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Everything posted by Peach

  1. Don't look at Bridal stores. It depends on the style you like, but if you are looking for a sundress style or something, check out regular clothing stores, then order online if you have a large party. If you are looking for more casual, you have a lot of cute options available. And if you have the time, wait until close to the end of season, when everything is on crazy sales. Hope that helps.
  2. Great idea! I love to read, as do a lot of my friends/family, so this is excellent! Seems easy to make too....
  3. This is AWESOME! I am going to get my posts up so I can download it. I am a teacher, so I am always making wordsearches and crosswords and stuff for my students; my guests would get a kick out of my doing it for them! I never even thought to create one for everyone! Do you mind if I steal this?
  4. Okay, so we are pretty sure we are having an AHR. Also mostly sure it is going to be in the town I grew up in, to accommodate my huge family that doesn't get to go to DW. Problem is, though, that there is only one location really in this place, and I pretty much have to go with it (since this is the part my family gets to do). It is a really out-dated, ugly community centre. I really don't care so much, but I would like to do what I can to make it prettier for super cheap (or almost free). I should also mention that they don't want things hung on the walls, and that we are just doing a cocktail reception probably; maybe a midnight lunch or something. I want nice but laid-back. Any brilliant ideas? I am pretty DIY savvy. I was thinking of making the hanging curtain of flowers I have seen on this site, and paper lanterns, but I think I need more ideas! Any help would be greatly appreciated!
  5. Okay, here is a couple questions. I have LOTS of time to figure this out, but I am trying to plan things a little at a time. Spread it out, you know? Anyway, my question is, how old is your "something old"? And do you "have" to wear it (I know you don't HAVE to do anything, but traditionally-speaking...)? Ditto for something borrowed? I am thinking about using my parents' cake-cutter set from when they were married, but since it is at the reception, do you think it "counts"?
  6. I am kind of stuck on this too. I am only having two girls - my sister, who will be 17 (i.e., not legal), and friend, who is totally wedding obsessed and is helping me plan everything. I am extremely close with my sister, and want her to be my maid of honor, but feel like that wouldn't be fair to my friend, since she is going to be helping me so much... thank you for giving me the perfect solution... one Maid of Honour, One Matron of Honour (friend is married). Perfect, thank you so much for that idea!
  7. I think it is one of the most common ones out there, but I like blue with coral (orangey-pink). Very tropical!
  8. Fabulous.... although I think some people bump up some of the timeline a little early? (Or late...) Thanks for this!
  9. Just thought I would throw my two cents in. It REALLY depends on the friends and families, but through University I worked in a small kitchen/home store where we took registries. There was not a single person who came in there who was bothered by someone doing a registry; in fact, a lot of people came to buy gifts WISHING someone had set up a registry. That included DW brides! Truth is, some people are going to buy no matter what; maybe spread the word it is not expected, but create a small registry for those people who you know are going to insist, and if people ask and do insist, they can be directed there. I figure I will just keep the items pretty low-cost. We had a lot of, say, great-aunts or something in the store who just HAD to send a gift to someone they hadn't seen since she was 5. They would get frustrated because they wouldn't know much about her at all, but still feel they had to send something. Even if they don't get something off the list, at least they get a picture of what you like. I can see some getting bothered by that, but I think that number would be reasonably few. Just my opinion though; like I said (in my rambling way), it really depends.
  10. These are great! I love the wording around the border! Were they waterproof? (Sorry if someone already asked this.)
  11. I did it! I read every single page yesterday of this thread... Turns out it was a good distraction yesterday when I was sick laying on the couch pretty much all day. Whew! 352 pages! I was just stunned by this accomplishment (of course, I could have been doing something useful, but it was addicting!) Just thought I would share that...
  12. Hello out there! Total newbie, but am so glad to have found this site and that there are so many fellow Canucks out there! I look forward to exploring this site more.
  13. Peach


    July 2013
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