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J and G 2012

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Posts posted by J and G 2012

  1. Yes, We're all booked!

    They also arranged for transportation to the Dock for all of our guests (we pay the transportation company).

    We are so excited so are our guest who know about it. We've got a great cocktail reception menu and we will be doing all of our "dances" and cake cutting on the boat.

    Melissa has been amazing! I would recommend her in a second!

    Hopefully it all comes together down there!


  2. Janet,

    Check out this thread, it really helps!



    Originally Posted by Janet1480 View Post

    So i have a HUGE task ahead of me this weekend ( i tasked myself LOL) i am going to go through ALL of my wedding stuff that i have prepared, purchased and made since December when we got engaged and i have to decide if i have any more room to add to my welcome bags and such....in your opinion ladies and from what you have read through the forums...what would you say are the more important items to include the OOT...i know it can be different from person to person but i figure it will get me on the right track :)




  3. Thanks for the input! I've checked out the website, but they do not say how long each session is, I mean how long will I be working out each day?

    Originally Posted by Manda123 View Post

    Do it for sure! It is a big time commitment, but if you were planning on working out anyway, it is really effective. It's not so much a "weight loss" program as it a program for people who are in reasonably good shape who want to get in great shape. If you've lost 50 pounds and only have a few more to go, it will be great! I haven't lost much weight at all because I've gained some muscle... I'm about half way done my first 90 days and i've lost 5 pounds, tops. I don't have a ton of weigh to lose, just want to get toned so I look better in a bikini ;) I love it though; I definitely feel stronger.

    Check out the beachbody.com website and you can read lots of peoples reviews and see a ton of before and after shots.




    From a trainer's prespective, Right now I work out every lunch for a 1/2hr, alternating between weights and cardio.

    Would it be benficial if I did cardio everyday at lunch and then P90X at home?


    I'm also trying to get FI to shed some bagage before the wedding, I think he would do the P90X with me, as he is in reasonably good shape (works physically hard everyday at work).

    Originally Posted by Nikadawn View Post

    I'm a personal trainer and I have done P90X just for fun and it is a really great workout if you stick with it. Following the nutrition program that comes with it will help big time. If you want to lose weight more than you want to tone up then my recommendation would be to do more legs. It doesn't have a huge amount of leg work in it and as a trainer (and someone who has lost over 140 lbs.) I always do TONS of leg exersizes with ppl looking for weight loss. This is because your legs hold the biggest muscles in your body so working them alot burns the most calories possible in every workout. You can throw in 20-30 min of legs every other day and should see much faster results that way. Good luck!




  4. Way to go Luvmoo!! I know how hard it is! I'm at the -50lbs mark too! I'm also doing a eating program, not as intense as Jenny but hard enough for someone who has never dieted before it their life! I'm sure your were beautiful before but the way you will look on your wedding day, and the pictures you will have for the rest of your life, amazing! Congrats!

  5. If you have never been to the Palladium, You will love it! Such an amazing resort.

    We originally wante dto get married there (saw some beautiful ones!) but it was out of the price range for our guests :(


    Originally Posted by hdinsmor View Post

    You are right, J and G.  I have the same problem....my WC is telling me the same thing!  Maybe I should just get fans for the guests!


  6. You didn't have any hassel at the airport?

    I'd be worried that they would not let us take them on the flight. I undertand that they would have to be checked, but still with all the rules nowadays.


    Originally Posted by proti007 View Post

    I just did these at Dreams Los Cabos, and my WC helped with the setup and execution! I'm sure the RIU will do the same :)



  7. I would lke to have a fan program, the problem is, I'm not sure about the details of the actual ceremony.

    I know that we can include a few readings but I don't know any more than that. TA and WC down there keep telling me we will layout all the details when we get down there! Note sure If this is really someting I shoudl be stressing out over as the actual ceremony will only last 20min :)


  8. Le Vie en Rose has one piece bandeaus as well.

    Not sure what your dress is like, but you def. don't want tan lines in your pics!


