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Everything posted by MinisterPetra

  1. There are countless wedding photographers around all catering for different budgets so the best I can recommend is do your research and see who caters for your particular needs. We all have our 'favorites' but the important thing is to hire someone who you 'click' with, who can motivate you, who is artistic and who is reliable and whom you trust. What works for one doesn't necessarily work for someone else! Some photographers post fantastic pictures but they are not so cool to work with for various reasons. Get quotes from various photographers but don't simply choose the cheapest, you will always get what you pay for at the end of the day. Some are more professional than others and don't forget the size of the mega pixels on their cameras are not the most important thing either. One of my personal favorite's is www.grae-leaf.com, a young Californian guy who started off in L.A. and studied at the NY Arts Academy but there are many other good photographers. Everyone is different and in my profession as a Minister I have come across most photographers who work in this area. Having worked in photography myself for several years (not as a photographer but admin, assistant, pre- and post production) I feel that it is just as important to hire someone who you feel comfortable with as someone who knows their camera inside out. If they can't motivate you in an unobtrusive way to get 'that' shot or sense your mood at a particular moment and who is constantly aware of where they should be at the right moment, the best photographer is not going to deliver the pictures you want. Email photographers and make sure you talk with them in person just to get a feeling who they are and how they tick, don't necessarily listen to who's booked whom, everyone is different and everyone has a different personality. Good luck!
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