyones place setting at our first dinner.
  7. Hey JLCB, I'm getting married in May too!!!!!!!!!!!!!! May 10 to be exact... it's too bad we will just miss each other. We are travelling May 6-12 ...so getting married towards the end of the trip. What made you book the photo/video package??? We have 3 guests who do semi-professional photos so we were hoping that would be enough.. but im really worried they will miss certain shots and i hate to ask them to sacrifice their whole day like that... I just cant justify the over $2000 cost for professional photographers to come on the resort for ONE day.... its just sooooooo expensive....
  8. Hi Meaghan! Our wedding is booked for May 10, 2012... ceremony at 2pm in the garden gazebo and our reception is at the Blue Lagoon (private). I'm planning on making very basic programs for the wedding day ... i know i take comfort in knowing what the plan is when i go to a wedding. I'm also hoping to plan a few fun activities throughout the week .. like reserve the volleyball nets one day for a group game and hopefully plan a couple of excursions for some local sightseeing.
  9. Hi BeachBride and Lindsayraz, My ceremony is for 2pm at the gazebo (wanted 4pm but that was already booked!!) .... I see you guys have scheduled drinks for your guests after the ceremony ... was this an extra cost ... or are you referring to the included champagne toast???????? I have the waves of love package ... and im not quite sure what to do with our guests between the 2pm ceremony and 5pm reception ?????? anything? or should we just say after the ceremony (like how weddings are here) OK SEE YA at the 5pm reception for cocktails!!! lol
  10. Hi Meaghans990, I'm thinking you might want to still look into group rates for the travel... for my guests the group rate is $1530 PP ... and that includes the Imperial Club upgrade. I believe it was about $100 savings off the regular price.. plus the club upgrade. Also, we are allowed 1 price adjustment from booking until balance due date in case the price drops any (which it hasnt!!) The travel company also offered the bride and groom incentive for the number of guests booked under the group ... for example... for every __ number of guests that book, you receive 1 free. If we would have had everyone book on their own without a group rate.. our guests would be paying much more and receiving much less. Also... it's kind of tricky to book on a sale or last minute... because your flight times are going to be wonky and probably not ideal times for travelling with a group. I would definitely recommend getting a group rate for your guests. That way EVERYONE is on the same page and booking the SAME thing for the SAME price. If anyone wants to wait for a last minute sale... they dont HAVE to book with the group. But for the majority of your guests... they would probably rather pay the group rate and be SURE of what they are booking. We had 4 guests wait until last week to book for our wedding.. the group rate was long expired... actually the price had increased ...not decreased like they thouht it would .... soooo they actually called the travel agent and the company honored our group rate for them. I know you are trying to save your guests money and leave it up to them... but I really think its going to cost a lot more in the long run... on top of the nightmare of everyone having potentially different travel times... I think you should definitely offer your guests a group rate OPTION. You should still have plenty of time to do so for Nov 2012. We booked our group rate in July 2011 for May 2012 travel.
  11. Hi BeachBride !!!! We are definitely wanting the Zurielmaka show for our wedding ... it sounds like an awesome suprise for our guests .... but i have nooo idea how the booking works. Is it up to US to schedule the show??? OR do we simply say "I want the Zurielmaka show" and the resort says... okay it will be booked for this time (regardless of dinner, etc) ???? I like your idea of having it during dinner...never would have thought of that!!!! But is it too much when guests are trying to eat and converse over dinner???? Our ceremony is early ... at 2pm... so im wondering if maybe we should have dinner at 6pm (if possible) and then have the show at 7pm. that way our guests can relax after dinenr and enjoy a really cool (and unexpected!) show
  12. Hi Katis, So excited to hear how wonderful your special day was!!! I actually just posted on another forum about renting a mic and speaker system instead of renting a DJ ... i just dont see the point. We're gonna have our ipod LOADED with over 6000 songs for our stag n doe ... so ill just update that again before we leave and we should be good to go with music! Do you know if you can rent an MC with the speaker system .... without the DJ ????? I would be interested in having an MC ... but not a DJ ... just not sure if thats an option??? Also... how far in advance do we need to pick the dinner menu and all of that???? So far I have my reception and dinner booked ... but thats IT. Our date is May 10, 2012 .....Should i be contacting the resort myself or waiting until we get there?????????????????? Appreciate ANY help or advice!!!!!!!!!
  13. Hi Katis, So excited to hear how wonderful your special day was!!! I actually just posted on another forum about renting a mic and speaker system instead of renting a DJ ... i just dont see the point. We're gonna have our ipod LOADED with over 6000 songs for our stag n doe ... so ill just update that again before we leave and we should be good to go with music! Do you know if you can rent an MC with the speaker system .... without the DJ ????? I would be interested in having an MC ... but not a DJ ... just not sure if thats an option??? Also... how far in advance do we need to pick the dinner menu and all of that???? So far I have my reception and dinner booked ... but thats IT. Our date is May 10, 2012 .....Should i be contacting the resort myself or waiting until we get there?????????????????? Appreciate ANY help or advice!!!!!!!!!
  14. Hi Katis, So excited to hear how wonderful your special day was!!! I actually just posted on another forum about renting a mic and speaker system instead of renting a DJ ... i just dont see the point. We're gonna have our ipod LOADED with over 6000 songs for our stag n doe ... so ill just update that again before we leave and we should be good to go with music! Do you know if you can rent an MC with the speaker system .... without the DJ ????? I would be interested in having an MC ... but not a DJ ... just not sure if thats an option??? Also... how far in advance do we need to pick the dinner menu and all of that???? So far I have my reception and dinner booked ... but thats IT. Our date is May 10, 2012 .....Should i be contacting the resort myself or waiting until we get there?????????????????? Appreciate ANY help or advice!!!!!!!!!
