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J and G 2012

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Everything posted by J and G 2012

  1. Thanks Ladies, That's why you need more than one set of eyes! On my "Good" copy I have it set out so that 1 sheet of paper is the same boarding pass thus 5 sheets will make me 3 Invites. Now I'm not a math girl...and I am having the hardest time trying to figure out how many sheets I need to make 55 Invites.... Anyone?
  2. Hello Ladies! and Gents?... Before I make the leap to print out our invites, I would like your honest opinions! We are only sending these to the guests that are already booked and coming to the wedding. I don't know many of the details of locations and times so I will be providing that info. down there, and hopefully the invite conveys that. Thank you, thank you, thank you! Jamie Wedding Invitations BDW.pdf
  3. I'm having trouble ordering from two different emails right now too. Never had the issue before.
  4. There are lots of things you could do with the postcards! We are using them as our guest book for both Jamaica and our AHR. I created bookmarks from the oversized postcards. Some brides use them for their welcome books as the cover. Check the Vistaprints threads for more ideas.
  5. We've been working with Melissa Forbes from Island Routes [email protected] She has been amazing (make sure you tell her I recommended you!). My FI went on a deep Sea Fishing excursion with them last year and loved it! They offer all kinds of excursions. The price is excellent! Way better than what the resort offered us! And in my opinion better than a sit down dinner that we could have done in Canada! Jamie
  6. Finally! I've found some other brides getting married here! We're booked for January 4, 2012, doing things a little different, as I've had some issues with the WCs. No Dinner but a catamaran reception organized off-site for our guests. How is eveyone else experience with the WC? I want to finalize the ceremony but they said they can't really customize it....Doesn't quite make sense to me. Jamie
  7. You've posted it before, I just can't remeber where, do you mind reminding me Thanks!
  8. Yes, We're all booked! They also arranged for transportation to the Dock for all of our guests (we pay the transportation company). We are so excited so are our guest who know about it. We've got a great cocktail reception menu and we will be doing all of our "dances" and cake cutting on the boat. Melissa has been amazing! I would recommend her in a second! Hopefully it all comes together down there! Jamie
  9. Good Morning Vietnam - Forest Whitaker
  10. Janet, Check out this thread, it really helps! http://www.bestdestinationwedding.com/t/35759/my-oot-bags-the-big-hits-and-the-things-that-weren-t-used
  11. Thanks for the input! I've checked out the website, but they do not say how long each session is, I mean how long will I be working out each day? From a trainer's prespective, Right now I work out every lunch for a 1/2hr, alternating between weights and cardio. Would it be benficial if I did cardio everyday at lunch and then P90X at home? I'm also trying to get FI to shed some bagage before the wedding, I think he would do the P90X with me, as he is in reasonably good shape (works physically hard everyday at work).
  12. Way to go Luvmoo!! I know how hard it is! I'm at the -50lbs mark too! I'm also doing a eating program, not as intense as Jenny but hard enough for someone who has never dieted before it their life! I'm sure your were beautiful before but the way you will look on your wedding day, and the pictures you will have for the rest of your life, amazing! Congrats!
  13. If you have never been to the Palladium, You will love it! Such an amazing resort. We originally wante dto get married there (saw some beautiful ones!) but it was out of the price range for our guests .
  14. I am working with www.papercircle.ca and love them! They have the Metalic Card stock and you can order Pocket folds, Folded cards, envelopes etc. Again, they are awesome to work with. Jamie
  15. Love them! I didn't ask my bridesmaids in a unique way and have been thinking about how to do a "thank-you" or something like that. Definately stealing the the shirt in the chest idea! Thanks!
  16. I just wanted to bump this thread because I think these are awesome! Definately getting some for our wedding party and parents!
  17. You didn't have any hassel at the airport? I'd be worried that they would not let us take them on the flight. I undertand that they would have to be checked, but still with all the rules nowadays.
  18. I would lke to have a fan program, the problem is, I'm not sure about the details of the actual ceremony. I know that we can include a few readings but I don't know any more than that. TA and WC down there keep telling me we will layout all the details when we get down there! Note sure If this is really someting I shoudl be stressing out over as the actual ceremony will only last 20min
  19. Meseh, Most are just clip art images that have been manipulated in some way (colour changed, resized etc.) in Powerpoint, Photoshop etc., It's just a matter of paying around, a deciding what you like.
  20. Le Vie en Rose has one piece bandeaus as well. Not sure what your dress is like, but you def. don't want tan lines in your pics!
  21. I want to do P90X! I just lost 50 lbs and have about 15 more to go before the wedding! I was planning on starting in September, Do you think 2 1/2 months is worth doing it? Thanks! Jamie
  22. Shell Boutonnieres, They are also a work in progrss My very first DIY project ever! I got out my hand-me-down glue gun and started playing around last night. Not sure if I love them yet. I'm going to keep playing around. FYI, I don't have a colour scheme, The girls are wearing tropical red so I included Red Feathers for the guys, but again not sold on it. I really don't want it to look tacky! I'm going to Michaels today to see what I can find!
  23. Has anyone seen coral for sale? I'm thinking about adding it to my DIY Shell Bouts, that is if I can find any Jamie
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