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Everything posted by sarahgn4t

  1. Wow JB that is an amazing deal! Way cheaper than mine I know my wedding is in February that is why it is more expensive but for 7 nights we are getting $1954 per person! We should of chose a different month!! Too late now my save the dates are already out!!! I am hoping air goes down so we get better rates. We are making everyone purchase the Price Match Guarantee in hope that our price will go down. I forget who asked but we are flying out of Chicago. JB did you figure out how to look up pricing with your FMIL login information? I wonder if I should have you check for me even though I am already in contract???
  2. As far as group rates goes...If you purchase Price Match Guarantee as a group you can get any lower rates that come out for your package. You also get the 6th room free promo. As far as air goes you get every 11th passenger free for charter flights. There is probably a section on apple's website that explains it all but Yes the group rates end up being the same amount as what is posted on the site.
  3. Here is what the traveling with children section says on their website. Infants under two years of age throughout the duration of their vacation may fly and stay free, but must sit on an adult’s lap and do not receive a separate baggage allowance. Some scheduled airlines may charge for infants, including air-related taxes, and some countries do charge infant departure taxes. Any such charges by independent suppliers or governments are the responsibility of the client. Restrictions may apply to “Kids Stay, Play and Eat FREE†programs and most hotels require that children must be accompanied by full-paying adults and pay airfare. Policies vary by individual hotels. Hotels may check the passports of children at check-in to verify they qualify for any discounted child room rate. At select hotels in Cancun and Riviera Maya, a single parent traveling with up to two or three children (varies by hotel) is not charged the single supplement. The hotels reserve the right to collect the single supplement in resort, or cancel any extra room upon arrival, if the promotional policy is not used in the manner for which it was intended. Restrictions apply. top
  4. [email protected] I may have forgotton an L in that address before so try this link. Sorry about that! Phone # (847)683-2945 Apple updated their prices around 2pm and the air did not post till around 3ish today. I would call them tomorrow but you should be able to check rates as a package on their website. I know earlier the hotel portion was not posting available rooms but it should come up now. Let me know if you need more help~ [email protected] Getting excited~So glad I have all of you to chat with about the hotel and wedding planning. It is so much easier talking to people in the same situation!!!
  5. Cute dress JB! I love it! It is perfect for the beach! It looks coral to me but its hard to tell! Acutie RN I know when I took mine to staples the sizing was all off and they were able to make it fit my template. They should know how to do it and if not they can probably download the font from the Internet for their version of word. Good Luck!!
  6. Apple has posted new pricing! They are super swamped in group bookings today so they extended my contract till tomorrow. They just posted about an hour ago. The cool thing is if I hold rates for my guests as long as we purchase the price match guarantee we get the best rate if it does go down. And they price match so if I find a better price on a different site they will match it. So I am just having my agent add the $30 price match guarantee to the rates we are giving our guests. I am concerned with this hotel. I am hoping they are just super busy with hotel being open only a few weeks. My client is staying at the NOW over Memorial Day weekend so I am hoping she can see how the hotel works and take some pics for us!
  7. Target has paper lanterns in their dollar section right now as well! I think they may have been a few bucks but I was concerned with plugging them in as well! Maybe I will go back and pick some up just in case the hotel will let us use them! I ended up getting green and pink bags but they were not the cute straw ones, These were lighter and woven. I will take pic this week and post! Hope to have some good news posted in the morning!!!!
  8. Hey ladies! I talked to my client at Apple who works with the Now Hotels to get 2012 rates for hotel and air and he said that hopefully by Monday they will have the new rates posted. He said the latest would be Tuesday so lets hope this posts on Monday as that is when my contract will end unless I put my deposit down for rates. I went to Target today and bought most of their $1 section!! They had some really cute beach totes for $2.50. They had ones for $1 too but the more expensive ones were cuter of course! I also got some cute beachy makeup bags that I figured I would put in the totes for the ladies that want to use for their money and stuff by the pool. They also had some plastic beach banks (lanyard plastic container thingy) I thought may work for the guys to put their room keys and cigarettes or misc items for at the pool as well! I am going to check another target tomorow to see what else I can find. They did have an off brand spf and aloe vera as well for $2.50 but I figured I would keep looking for some for $1.(maybe in the travel size section) Getting so excited that I get to start doing the fun stuff but anxiously awaiting for Apple to get on their game!! Acutie RN- Great Website! Love the pic! I am 5'1 as well but think I may be going with a short dress so those may work for me. Otherwise I am going to try and find some reasonably priced ones for my girls just because they are so darn cute! Being so short I want to wear heals but not knowing what kind of dress I am going to wear makes shoe shopping a couple months more down the road!
  9. Have you ladies checked out barefoot jewelery? I think I want to get a pair for my wedding day!
  10. So my source said we would have pricing this week. I got apple to extend my contract till Monday so I am praying that prices are displayed on Monday!!!~!!! There is a way the agents can check prices on Apple to get better pricing then we can so the way they have my contract laid out is air and hotel seperate so I am trying to wait till I can put it all together. I will let you know as soon as I hear something! My guests started receiving their save the dates today and I am getting all kinds of hits on my wedding website so I am super stoked!!! I am just impatiently awaiting for Apple to post pricing with the NOW!! My client is staying at the NOW over memorial day weekend so I told her to take lots of pictures and let me know how everything is!! As far as OOT bags go.......I found some reasonable ones on Oriental Trading but I am going to keep looking. Maybe I will take a drive to Indiana and check out the Christmas Store. What are some things you ladies are putting in your OOT bags? I am thinking of making some labels for sunblock and chapstick with sunscreen. I also think I will make a brochure on Vista Print with a itinerary of events and list of phone numbers etc.