  15. Hey everyone, I need some major help with this!!! I have a little over 3 months to get my OOT bags together... still some time but I need to get on top of it. I think this idea is really fun and awesome... although i dont plan on travelling with 6 extra suitcases just for the OOT bags. I want to keep it VERY simple and basic. My future mother in law has been really supportive with everything... but she doesnt get the point of the OOT bags. I was telling her about them and she said .. i dont think you need to do that... everyone would already be bringing that kind of stuff... no need to waste more time and money on that kind of junk. So now i'm wondering... is she right? is there really a point to these and would our guests actually appreciate them???? I thought they were a great idea and just a little thank u and "just in case..." for our guests. I was thinking of placing them on the tables at our first group dinner. And I wanted to include a short thank you note from my FI and I thanking everyone for coming and supporting us. Thoughts or advice anyone??????????
  16. Hi DoubleTee, I actually haven't really thought about this yet... and I should because I only have a little over 3 months to go... lol I think we will just be using an iPod... but i dont have a docking station so i dont know... I think for the $300/hr charge for a DJ ... that's so much money we can use elsewhere... and yes i agree that the DJ wont be of much use after the speeches and dinner ... no point paying all that money for someone to coordinate a couple of songs ... i can have someone from our party handle that for FREE! I'm gonna have to look into renting sound equipment from the resort ...???? or just go out an buy a good quality BOSE docking station or something... although im weary to travel with so much expensive equipment. hmm.. yeah im not sure what to tell you because i dont even know what to tell myself!!!!!!! lol
  17. Hey Chelsea, My travel agent initially contacted the resort to book and confirm our date. I know she heard back from the resort right away. We had to fill out a form and leave a deposit to save the date. I have heard that travel agents somewhow have better luck contacting the resort but I'm not sure how that works... are you going through a travel agent at all???? We havent been to the resort ... but from what I hear it is absolutely beautiful! I cant wait!!!!!!!!! Quote: Originally Posted by ChelseaAndrews Okay, guys! I'm crazy SUPER frustrated with trying to make contact with ANYONE at the resort to plan my wedding down there. I can't seem to even get in touch with anyone to confirm my DATE! Have you all made a visit to the resort yet? My fiance's parents went this past summer and loved it!
  18. This is what I'm thinking too... Dont see it being a issue... I'm sure they will upcharge me for it regardless so whatever LOL
  19. SORRYYY!!!! OMG i totallyyyyy confused the AHR quotes with the blue lagoon... the cost IS $45/pp for blue lagoon. Whhooopsie! lol Sorry for the mass confusion people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  20. I'm using the resort spa for both hair and makeup... any reason you ladies arent considering the spa???? It's kind of expensive but I'm hoping that the stylists there will know what the weather is like and be able to do my hair (VERY curly!!!) in way that wont get all frizzy and fall out from the heat/humidity. I'm thinking half down and off to the side. Same kinda thing with makeup.. im afraid if I do it myself ... which i do for everything... it will just run and sweat off. I'm planning on booking a whole spa package for mani/pedi hair and makeup... that way I get pampered all morning and if anything messes up it wont be my fault! LOL
  21. Yeah i think i'm pretty set on the waves of love package. the colors and decor match our whole theme thing so ill just go with that and hope we can change out the flowers.
  22. We're booked for a private reception at the blue lagoon. I didnt even consider the poseidon/ not sure where that is located on the resort but the Blue Lagoon has amazing ocean views and is open air ... I dont think it gets much nicer than that! Not sure what the menu is like but i got quoted $30/pp for open bar, set menu and we have it from 6-10pm Regarding the photographer, I can't comment as we didnt hire one. $2000-3000 just isnt in the budget for a photographer ... however we have 2 guests that do photography so we've covered a portion of their trip.
  23. Hey everyone, I'm also getting married at the GPLH. We're booked for 2pm at the gazebo on May 10, 2012!!!! Just trying to reserve our reception now. My travel agent was initially the contact between us and the resort, but ever since we finalized our travel, she hasn't really done much. She's a great travel agent and took the time to explain how DW's work and what we need to do, etc... but when it came to booking the wedding details and reception things got a little confusing. She said we reserved the entry wedding package with dinner on the terrace even though we told her we wanted the Waves of Love package and a private reception. After being unable to find any info on a "terrace" dinner option, I contacted the resort directly and reserved the Blue Lagoon for a private reception. Not sure what my travel agent was talking about! lol but I'm glad the resort got back to me asap and we were able to reserve the proper dinner. :) :) Now I'm just stuck on whether to go wth the Waves of Love or Island Pearl package! Blue/brown are our colors but i think i might have my 2 bridesmaids in hot pink just for fun?.. so WoL works best with our color scheme however im NOT a huge fan of hydrangeas... i LOVE cala lilies .. which works with the IP (island pearl) one however... i no likey the tule aisle decorations or the wedding cake..so now im back with WoL...???? lol I like how clean and simple island pearl is BUT i want all the extra upgrades that come with waves of love. So maybe i just need to change the flowers with WoL. Does anyone know if you can change the flowers??????
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