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J and G 2012

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Everything posted by J and G 2012

  1. I picked up FI plan B from Tommy's. They had an okay selection of short sleved shirts, but not much if you are planning on having them wear long sleve, plus they are super expensive! Lots of couples on here have had great luck with studiosuits.com, that where we ordered Plan A from!
  2. I am so with you Avens! There is just soooo much going on right now, not just with the holidays, but I am crazy busy at work starting a new project, trying to get everything ready for the wedding it just never seems to end. And I'm slowly gaining back all the weight I lost too! 32 lbs since last week, I'm scared to get back on the scale!
  3. She could wear Linen pants and a blouse. I've seen lots of pictures of MOB/MOG wear long, light pants and it looks fabulous! I had to have my mom in gold, so we found her a cute little dress from BCBG, I love it!
  4. AM, If your girls are wearing red/burgandy I think they are fine. If not you may want to add one of the red callas or roses to the middle? What size are your bouquets?
  5. I just placed our order last night! Fingers crossed it gets here before we leave!
  6. She did a really good job from your inspiration pic! I hate roses too! I just told her that I wanted it to be as colourful as possible while playing up the red hibiscus (a major theme in our wedding). But... I'm concerned about my sizes now! I ordered 6" for my BMs and and 8" for me. I'm going to have to live with it... cause there's just no budget left!
  7. Wow! It's here already! Hope you have an amazing time! Can't wait to see your pics! Quote: Originally Posted by kat2012 So ladies, This is it We are leaving tomorrow. I am sure I will pop in on here while we are travelling (It is hard to stay away) But anyways, if I won;t come here again till after the wedding. Merry Xmas to everyone and happy planning
  8. These look great Avens! I order from Judy as well, I didn't really know what I wanted you i'm excited but nervous to see what she come up with! What size are your boquets?
  9. I'm not getting married at Iberostar but my resort required the Long-Form Birth Certificate that has all your parents info. on it. You need to request it (and of course pay the fees) but I did mine on-line, ServiceOntario and it came within the week.
  10. Here is our schedule. We are not doing a dinner so we left some time between the Ceremony and when we get back from the cruise for our guests to eat. Becasue we are having such a large group and no dinner, FI and I didn't think it would be fair to eat with one group or the other, so we are having a nice candle light dinner just the two of us before the disco.
  11. I can't believe you got that dress for $100! It's beautiful and it looks great on you! Now that I have 2 dresses I'm debating over which one i'll do the TTD shoot in! Quote: Originally Posted by Avens Hey Ladies, I got my TTD dress in (the one for $100!) Luckily it fits! Just need to get it hemmed. I threw it in the washing machine on handwash, and that took most of the dingy out of it. We only took one picture (when I see it, I want to tell myself to stand up straight, shoulders back! I'll have to remember that for real pictures).
  12. Yes, I think you will have to have it translated. I've read on here that sometimes you pay a little bit extra for them to translate in down there, otherwise you have to find someone here to do it for you. I'll ask my brother-in-law, that's where they got married, and I know that it is translated, I'm just not sure where they got it done.
  13. Kat, You don't have to "register" you marriage, but if you are changing your name or for benfit/pension or legal stuff you will have to presnt your "Certificate of Marriage" that the gov't of Jamaica gives you. This simple piece of paper is what proves you two are married and is your legal document, so don't lose it! I will be making at least 1 copy and getting it notorized so that I will have 2 copies and don't have to worry about contacting Jamaica in case of emergency. Does that make sense?
  14. When are you giving it to your FI? I'm debating between X-mas eve and in Jamaica. I'm positive that he will show all his friends if I give it to him down there, which I am not at all comfortable with, but I think the impact of giving it to him the day of our wedding will be that much greater than for christmas.
  15. And I feel like I still have soooooo much to do! Hopefully I will get the programs out of the way this weekend. I did my boudoir shoot this weekend, and it was amazing! My cousin who is just starting out in the business took my pics for free! Of the few pictures she let me see, thay look fabulous! can't wait till she is done playing with them! For anyone who is still considering a shoot, I would highly recommend it! I am a pretty shy person and would usually not get "naked" in front of anyone, but it was such a confidence booster! I just lost 60lbs this year and it was great to feel sexy again!
  16. I love your dress! It's so unique, and you are going to be so comfortable in the Jamaican heat!
  17. It was $50 for the 2. There is a $10 set up fee each and then it's based on the number of letters.We also paid $3 each for the "fancy" underline! I was planning on putting our logo stickers on them too but they don't sit right becasue of the contours.
  18. There is a WagJag deal on right now for Picture books from Picaboo if anyone is interested. I picked up a deal similar to this one a couple of weeks ago from MyPrictureBook.ca. I'm using one for my boudoir pics and the other for our wedding pictures.
  19. I wasn't going to do programs, because like you, it was so hard to coordinate with my WC. she did end up sending my a program that has been used in the past, and it looked like the ceremony was fully customizable, so I went for it, wrote our entire ceremony (well cut and paste from this site!). I ordered Postcards from Vistaprint and am going to make them into a fan! This was my project for this weekend, but FI Bach party is this weekend and I am taking the opportunity to spend some time with my Ladies tonight and hair trial/boudoir session tomorrow! Wish me luck!
  20. I just wanted to share my sigh of relief. We have 30 days until we leave and I just worked out the last booking issue! One of my BMs split from her husband after booking their trip, we had until today to find a replacement for his trip, and we did it! Now, she can relax and get excited for Jamaica again! Which means I can relax, somewhat!
  21. Thank you PS! It's just so fun! My old dress was so plain and boring, this one really conveys my personality and the awesome party we are going to have!
  22. Tell us what you bought Annie! I always wanted to go down for Black Friday, but haven't got the nerve yet!
  23. So, of course we left FI outfit until the last minute, and now he wants a vest! We have 5 weeks until we leave, with christmas in there too. For those that have ordered, do you think we should order, will it be here in time? Thanks Jamie
  24. Thank you for all the tips Ladies, I'm doing my shoot this weekend, and I'm very nervous! Luckily I'm bringing a friend with me who is anything but shy, to help me get through it,... well her and a few drinks!
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