  11. What is this christmas shop you ladies are speaking of? Do they have an online store??
  12. My travel agent is Jan McGhee. [email protected] I am assuming that because I am in Chicago it is cheaper. Not sure why. Maybe because it is such a big airport there are more flights?? I did get a quote from another travel agent that one of you are using. Nora? Just to price compare and it was pretty much the same. I think there was a $4 difference. I am hoping to hear something tomorrow so I will let you know!
  13. My travel agent works for Travel Leaders but she used to work for Apple so she is either going to get rates thru apple or am resorts. I think that is the name of the other company. Like I said before rates should come out this week with the Now. If you go on any of the travel sites now you will not see any pricing, or any pricing that is worth looking at. Those rates are what I have in contract now but I have till May 13th before I have to put any money down to guarantee those rates. I was given those rates about a month ago. Apple is working with the Now Larimar at getting package deals for next year and my contact there said they will be posted by the end of this week so I am hoping that we will be getting better rates than what I already have in contract. So I will let you know as soon as I hear from them as far as new pricing goes. The airfare rates I got are through USA 3000. I will be holding 40 seats on charter flights for 4, 5 and 7 night stays. We are flying from Chicago O'hare International and those are direct flights into Punta Cana. What pricing are you getting for flights?? I know if you look now they are high but like I said if you give it a few days new pricing will come out and they are going to be releasing more flights when these new prices come out as well so we should see the flight prices go down from what they are now as well. My email is [email protected] if you want any other information. Sometimes I don't check this site for a few days so if you need any other questions answered just let me know! Fingers crossed ladies that we hear some good news about pricing this week!
  14. Here are the rates I was quoted for February 2012. DLX TROP NOW Larimar 4 nts 2/15 664 dbl + air 429.99 + taxes $294.20 = $1388.19 per person 7 nts 2/15 1138 dbl + air $359.99 + taxes $294.20 = $1792.19 per peson 9 nts 2/13 1454 dbl + air $409.99 + taxes $294.20 = $2158.19 per person I am waiting for a response from my agent for updated pricing! My client told me that new rates for the Now will be posted this week so lets hope that rates go down for all of us!!
  15. I used mywedding.com Take a look if you need ideas! http://www.mywedding.com/sarahandkevinsmart.com
  16. Hey ladies! I have a client that works for Apple in corporate. He is the guy that works with the hotels to getting deals posted. This is just a huge insider helpful tip. He emailed me tonight to let me know they finalized pricing with the Now Larimar today for pricing deals for next year. He said that these prices will be posted by the end of next week!!!! We are finally getting somewhere!!!! So if you are not seeing the prices you want know that by next week we will have some answers!!! They may not be the answers we want to see but there will be answers. I am hoping that since the hotel just opened we will be getting some sweet deals!!! Yay!!!! I am so excited!!!!!
  17. I am getting so excited especially since I have all of you to talk to!!! It makes it so much easier!!!!
  18. Hello Ladies! The water bottle labels I bought are going to be used on the actual envelopes but I bought extra so I am sure there are plenty of things I can make with them. I would recommend taking them to office max or staples unless you have a laser printer. I print a lot of postcards and newsletters for my salon and it is so much easier to let some one else do it!! I always end up wasting so much paper and go thru a ton of ink. There are certain days that printing is 1/2 off or discounted depending on your area. I would call and see if they have any specials. I borrowed my friends laser printer for a newsletter I sent last year and because the ink is so expensive I spent more on that than I did on the last ones I had printed. I am sending out 140 so I just think it would be worth bringing them in but if I only had 30 I would feel comfortable doing my own.
  19. So far I have spent $120 on save the dates. Hopefully officemax can print them for a decent price!!! Does anyone know a direct phone number for Emy or Claribel? I have left a few messages and emailed them Friday Monday and Today and still have not heard back from them. I am not sure who it was I talked to about them having weddings 3 times a day. It was someone that worked there but maybe she was just exaggerating??? I wish it was easier to communicate with them!!!
  20. I do it yourself is the company that made my save the dates and labels. She has a store on etsy that I purchased the templates from. The save the date boarding pass was $30 and the label template is $15. Not bad! I purchased the labels online as well as the paper. Labels I bought are for water bottles but they were the size I needed and they were hard to find in stores. I pirchased those on Sheet Labels.Com and the paper from Paper and More http://www.idoityourself.com.au/
  21. Hey! I am not sure what I am going to do about the dresses. If I order them online there is a 30% restocking fee. I know a lady that owns a bridal shop and I am hoping she will order them as sample dresses for me. I had a friend that she did that for a few years back so I am hoping she will do it for me as well. Especially since they are 1/3 of the price!! I tried getting a hold of the wedding coordinator today too. I was trying to see if maybe I can switch my date from a friday to a saturday. I think if I do a saturday my chances of guests coming may be higher since they will have to take off less work. I did talk to someone at the hotel and she said that the past few days they have had about 3 weddings a day so the coordinator is super busy. I need to get my boarding pass template finalized so I can get them sent out.!! She said that she will hopefully get back to me this week! It is such a pain getting a hold of them! This is not the only hotel I have dealt with over the past few months so I know it is a common problem for brides. The lady that is making my boarding pass template is also making me matching wrap around address labels for my save the dates! Super cute! I am so excited. I ordered the plain labels and envelopes and paper today. I am so excited to get them and so nervous about the color and thickness of them! I need to get these out asap so I can an idea of how many guests we are going to have coming. I have no idea how big this wedding is going to be!! I wish I could take a month off work so I can get all of this done!! Planning a wedding is becoming a full time job!!!!!!!
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