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Posts posted by DramaticAnnie

  1. Don't know if anyone else buys AVON but in their current campaign (Campaign 13) the 150ml tube of Care Deeply Aloe Gel is on for $1.89... pretty good price for that size. I've seen the smaller bottles of aloe but people always get so sunburnt and you need a lot of it for relief, especially if you burn your shoulders/back! I just started selling Avon as a way to try to raise extra $ for the wedding, I'm going to be my own best customer lol

  2. So first of all I found Jennifer Allison designs through someone on this site when I first joined and got her to do a custom logo/monogram for me since I am getting married on a cruise ship.. she has a maximum of three different edits you can do with her design for a set price that you pay ahead of time... and working together we came up with:


    Annie & Blaine Final.jpg

    Which I thought was super nice and polished and professional looking... I still like it very much. Then after seeing some of the designs that Allurements by Rebecca  has done.. I couldn't stay away.. have you guys's seen Brandy's Planning thread? If not, go check it out.. you'll see what I mean when I say I wanted a monogram that had design elements in it that would tie all of my stuff together.. not just sticking the same logo on every tag, postcard, etc but the design scheme and colors, etc. So this is what Rebecca has come up with for us, and I LOVE it:


    Wedding Monogram Final.jpg

    It's gorgeous, I love it, and we were able to sneak some personal stuff in there, like the little skull and crossbones, my fiancee is big into skulls and pirates and tattoos and motorcycles and all that sort of thing, lol, and I was hoping to have that expressed somewhere where it wouldn't look too awkward.. then for myself I asked for a feather to be snuck into the design somewhere because of my being a First Nations person and I wanted to get the Aboriginal part in there without it taking over the design.. plus I gave her colors to work with and told her what starfish I liked best (I don't particularly like the 'pencil' starfish) and voila~ oh and she got a little cruise ship in there too! Bonus :D

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  3. Oh wow! I have never seen a DIY project where I loved ALL of the colors in the project but I really really really like this one. I wonder if it's too late to convince my FI to have a bit of purple in there along with our turquoise, aqua, greens, and black and white, lol...


    I know this is an older project but really fab, great job with it, love it, i'm sure your guests were wowed by it! That's what I want, to send my guests something that will make them excited (well, even more excited) about the trip! :D

  4. I figured I'd take them to a place that does engraving, I know a local trophy shop that engraved some knives for me before, so I was going to take them to there and inquire if they can be engraved and for how much.. since they do have a metal thing.. and I'd only engrave it with the persons first name they're intended for, not any of the wedding details or whatever. And that's IF we want to personalize them.


    And yes the raincheck had no problems, you tell them how many you had wanted (I had needed an additional 8) and they gave me a raincheck for 8, I even got a little notice telling me when they were back in stock and I was able to go in and pick them up after that.

  5. Hey Lasallebabe, does your bag guy only do drawstring backpacks? lol


    Originally Posted by Lasallebabe View Post

    Hey kim0806


    If you are in Canada I have a guy who can direct you to some awesome bags for around $3 or so...top quality stuff...he has several options I believe.



    Are you looking for a cotton kind or the more sporty looking ones? Have you tried ebay? Here's the first result I got after typing in "lot drawstring backpack" http://cgi.ebay.com/Drawstring-4-oz-Cotton-Backpack-Tote-Lot-24-/120732413732?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item1c1c366f24


    You never know what you're going to find on ebay



  6. Is it just all of the stuff weighing you guys down? You're making me panic about how to get my OOT bag stuff down to Florida now (I live in Nova Scotia, Canada) and most of the stuff I've told/asked my parents and brothers to take with them in their luggage.. my bulkiest thing will probably be Bubba Keg Mugs for the guys (haven't decided if I'm buying any for the ladies as well lol, I wasn't planning to until I saw their awesome color choices they have now, purples and aquas, etc.). But I'm not taking any bottled water or anything. What are your heaviest items?


    And with a cruise, once you check your luggage when you arrive it's not guaranteed to show up in your room until after the boat leaves the port, which is like 6 hours later so they've already told us to take everything on board that we will need for the wedding.. including wedding dress, bridesmaids and groomsmen attire, shoes, wedding reception items, etc. So I don't think OOT bags will make it to the guests until after the actual wedding, but I really want guests to have the bags delivered to their rooms and I'm trying to keep it a surprise.. so I may enlist the help of my MOH to assemble the guests bags the night before the wedding (We're only going to be there one day in advance and will be with EVERYone), but I'll keep the MOH/Best Man and Bridesmaids/Groomsmen bags to myself and my fiancee since we're putting their extra little gifts in there.

  7. Canadian Tire has an awesome thing called Sale Alerts on their website - go to Canadian Tire's website and sign up for an account with them. You can't buy things online but you'll get the flier in your email etc. The best thing is you can go to your product you're interested in (for example the 20oz. Bubba Keg mini mugs) and then click ADD SALE ALERT... Then when the product is coming up on sale that week it will send you an email a couple of days before the sale starts letting you know "Your product is coming up on sale at Canadian Tire". I have the bubba mugs on my sale alert list along with a couple of other things I've been able to buy once they came on sale and then remove off my list. LOVE this option. Why don't more websites have this option??


    Also, I've only had them on my sale alert thing for maybe 3 months at the most and they have gone on sale twice during that time for $4.99 each. The first time I went they only had like a couple in, so I just got a raincheck for the rest I wanted and went in a couple weeks later and picked them up :)


    Happy Shopping!

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