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J and G 2012

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Posts posted by J and G 2012

  1. Our Logo


    Our logo I designed myself after getting tips from brides on BDW. I designed it (in a number of different ways) in PPT and saved as picture to be used throughout our wedding suite.







    I designed our invitations using the free ayleebits template and word clip art. Everyone was really impressed with how they turned out (we only sent them to those that booked). Here is my thread on making them and the package they weâ€re included in. We gave most of our invitation packages out at our Jack and Jill.




    OOT Bags


    I really wanted to do OOT Bags but weâ€re on a very limited budget and could not afford all the elaborate things that some of the brides put in them. We also had 90 ppl attend so it was hard to get some of the numbers of those things. We tried to make them as useful as possible and our guests really did appreciate them and used all of the contents. Each couple and single got a bag and the 6 kids that came got their own special bags with colouring books, sand toys, etc..




    Bags and key card holders – Oriental Trading, most people used these, I was disappointed I didnâ€t keep a key card holder for myself!

    Toys/Activity Books - Dollar Store

    Decks of Cards – used Casino cards (free)

    Incents – Liquidation world $0.11!


    Ping pong balls


    Mugs – these were bought by our TA for all our guests even the ones that didnâ€t book through her. One side had her info on it and the other had stickers that we bought from Etsy seller DavetDesigns. The stickers are waterproof, fade proof and dishwasher safe! The TAs info rubbed off with a little sunscreen.




    We also got bubbas mugs engraved for DH and me. We used them everyday, and have a great souvenir now! Not the greatest Pic but his says groom and his nickname and mine says Bride and my nickname.







  2. Itâ€s my turn! Iâ€ve been piecing this thread together this whole year to make it a little easier, I wanted to wait until we got our pro pics back, but I canâ€t wait any longer!


    Thank you to all the brides Iâ€ve turned to for advice, I donâ€t know what I would do without this site! That would be my number one piece of advice, start research well ahead of making any decisions, we sent out our STD before I really had any clue of what I was doing! As happy I am with how things turned out, I probably would have made a few different decisions. One of those would be not having a wedding right after Christmas! But it was in fact the best week of my life!




    Before I dive right into the details about the planning of the weekâ€s events let be tell you nothing went as planned. So “A†type personalities (like myself) be prepared it may not be just as you pictured it, but in the moment it really doesnâ€t matter! All the little glitches (see Resort Review), problems and changes made our week that much more special. In summary:


    • It wasnâ€t the greatest resort. It had some bad rooms, we had 3 different rooms ourselves. Then we finally got a suite, which was amazing! But with such a large group a lot of our guests had issues.
    • The Officiant wouldnâ€t do our ceremony that we wrote (found out 1 hour before the wedding) so my brother read it instead.
    • Catamaran reception was cancelled the day of the wedding because of weather, but it was rescheduled for the day after, which gave us another opportunity to be with our guests and allowed us to let lose and party without our wedding attire on.


    The Begining


    Letâ€s start at the very beginning. I was in high school and had just sworn guys off. I was going to focus on school and my future (thatâ€s what youâ€re supposed to say, right ;) ), then I met Garett. His friend and my best friend (Maid of Honour) were dating and DH wanted to be set up with one of her friends. There weâ€re two of us in the running, luckily for me (and him ;) ) he preferred brunettes! We dated for 9 more years. I decided to take things to the next level, and last year we bought a house, even though I didnâ€t have my ring!


    Us in the early years J




    Us on our wedding night :)




    The Proposal


    Our first Valentines Day in our home, we decided to make dinner and stay at home. We cooked up some lobster and had a nice candle light dinner. After which I did my usual, get my pjs on and lay on the couch to watch tv. He came over and said that we “had to talkâ€, my first reaction was “oh shit, what did I do?â€! He proceeded to tell me how much he loved me and that he should have done this long ago (all of which I had to get him to repeat after because I was giggling and crying through his speech!). He gave me a beautiful ring that wasnâ€t mine (back story: I was going to have my ring made by a family jeweler, but I guess he wasnâ€t quick enough for Garett, and he picked out his own!). Iâ€m glad he chose the ring himself because it is so beautiful and I couldnâ€t imagine not having it now!




    After I got my ring I was a little bit stressed. I wanted “the ring†for so long that I forgot what happened after, … the wedding. In the first few months we weâ€re throwing around the idea of having a “backyard wedding†at his family farm, we knew we didnâ€t want to do the regular sit down receiving line/sit down dinner kind of thing, but it was still a little bit over whelming for me. Then we talked about a destination wedding, I had always joked about getting married in a bikini and sarong.


    We contacted a few friends who were travel agents to get prices for a trip. We had been to the Grand Palladium in Jamaica the year before and absolutely loved it. Unfortunately it didnâ€t quite fall in our budget for the wedding. We wanted to have as many of our friends and family join us so we had to make it affordable for everyone. So we chose the Sunset Jamaica Grande in Ocho Rios. I didnâ€t do much research in the beginning and booked without looking into the prices for the wedding and extra costs, so make sure you do your research before booking anything!






