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About ericka417

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  1. I am also upset that prettypig is no longer on the site. I know she was a lil brass but the internet is an international community and unlike her in the US, many cultures are more open with their opinions especially when you post pics and ask for advice. I do not feel she went overboard especially not the last comment that got her restricted from forum posting. Would we rather have everyone tell us that we are perfect, look great, but truly feel as though the dress is not right for our body-type? Some on the site are a bit more sensitive than others and some are a bit more open with their opinion. In the international internet community you will face them all. As they always said when i was growing up "sticks and stones will break your bones but your words will never hurt me. Remember only the opinion of those you trust should matter.
  2. I saw this one in Davids and thought it was adorable. Just make sure they can do the organza flowers well.
  3. Rowe Your dress looks great. I cant see anything that needs fixin so at least it is picture ready
  4. The beading is great. Even with all the alterations your dress will be cheaper than the original. You look great!!!!1
  5. Ericka (Soon2BNJersey) Who was our photographer?
  6. That sounds great. I am a little concerned because there are going to be ~12-15 people in my group on a tuesday. I dont know what we will do after the dinner.
  7. kjsawyer your dress looks great and you look great in it. Did you need to do any adjustments when it arrived
  8. SO far Jasmines has been great. I suggest you go with them. I ordered a dress from jasmines and from babyonline better service at jasmines bridal.
  9. We are in the same boat I am trying to get to 150 but some say you need 155
  10. interesting i might try that one. Mail them prior to leaving. Did they all arrive on the same day?
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