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J and G 2012

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Everything posted by J and G 2012

  1. Dominique, The Bridal Sash looks Like Etsy Work? Do you know who the seller is? I love it!
  2. Wow! The detail is amazing! I'm sure your wedding and AHP will be fabulous!
  3. I plan on making corsages as well. Can you tell me how you made these? Are your Flowers glued on or sewed? Tahnks!
  4. I had to giggle at this! What are you using the sand for?
  5. Hello All! I don't know why I've passed this thread for so long! Sounds like everyone's planning and projects are coming a long. I feel like I still have so much to do! And only 77 days to do it! One thing at a time, right?! Jamie
  6. Luvmoo, Don't forget about VS, My girls got the multiway dress, inexpensive and they all love it. It doesn't have your colours but they do have alot of other dresses.
  7. I'm starting today too! I'm a little worried, as I'm not in the best shape, i do go to the gym everyday but I've never worked myself that hard. I thought the Hubby and I could give it a try, we only have 2 1/2 months before the wedding, but it's better than nothing!
  8. Love Love Love! You look so beautiful! Can't wait to hear your review of Marcia Roberts! We may be booking her!
  9. Okay Ladies, I know we've talked about this before but I'm sort of in a crisis right now and need HELP! We just found out that our (local) photographers may not be coming with us to Jamaica anymore! So what photographer from Canada are you bringing down with you? Or if your are going to Jamaica, which local artist have you chosen?
  10. We are not doing a dinner so our favours will be the OOT bags and Candy Sticks with our logo on them placed with the hor derves on the Catamaran for the Cocktail Reception.
  11. I just found some pictures that may help you. I used the ceap rhinestones for my shoes but will be using the more expensive shiny ones for my flip flops.
  12. Do not use the preglued ones, they will not stay. I used Glue from Michaels made specificaly for gluing rhinestones on fabric. I usend them on my heals which are plastic and it works awesome!
  13. Congrats R! Your look beautiful! Thank you for the for the sentiment regarding your father walking you down the isle, this is something I have been struggling with since we started planning our wedding. Can wait to see the Pro Pics!
  14. Hey Ladies! Just wondering how the planning is going? Updates?
  15. You can use the ones with the closure for luggage tags as well. I bought these from this seller and would recommend them.
  16. We are doing a few group activities/games. Our family and friends are very active so I know they will participate, but I also don't want to overbook myself and everyone else, so all activities are optional. We are doing a volleyball, Beer Pong tournament so far.
  17. So kow that i have a few minutes I thought I'd post the final product! These were alot of work but totally worth it! Our guests loved them! We handed most out at our jack and jill this weekend to save on postage. Because most people had booked by way of our saved the dates we only sent the invites to them and had no need of including info. on how to book, the package was more of a pre travel package including the invite (which as you can see from the first post, had the weekly itinerary, website info. and general tips). I ordered the metallic card stock from papercircle and I have to rave about their service! They are Canadian and went out of their way to please me! I order samples during the Canada post strick so It took forever to get to me. Then when I was ready to order they sent it to me Courier for FREE! I printed all the sheets on my printer at home, was really worried about this, and had a few smudges but all in all was great. We also included DIY luggage tags which were easy and inexpensive to make, just printed them out on regular cardstock, put them in the ID badges from walmart and tied a ribbon around them. We also provided a general packing list and the oposite side had the excursion pricelist for our resort. And since I diddn't wantto drag all the FREE Jamaica Tourist Magazines down with us, we threw that in too! My only word of advice for anyone who is thinking about DIY their Boarding passes would be to NOT cut the little pretend tear off section on the left. If was very difficult and not needed in my opinion. The only reason I did was because I printed the cut out lines. Anyways hope you like them! Feel free to ask any questions! Most of my bridal party is out of town, so I inlisted my mom's help with these. I couldnt have done it with out her!
  18. I'm having the same issue right now. Trying to figure out the ceremony and timeing for our guests. I spent all day on the ceremony script thread and I think I've got it all figured out, just have to go over it with my FI and hopefully we hear somthing from the WC soon so I make the programs!
  19. Amazing Photos! Love your dress! Did you do the TTD beach scene at the resort?
  20. We are getting married in January, so hopefully it goes well! We're not really having wedding colours, but the BMs dresses and and coordinating flowers are red. I'm putting all of our invites together this weekend, already printed them out, now for all the cutting! Will post pictures when I am done.
  21. Tori, How well did your Boarding Pass pocket stay using the glue stick. I'm having trouble getting mine to stay put, I haven't tried a glue stick yet, just a glue pen But my cardstock is very heavy. Thanks Jamie
  22. In our invitation package we are including the price list for the resort excursions, a packing list. I think what you are talking about is the pre-travel brouchure that lots of brides give out before they leave.
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