    We chose our week and sent out almost 200 save the dates. We wanted to make sure that anyone who wanted to come, could come. We had friends of friends and family book, even some new  friends, but thatâ€s they way we wanted it, a big party. Our STDs were designed by Etsy  Seller ItsMelC and they were great. She sent me the file and I had a local printer print them all out. If I had of been more familiar with this site and Vistaprint at that time, I would have done them myself.




  3. Avens,

    If you want to keep yoour maiden name (like a middle name) you should be able to assume your married name without hyphenating.

    I too was not planning on changing my name, but when I returned, I changed my mind. If it's good enough for him, it's good enough for me (but it's definatley taking some getting used to! I am the butt of many jokes lately!

    Professionally I will be Jamie Wilkie-Brain (So that I don't have any issues with ppl not knowing who I am) but legally I'm going Jamie Brain.


    Originally Posted by Avens View Post

    Hey Ladies,


    I know a couple of you are from Alberta - and I'm wondering if you are changing your name - what what steps you have to start with to do it?


    In general - are any of you changing your name?  Initially I wasn't, and hubby was cool.  Now that we're "officially" married, I get the feeling he really wants me to.  I like his last name, and it wasn't ever out of the question, moreso for convenience that I wouldn't change it, and I really like my name.  It reflects my heritage, and I just like it. :)


    For professional purposes, I would like to stay Jaimee "Smith", but legally be Jaimee "Jones".  Has anyone ever thought of making their maiden name a middle name? 


    So my new name would be Jaimee Anne Smith Jones. For all intents and purposes I would be Jaimee Jones legally, but then Smith is still a part of my name.  (PS. I made up middle and last names)


    What are your thoughts January ladies? What are you doing?


    Your wedding looks beautiful!

    I like that your dress was long but short enough to show off your beautiful barefoot sandels!


    Originally Posted by kya101 View Post

    I'm not good at putting more than 3 on a page... sorry :(





    I too am feeling the post wedding sadness. It feel like so long ago now! And we didn't have great weather or very much time to ourselves, so I'm dying for a Honeymoon! Just trying to convince DH that it is required!


    Luckily, I still have our AHR to plan.... and I guess it will be babies after that to keep me busy!



  4. My DH had wedding dreams for the entire month before the wedding! Luckily there were not all nightmares ;)


    You can bring snacks through customs, just not fruit, in most cases. Where are you travelling to?


    Originally Posted by baririce View Post

    My wedding is on the 25th and I have had a wedding nightmare every night for the last week.  I hope these problems only exist in my sleep and that everything works out.  I am trying to put together my Welcome Bags, but was wondering if I can bring granola bars, or snacks through customs? Anyone know?


  5. JayKay, sorry to here about the troubles, there always seems to be drama during weddings, and for DW we have to deal with it for a whole week! I'm glad that you are not dwelling, and focusing only on the important part.


    Great Pictures AM! You look very happy!

    Love the butt grabbing pic! It's usally the other way around!

  6. So we're back from Jamaica Mr and Mrs! Nothing went as planned but it was more perfect than I could have ever imagined! I'll post my review/planning thread as soon as I'm able to breath!


    Here our amazing phographers Blog of our pictures:


    The Wedding



    The Catamran Reception



    The TTD Shot


  7. Krysta,

    We did Postcards foreveryone to send to us, They loved the idea and I can't wait to start receiving mail!

    Originally Posted by Krysta lee ann View Post



    so my FI and i were trying to think of a unique thing to do as a guest book. we came up with having a poster of jamaica and getting everyone to sign it. i was thinking of making it on Vistaprint and having it in black and white but i am having trouble finding a nice picture of the island to use... has anyone seen one?


    I highly recomend real touch! I ordered from Bridal Bloom, Judy was fabulous to work with, tehy turned out better (and less expensive) than real flowers. And I've broght them all home for our AHR still as beautiful as the first day I got them!

    Originally Posted by beachbum21 View Post

    Welcome Kim!

    Wanted to mention that for the bouquets,  I too am torn and am focused on figuring out flowers now. Not sure if I should get real or real-touch. I haven't seen super reviews on the real flowers so far for where I'm going but have seen some really great reviews on bloom bridal for the real-touch. While a little on the pricey side, you can re-sell them! I don't think I'll want to keep them, they'll probably just collect dust but I could absolutely re-sell them and someone else could enjoy them! Just a thought!



    Our travel agent gopt us mugs with her info on one sides and we put our logo stickers on the other. The stickers are perfect all still intact and colourful! TA's, not so much. A litle sunscreen and it wiped right off.