    Originally Posted by luvmoo View Post

    That's awesome am!


    I got 11 of them for 100 bucks plus tax ( 105 total).. so i basically got one for free too..  :) i like the quality of them.. and i liked that they had a ton of different colors :) I think i might go back though and get some more hahaha we will see! once i have final numbers i will see if i end up going back to get some basic colors to give to every woman, or if i will just stick with the Mom's and bridal party etc..hahaha we will see...


    and as for the bikini part BAHAHAHAHA.. THIS body will never be in a bikinni again.. lol i wish!! ;) kudos to you ladies who can still pull it off hahah..  I will be on the hunt for some new bathing suits closer to the time i am going to leave.. :)




  9. I want to do P90X!

    I just lost 50 lbs and have about 15 more to go before the wedding!

    I was planning on starting in September, Do you think 2 1/2 months is worth doing it?




    Originally Posted by Janet1480 View Post

    Just thought i'd check in on my fellow Canadian ladies ;)


    hope you all are well and are excited like i am that its FRIDAY!


    how is everyone's planning coming along? I started P90X this week and i think i am going to die LOL


  10. Shell Boutonnieres, They are also a work in progrss :)

    My very first DIY project ever! I got out my hand-me-down glue gun and started playing around last night. Not sure if I love them yet. I'm going to keep playing around.

    FYI, I don't have a colour scheme, The girls are wearing tropical red so I included Red Feathers for the guys, but again not sold on it. I really don't want it to look tacky!

    I'm going to Michaels today to see what I can find!


    Originally Posted by amjohnson View Post

    I wanted coral too. The only coral I have seen is fake coral at home sense. Silly question what are Shell Bouts?

    I am making my table centerpieces with some curly fake willow that is sparkly and looks a bit like coral. Once I am happy with my result I will post it.



  11. We are using our postcards as a guest book. We will put postage on them but as the instructions say below, don't mail them till you're back home!

    We will also have postcards for our AHR guest book, they will just be slightly different (not designed yet).



  12. You will have to check with the municipality that you want to get married at. You will probably have to book an appointment but they may provide witnesses for you. The document can not be post dated because it is a legal document.


    I work for a municipality north of TO and complete the Marriage Licences and book the marriage commissioner, if you have any question you can PM me but I think your best bet is to call Toronto City Hall or one of the surrounding municipalities, they will tell you what their policies are.


    Good Luck!


    Originally Posted by mrsbruff2b View Post

    I'm in Ontario.  So from reading this forum, we can print out the marriage app online, fill it out, sign and take it to City Hall.  Can we do the civil ceremony the same day?  Do I have to find someone to marry us?  How/where? Does Ontario require witnesses?  What's the procedure there?


    FH mentioned that we could do it before and they can "post date" the certificate to the date of our ceremony in Cancun... is this true or is the date on the cert going to be the date we did our civil ceremony?


  13. I had to check mine! It does say "Soused" thank god cause I made 100 of them already!

    But I think if I were to do it over it would be "Sauced"!


    Originally Posted by MJKH View Post

    You guys crack me up...I was dying to know if there was a word "souced" so I looked it up.  No souced, but "SOUSED" does mean to make or become drunk.  So I guess you could use sauced or soused.  I think I will use sauced... 



  14. We were expecting maybe 25 ppl to come, but that's what you get when you send out 200 Save the dates!

    We are very fortunate to have such good family and friends who want to be with us for our wedding.

    Not a teacher, but it would be nice to have the summer off!


    I like your idea of the real touch bridesmaids bouquets, I'm in the same boat.


    Originally Posted by amjohnson View Post

    OMG...you guys have 86 people booked, crazy! You must have lots of family n friends! Are you a teacher? Lots of my family is going away for  family holidays ...a little frustrating but we didn't want a huge wedding on the beach.



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