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Everything posted by Amorae84

  1. Ha, I didn't realize you could reply to the post so this is a duplicate: We're going July 7 - 10 and we're staying at Dreams Palm Beach (our place of choice). I absolutely love everything I've seen so far, just gorgeous. We're also looking at Melia Caribe and Majestic Colonial but I really have my heart set on DPB. When are you going down? How funny if it was the same time. I saw you're booking at the Jellyfish too, so many people have been talking about it so I looked into it and it's so nice! We're definitely gonna have dinner there one night while we're in DR. I know, you're right, everyone is booking really far in advance. I actually have my date picked out but it's not until January 2013 so I doubt we can even put a deposit down in July while we're there. I think most resorts only do one year in advance which stinks cause realistically it's only a year and a half away. I'm originally from Lynn and my FI's from Everett but we live in Wilmington now. What about you??
  2. We're going July 7 - 10 and we're staying at Dreams Palm Beach (our place of choice). I absolutely love everything I've seen so far, just gorgeous. We're also looking at Melia Caribe and Majestic Colonial but I really have my heart set on DPB. When are you going down? How funny if it was the same time. I saw you're booking at the Jellyfish too, so many people have been talking about it so I looked into it and it's so nice! We're definitely gonna have dinner there one night while we're in DR. I know, you're right, everyone is booking really far in advance. I actually have my date picked out but it's not until January 2013 so I doubt we can even put a deposit down in July while we're there. I think most resorts only do one year in advance which stinks cause realistically it's only a year and a half away. I'm originally from Lynn and my FI's from Everett but we live in Wilmington now. What about you??
  3. Oh I completely agree. I'm in love with the idea of getting married with palm trees and blue waves as the back drop to the ceremony. There's something so romantic about it. We haven't selected a date yet, probably not until we go down next month and confirm that DPB is the place for us, but we're leaning towards January 5th, 2013. When's everyone else's date? We should put together a list like they did in the other forum. I thought that was such a great way to keep track and support each other as the dates get closer. My (tentative) date seems so far away, but it is the 2012 thread after all.
  4. And as far as a priest goes, I didn't read anything about him. Just Pastor Rick who performs religious ceremonies as well, and the Judge. Someone also mentioned being married in a cathedral ten minutes from the resort, too.
  5. Hi DPB Brides-to-Be! I'm so happy someone started a new thread. Too bad I just spent the last 3 1/2 hours reading the old one before I realized this one was in existence. FAIL. Oh well. My FH and I just booked our trip yesterday to visit DPB and two other resorts in July, but I'm all but convinced that DPB is the place for us. Something would have to be a complete disaster for us to change our mind. As far as the judge goes, I think the major concern with some of the previous DPB brides (after reading the other thread, I learned a few things is 1) he performs the ceremony in Spanish and it needs to be translated, 2) he has limited availability and can usually only do morning and early afternoon ceremonies (rare evening ceremonies, depending on availability), and then the marriage certificate is in Spanish, so if it ever needs to be presented back in the US anywhere, it would need to be translated into English which can be pricey. Someone posted that you can save roughly $400 by doing the civil union and signing the papers at home and having Pastor Rick conduct the Symbolic Ceremony in DR. Or you can wait, have the symbolic ceremony only, and then have the legal service after your wedding.
  6. Hi DPB Brides-To-Be! I just spent the last 3 1/2 hours reading this entire thread from start to finish, so I really have no other choice but to post. My FH and I just booked our trip yesterday to visit DBP and two other resorts before we make our final decision, but I'm all but convinced this is the place for us. We're going down 7/7 -7/10, I think someone on here is getting married while we're there?? What ever happened to Elizabeth's post with everyone's dates?
  7. Labebita911, you sound just like me! I'm from Boston as well (just got engaged in Feb) and we're planning a trip to DR in July to look at a few resorts. We were considering Mexico too (The Royal! haha) but ultimately decided the one trip we can afford for wedding venue and resort scouting is best spent in DR. We booked our trip at Dreams Palm Beach, our top resort of choice. Unless it's a complete disaster when we get there, it's probably going to be where we have our wedding. We're also considering Melia Caribe and the Majestic Colonial too.
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