    Originally Posted by Manda123 View Post

    Hi Krysta,

    We got pretty killed on duty with these mugs. All costs in - including duty - the mugs cost $2.67 each. We ordered 75 of them. I still think that they were worth it. But be warned! We just got back from our wedding, and eveyrone loved the mugs, but the logo would smudge when in contact with sunscreen. Some looked pretty gross by the end of the week.






    If you want to do #1 than do it! It's supposed to be for you to have fun! and I'm sure you will!

    Originally Posted by capecodder View Post

    Thanks for the great suggestions beachnum and peach!!  It is going to be at home before we go away.  I agree with you beachbum - no strippers!


    I gave my girlfriends  two options either pole dancing lessons or self serve facials and then going out somewhere afterwards.  I really hope we do option number 1.  I have always wanted to try pole dancing!!


  8. Hello all my fabulous January Brides!

    We're back from Jamaica Mr and Mrs! Nothing went as planned but it was more perfect than I could have ever imagined!

    On a side note, DH truck was stoledn from park and fly, recovered but un-driveable so we're dealing with the insurance companies today :(

    I'll post my review/planning thread as soon as I'm able to breath!


    Here our amazing phographers Blog of our pictures:


    The Wedding



    The Catamran Reception



    The TTD Shot


  9. AM,

    I'm so sorry to hear of your dilemma. I know how difficult it is. If your Dad and his wife coming would make any problems for you, or others that you care about uncomfortable then you have to do what you feel is best. I think Jay Kay said it best, It's about you and your FI. You don't need any extra drama.


    This is probably going to be my last post before we leave, as I have so much stuff still to do!

    Thank you all for your words of wisdom and guidance! I hope your day is all you dreamed about and more!

    "See" you in the new year, and a new life!



  10. Today's my last day at work for 2 weeks, just tying up lose ends... and using the copier for anything I still need to print!


    We leave in 3 days for Toronto, and married 1 week today! Ahhhh! So excited!

    Going to finishing my packing in the next 2 days, and then... relax!


    Had a stressful evening last night, had 2 wakes to go to and dinner with my Dad, where he proceeded to tell me (1 week before the wedding) that he's not coming, can't be around my Mom. Oh well his loss. We've got 90 ppl coming and the rest would miss it for their life!

  11. SS,

    Call your local municipality, ie. Toronto City Hall. They will issue you a Marriage Licence and should have a marriage commissioner available to perform a short ceremony and sign the papers.


    Originally Posted by SS2012 View Post

    hi ladies, quick question: what exactly does one have to do to get legally married in Ontario? we are just having a symbolic wedding in Punta Cana, but I'm not really sure what we need to do to make it legal in Ontario. Like you, we just want something very minimal since we consider Punta Cana our real wedding. How does it work? We have to say words in front of someone and sign papers? Any help would be appreciated! thanks! 


  12. BeachBride,

    You have to go try on more dresses!

    I was in the exact same predicament, always looking at other dresses, envying those that had found the "one"! I went out with my sister (who I am not that close to) found 3 different dresses that I loved at different stores and then at the last one, I found "it". You will know when it is the dress you are supposed to get married in. Even if you don't have anyone to go with, you still need to go try more on.

    This is just my opinion, and you can always sell the dress on ebay or craigs list if the store won't take it back.

  13. Here is what she put together for me, I love them! I didn't really know what I wanted or how to put them together but I had to have the red Hibiscus as it's are major theme!



    Originally Posted by CdnBeatPrincess View Post

    What colours are yours? Do you have a pic?


  14. Judy is amazing!

    Great prices and beautiful work!

    I can't wait to show off our flowers at the wedding!

    What is your bouqet going to look like?

    Originally Posted by CdnBeatPrincess View Post

    I'm so excited! yes again....LOL


    I ordered my real touch flowers from Judy (Bloom Bridal) last night. I can't wait to see the end result.


    Here's what I ordered:


    1 Bridal Bouquet 

    4 Bridesmaids Bouquets

    1 Groom's Boutonniere

    4 Groomsmen Boutonnieres

    2 Mother of the Bride and Groom Wrist Corsages


    $460 including tax.


    I think her pricing is fantastic. The bouquet I wanted, some other places quoted me nearly 200 bucks.


  15. Love Love Love these AM! You look fabulous!

    Where/what are you going your Civil ceremony, cause that is just too much dress not to show it off!


    Originally Posted by amjohnson View Post

    So I finally got to try both of my dresses on and have photos taken! Less then 2 weeks until our civil ceremony here, the ivory dress will be worn for that. I am taking the white dress with floral appliques to Mexico. I was going to take both but now I think it may be more of a pain. Thoughts? Now the only question is do I wear my hair differently for the civil and beach ceremonies with different dresses? I had planned on wearing my hair up in a loose chignon to one side with my hair flower in Mexico, but not sure if the ivory dress would look okay with hair down, it has a low back.


    dress1.jpg       dress2.jpg


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